Facility Characteristics Associated with Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Waiting Times at U.S. Emergency Departments Nancy Sonnenfeld,1 Susan M. Schappert,1 Stephen R. Pitts2 , AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting June 28, 2010 1Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,, National Center for Health Statistics University School of Medicine Disclaimer: This presentation reflects only the views of its authors and are not necessarily those of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2Emory W i i for Waiting f Treatment T May threaten quality including patient safety Previous researchers have demonstrated racial and ethnic disparities p Research Objectives Describe racial/ethnic disparities in waiting time Assess within and across ED disparities in waiting time Identify hospital/ED characteristics associated with waiting time Examine their impact on disparities. Conceptual Model: ED Crowding Emergency Department Crowding Ph i l Capacity Physical C it and d Financial Fi i lR Resources Data Source 2005-2006 National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey, y, Emergency g y Department p Module ((NHAMCSED) annual nationally representative survey of U.S EDs, and visits i it to t them th non-federal hospitals with emergency departments or outpatient departments data are gathered about the ED by interview with a clinic administrator, and about visits by abstracting records from a random sample Outcome Variable Waiting Time Defined as duration from time of arrival to time seen by a physician By definition, definition excluded visits where patient died on arrival or left before being seen (may underestimate overall wait times) Visit Variables Primary independent variable: patient race and Hispanic ethnicity Other: triage status, hour of visit, patient age, patient sex, expected payment source, arrival by ambulance Hospital/ED Variables Variable Reason Percent non non-Hispanic Hispanic black, Hispanic Disparity ED volume, 4-week observation period Input Percent visits with advanced imaging Throughput Ownership, O hi M Metropolitan li location, l i % visits i i with ih P Previous i Medicaid/S-CHIP, and uninsured NHAMCS ese c research Can’t Measure Boarding Well… …Tried to Control for Output Variable Reason Percent visits six or more hours treatment time Output/ and admitted or transferred boarding proxy Percent visits six or more hours treatment time Throughput Analytical Approach Sample Size 63,744 eligible visits to 457 EDs Waiting W iti Time Ti Right skewed distribution Medians presented in descriptive analysis Variable log-transformed for models (interpret coefficient as % change) SAS and SAS-callable Sudaan Descriptive statistics Examined plots and quartile distributions to determine how to specify continuous variables Hybrid fixed effects linear regression models (GEE) Too many ED variables; best subsets approach Median Waiting Time by Race/Ethnicity, United States,, 2005-2006 Race/Ethnicity Sample Size Median (95% Confidence Interval) Total 63,744 37.9 (35.0-40.8) Non-Hispanic White 37,421 34.5 (30.9-38.1) Non-Hispanic Black 13,925 44.3 (40.3-48.2)** Hispanic 9,300 46.7 (42.7-50.7)** Asian 1,877 33.6 (27.4-39.9) Other 1,221 29.8 (23.6-35.9) **p < .001 Source: National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey Racial/Ethnic Differences in Waiting Time, U it d St United States t 2005-2006 2005 2006 Regression Coefficient (95% Confidence Interval) U dj Unadjusted d I t Intercept t 3 31 (3.24, 3.31 (3 24 33.37) 37) Overall Non-Hispanic white Non Hispanic black Non-Hispanic Hispanic Reference 0 30 (0.22, 0.30 (0 22 0.39)** 0 39)** 0.34 (0.26, 0.41)** Overall O ll adjusted dj d for f visit characteristics^ 3.28 (3.19, 3.37) Within Wi hi andd across adjusted for visit characteristics^ 3.30 ( 3.22, 3.38) Reference 0 26 (0.17-0.34)** 0.26 (0 17 0 34)** 0.29 (0.22-0.37)** Within Non-Hispanic white Non-Hispanic black Hispanic Reference 0.03 (-0.01, 0.06) 0.08 ( 0.50, 0.12)* Across (10 percentage point difference in composition) 22% black and 13% Hispanic Non-Hispanic black Hi Hispanic i Reference 0.09 ( 0.06, 0.11)** 0.09 ( 0.06, 0.12)** Waiting time is log-transformed. ^Adjusted for age, sex, triage assessment, time of arrival, arrival by ambulance, and expected source of payment. Source: National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey,** < .001; * p < .05 ED Characteristics Associated with Waiting Time, United States, 2005-2006 Regression R i Coefficient C ffi i (95% Confidence Interval) Intercept ED volume (per 4 week sampling period) (1,000 visits) per 1,000 visit increase 3,100 or more Percent visits 6 hours or more for treatment 0 -2.39 % (Quartile 1) 2 4 5 09% (Quartile 2) 2.4-5.09% 5.1-8.79% (Quartile 3) 8.8-87.6% (Quartile 4) 3 18 (3.02, 3.18 (3 02 33.33) 33) Reference 0.24 ((0.17,, 0.32)) ** 0.72 (0.51, 0.92) ** -0.28 (-0.41, -0.14) ** -0.25 (-0.39, -0.12) ** -0.20 (-0.31, -0.08) * Reference Waiting time is log-transformed. Adjusted for age, sex, race/ethnicity, triage assessment, time of p source of payment. p y Also adjusted j for hospital p arrival,, arrival byy ambulance,, and expected inpatient bed size, ownership, and race and ethnicity of visits. Source: National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey,** < .001; * p < .05 Racial/Ethnic Differences in Waiting Time, United States, 2005-2006 R Regression i Coefficients C ffi i Without ED characteristics With ED characteristics Within Non-Hispanic white Non-Hispanic black Hispanic Reference 0.03 (-0.01, 0.06) 0.08 ( 0.05, 0.12)** Reference 0.02 (-0.01, 0.05) ) 0.07 ((0.04,, 0.11)** Across (10 percentage point difference in composition) 22% black and 13% Hispanic Non-Hispanic p black Hispanic Reference 0.09 ( 0.06, 0.11)** 0.11) 0.09 ( 0.06, 0.12)** Reference 0.05 (0.03, 0.08)** 0.08) 0.05 (0.02, 0.08)** Adjusted for age, age sex, sex triage assessment, assessment time of arrival arrival, arrival by ambulance, ambulance and expected source of payment payment, ED volume volume, Percent visits 6 or more hours of treatment, inpatient bed size and ownership Source: National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey,** < .001; * p < .05 Main Findings In U.S. Emergency Departments (EDs), nonHi Hispanic i black bl k andd Hispanic Hi i patients ti t wait it longer than non-Hispanic white patients Most di M disparities i i occur because b patients i off different racial/ethnic groups are treated in different EDs Even within an individual ED, Hispanic patients wait about 8% longer Main Findings Of ED characteristics examined, ED volume mostt strongly t l associated i t d with ith waiting iti time ti Long waiting times correlated with prolonged treatment time i among all ll visits i i regardless dl off visit disposition Limitations Analysis does not identify factors contributing to volume and inefficiency Cannot distinguish between factors affecting g all aspects p of crowding g role of boarding BUT adjustment dj for f throughput/output h h / does d not substantially diminish volume-waiting time association Policy Implications To address disparities in waiting time, ED volume appears pp important p Boarding or inefficiencies during treatment may explain some disparities; better measures needed to understand this problem Much remains unexplained C t t me att nls2@cdc.gov Contact l 2@ d