CSBS Senate Minutes Monday, December 8th, 2014 Sabin 315 3:15pm

CSBS Senate Minutes_December_8_ 2014 Meeting 1
CSBS Senate Minutes
Monday, December 8th, 2014
Sabin 315 3:15pm
Present: Tim Strauss (Geography), Chuck Holcombe (History, Chair of the Senate),
Andy Gilpin (Psychology; Vice Chair of the Senate), Ga-Young Choi (Social Work),
William Henninger (SAHS), Brenda Bass (Dean), Tyler O’Brien (SAC), and Captain Dan
Nesdahl (Military Science)
Minute voting moved from Dec. 8th until next meeting
Next meeting Feb 2nd – Oak Room at Maucker @ 3:30 with CHAS
University Senate creating new committee to identify programs with identifiers
of a struggling program. They are looking for a college Senator (3 year term).
a. Henninger will serve as representative
Retreated into executive session
Emerged from executive session
Nominees for the Lubker Award:
a. Maclin & Vanwormer nominated
b. Fenech & Stalp nominated for CSBS outstanding scholar award
Nominees for 1943 Teaching Award
a. McCullagh & Kogl nominated
Nominees for Nielsen Award
a. Praglin nominated
CSBS – Tenure Track Faculty Award for Scholarship & Creative Activity
a. This award will be discussed at the Feb. 2nd joint meeting
b. Please seek nomination from departments and department heads
Comments from the Dean
a. Associate Dean search is coming to a close, should have official
announcement before end of semester.
b. VP positions moving along, VP of advancement and Provost
c. TIER study
i. RFP for academic review is out
1. Available on Regents website
2. Regents looking for faculty involvement
ii. RFPs out for implementation of other phases
iii. Performance based funding – Regents have suggested to
legislature this is the model they will use
Meeting Adjourned at 4:12
Respectfully submitted by William R. Henninger IV