CSBS Senate Minutes Monday, March 3, 2014 Sabin 315 3:15pm

CSBS Senate Minutes _March_ 3rd 2014 Meeting 1
CSBS Senate Minutes
Monday, March 3, 2014
Sabin 315 3:15pm
Present: Tim Strauss (Geography), Chuck Holcombe (History, Vice Chair of the Senate), Cyndi
Dunn (SAC), Andy Gilpin (Psychology; Chair of the Senate), Ga-Young Choi (Social Work,
Secretary of the Senate), Elaine Eshbaugh, (SAHS), Ramona McNeal (Political Science),
Richard Featherstone (Associate Dean).
I. Approval of minutes from Feb. 3, 2013 meeting.
Minutes approved with correcting typos. Cyndi Dunn moves to motion and Elaine Eshbaugh
seconds to approve the minutes with the changes in the typos.
II. Update on Faculty Committee Elections.
Andy Gilpin will electronically send out solicitations for faculty committee election.
III. Potential Special meeting on Mar. 24 or 31.
A potential date for CSBS Senate's special meeting will be determined later depending on the
schedule of CSBS Dean search process. Andy Gilpin, the senate chair, will send out a survey for
possible meeting dates.
IV. Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS) update.
Last week, Dean Bass e-mailed an announcement about an information session of BAS program
at Oak Room of Maucker Union. The BAS committee will discuss updates about the BAS
program and collect feedback/ideas from faculty. Andy Gilpin encouraged faculty members to
attend especially if one's department is affected by transferred students.
V. Comments from the Associate Dean.
Associate Dean, Richard Featherstone, addressed recently happened tax fraud and identity theft
issues at UNI. The Dean's office is trying to find ways to best work with faculty and staff in
preventing and resolving tax fraud/identity theft problems. Cyndi Dunn also recommended that
all take the advantage of the one-year free credit monitoring service from the University.
V. Announcements.
No announcement was made.
VI. Adjournment
Cyndi Dunn moved for adjournment, Elaine Eshbaugh second, and motion passed.
Meeting adjourns.
CSBS Senate Minutes _March_ 3rd 2014 Meeting 2
Respectfully submitted,
Ga-Young Choi