Getting Research Findings Used Cindy Brach Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Center for Delivery, y Organization, g and Markets June 29, 2010 Roadmap Early User Buy Buy--In: CHIRITM How do Implementers Think?: Will It Work Here? H ? Turning Research Into Products: Pharmacy Health Literacy Audience Testing: g Health Literacy y Universal Precautions Toolkit Early User BuyBuy-in: a Don’t wait until you have findings to work with target g audiences – Worked with local policymakers when formulating research – Multiple contacts – National N ti lU Users G Group trusted source Provided researchers feedback Assisted with dissemination Know Your Audience and How to Reach Them CHIRITM Issue Briefs – don’t have to read past page. g 1st p Dissemination Strategy – Establish dissemination partnerships with key constituencies – Utilize a variety of mechanisms You Can Can’tt Implement Findings What information is need for replication? Which audiences do you need to reach? What mechanisms will reach them? Project RED finding: 30% reduction in readmissions & ED Will It Work Here? What implementers consider: Module I: Does this innovation fit? Module II: Should we do it here? Module III: Can we do it here? Module IV: How can we do it here? What Is the Innovation? Wh Thi Why This M Matters tt Assessing the feasibility of adopting a particular innovation begins with an understanding of how the innovation works and the scope of the innovation Decisionmakers should also examine other organizations’ innovation. experiences with the innovation. What may work effectively in one setting may not work as well in another, so it is important to consider factors such as context, setting, and circumstances, along with evidence of success. Key Questions to Consider How does the innovation work? What is the scope of the innovation? Where has the innovation been implemented? What is the evidence that the innovation worked? Research PILL Study Evaluate health literacy intervention: Train Pharmacists Counsel with Pill Card Automated Telephone Reminder System (ATRS) Products Implementation Aids Assessment Guide Training Curriculum Pill C Card dM Manuall ATRS Script User--Driven Product Design User Audience members are not researchers Researchers are not product design experts – Development team: research translators, graphic designers, communication experts Easy Easy--toto-read – Language, content, format Easy Easy--toto-Use – No special p hardware or software required q – Clear instructions Audience Testing Is it understandable? Is it confusing? Is it easy to find and use the information? Is it credible? Does it use language that your audience uses? Is I the th level l l off detail d t il right? i ht? H How d do th they see themselves using the information? What do they find helpful? What would they change? Health Literacy Universal Precautions Toolkit Web Web--based toolkit For adult and pediatric primary care practices Six Six--step plan for implementing the toolkit 20 short tools to identify and address areas needing g improvement Listening to Feedback Tested with 8 practices – – – – Quick Start Guide Keep it Short Real world examples Tracking g Progress g Worksheets to Track Progress What Questions Do You Have?