Facility Characteristics Associated with Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Waiting Times at U.S. Emergency Departments Nancy Sonnenfeld1 AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting June 26, 2010 1Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,, National Center for Health Statistics Disclaimer: This presentation reflects only the views of its authors and are not necessarily those of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Co-Authors Susan M. Schappert, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,, National Center for Health Statistics Stephen R. Pitts, Emory University School of Medicine C Crowding di “A situation in which the identified need for emergency services outstrips available resources in the emergency department”1 May threaten quality including patient safety Previous researchers have demonstrated racial and ethnic disparities in waiting time 1Asplin et al. Ann Emerg Med. 2003;42:173-180. Research Objectives 1. Describe racial/ethnic disparities in wait time for patients i off all ll ages. Assess A within i hi andd across ED disparities in wait time. 2. Identify hospital/ED characteristics associated with p on disparities. p wait time. Examine their impact Conceptual Model: ED Crowding Emergency Department Crowding Ph i l Capacity Physical C it and d Financial Fi i lR Resources Data Source 2005-2006 National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey, y, Emergency g y Department p Module ((NHAMCSED) annual nationally representative survey of U.S EDs, and visits i it to t them th non-federal hospitals with emergency departments or outpatient departments data are gathered about the ED by interview with an ED clinic administrator, and about patients/visits by abstracting records from a random sample of visits Outcome Variable Waiting Time Defined as duration from time of arrival to time seen by a physician By definition, definition excluded visits where patient died on arrival or left before being seen (may underestimate overall wait times) Patient/Visit Variables Primary independent variable: patient race and Hispanic ethnicity Other: triage status, hour of visit, patient age, patient sex, expected payment source, arrival by ambulance Hospital/ED Variables Variable Reason Percent non non-Hispanic Hispanic black, Hispanic Disparity ED volume, 4-week observation period Input Percent visits with advanced imaging Throughput Ownership, O hi M Metropolitan li location, l i % visits i i with ih P Previous i Medicaid/S-CHIP, and uninsured NHAMCS ese c research Can’t Measure Boarding Well… …Tried to Control for Output Variable Reason Percent visits six or more hours treatment time Output/ and admitted or transferred boarding proxy Percent visits six or more hours treatment time Throughput Analytical Approach Sample Size 63,744 eligible visits to 457 EDs Waiting W iti Time Ti Right skewed distribution Medians presented in descriptive analysis Variable log-transformed for models (interpret coefficient as % change) SAS and SAS-callable Sudaan Descriptive statistics Examined plots and quartile distributions to determine how to specify continuous variables Hybrid fixed effects linear regression models (GEE) Too many ED variables; best subsets approach Median Waiting Time by Race/Ethnicity, United States,, 2005-2006 Race/Ethnicity Sample Size Median (95% Confidence Interval) Total 63,744 37.9 (35.0-40.8) Non-Hispanic White 37,421 34.5 (30.9-38.1) Non-Hispanic Black 13,925 44.3 (40.3-48.2)** Hispanic 9,300 46.7 (42.7-50.7)** Asian 1,877 33.6 (27.4-39.9) Other 1,221 29.8 (23.6-35.9) **p < .001 Source: National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey Racial/Ethnic Differences in Waiting Time, U it d St United States t 2005-2006 2005 2006 Regression Coefficient (95% Confidence Interval) U dj Unadjusted d I t Intercept t 3 31 (3.24, 3.31 (3 24 33.37) 37) Overall Non-Hispanic white Non Hispanic black Non-Hispanic Hispanic Reference 0 30 (0.22, 0.30 (0 22 0.39)** 0 39)** 0.34 (0.26, 0.41)** Overall O ll adjusted dj d for f visit characteristics^ 3.28 (3.19, 3.37) Within Wi hi andd across adjusted for visit characteristics^ 3.30 ( 3.22, 3.38) Reference 0 26 (0.17-0.34)** 0.26 (0 17 0 34)** 0.29 (0.22-0.37)** Within Non-Hispanic white Non-Hispanic black Hispanic Reference 0.03 (-0.01, 0.06) 0.08 ( 0.50, 0.12)* Across (10 percentage point difference in composition) 22% black and 13% Hispanic Non-Hispanic black Hi Hispanic i Reference 0.09 ( 0.06, 0.11)** 0.09 ( 0.06, 0.12)** Waiting time is log-transformed. ^Adjusted for age, sex, triage assessment, time of arrival, arrival by ambulance, and expected source of payment. Source: National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey,** < .001; * p < .05 ED Characteristics Associated with Waiting Time, United States, 2005-2006 Regression R i Coefficient C ffi i (95% Confidence Interval) Intercept ED volume (per 4 week sampling period) (1,000 visits) per 1,000 visit increase 3,100 or more Percent visits 6 hours or more for treatment 0 -2.39 % (Quartile 1) 2 4 5 09% (Quartile 2) 2.4-5.09% 5.1-8.79% (Quartile 3) 8.8-87.6% (Quartile 4) 3 18 (3.02, 3.18 (3 02 33.33) 33) Reference 0.24 ((0.17,, 0.32)) ** 0.72 (0.51, 0.92) ** -0.28 (-0.41, -0.14) ** -0.25 (-0.39, -0.12) ** -0.20 (-0.31, -0.08) * Reference Waiting time is log-transformed. Adjusted for age, sex, race/ethnicity, triage assessment, time of p source of payment. p y Also adjusted j for hospital p arrival,, arrival byy ambulance,, and expected inpatient bed size, ownership, and race and ethnicity of visits. Source: National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey,** < .001; * p < .05 Racial/Ethnic Differences in Waiting Time, United States, 2005-2006 Regression Coefficients Without ED characteristics With ED characteristics Within Non-Hispanic white p black Non-Hispanic Hispanic Reference 0.03 ((-0.01, 0.06)) 0.08 ( 0.05, 0.12)** Reference 0.02 ((-0.01, 0.01, 0.05) 0.07 (0.04, 0.11)** Across (10 percentage point difference in composition) 22% black and 13% Hispanic Non-Hispanic black Hispanic Reference 0.09 ( 0.06, 0.11)** 0.09 ( 0.06, 0.12)** Reference 0.05 (0.03, 0.08)** 0.05 (0.02, 0.08)** Adjusted for age, sex, triage assessment, time of arrival, arrival by ambulance, and expected source of payment, ED volume, Percent visits 6 or more hours of treatment, inpatient bed size and ownershipp Source: National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey,** < .001; * p < .05 Main Findings In U.S. Emergency Departments (EDs), nonHi Hispanic i black bl k andd Hispanic Hi i patients ti t wait it about b t 30% longer than non-Hispanic white patients Most di M disparities i i occur because b patients i off different racial/ethnic groups are treated in different EDs Even within an individual ED, Hispanic patients wait about 8% longer Within individual EDs, non-Hispanic black and white patients wait about the same amount of time Main Findings Of ED characteristics examined, ED volume mostt strongly t l associated i t d with ith waiting iti time ti Long waiting times correlated with prolonged treatment time i among all ll visits i i regardless dl off visit disposition Limitations Analysis does not identify factors contributing to volume and inefficiency Cannot distinguish between factors affecting g all aspects p of crowding g role of boarding BUT adjustment dj for f throughput/output h h / does d not substantially diminish volume-waiting time association Policy Implications To address disparities in waiting time, ED volume appears pp important p Boarding or inefficiencies during treatment may explain some disparities; better measures needed to understand this problem Much remains unexplained