CSBS Senate Minutes Monday, March 2, 2015 Sabin 315 3:15pm

CSBS Senate Minutes_March 2 Meeting 1
CSBS Senate Minutes
Monday, March 2, 2015
Sabin 315 3:15pm
Present: Chuck Holcombe (History, Chair of the Senate), Andy Gilpin (Psychology; Vice
Chair of the Senate), Ga-Young Choi (Social Work), William Henninger (SAHS), Ana
Kogl (Pol. Sci)Greg Bruess (Associate Dean), Brenda Bass (Dean), and Captain Dan
Nesdahl (Military Science), I.
Minutes Accepted Feb. 16th;
a. Mat (HPELS); II replace Osksana; VI – b Dimensions would replace
Personal Wellness
Anthropology curricular changes questions from senate
a. Courses being dropped, was there a History consult?
b. Consultation for Internship (Anthro 4495) course for Library
i. Checking on adding graduate number
c. Approved pending changes
Criminology curricular changes
a. Changes for Criminology BA – Emphasis
i. Adding an emphasis for a new program
1. Adding more technical courses through adding this
emphasis while maintaining core major.
2. Increased number of credits taken in the “Criminal Justice”
group 4 category.
a. This allows for flexibility of choice in categories
b. Statement of minimum number of hours and elective
c. Add total number of credits for this track
d. Add description of change in program to “Program
Details” section.
3. Topics Course
a. Deciding which course is offered in which group
b. Created different topics courses to signify which
group they should be in
i. 4381-existing course –Crime and Criminals
ii. Another course – Media in crime and
iii. Final topics course – applied
4. Would like a clear statement of courses that count for BAS
and BA
ii. Will changing the size of major hurt student numbers?
1. Credit hours will be transferred in so will mostly likely not
change overall need for courses
2. Allows to count more things from community college
b. Criminology BAS in Criminal Justice
i. There is a need identified from EAB that students in Iowa need a
CSBS Senate Minutes_March 2 Meeting 2
BAS that is solely online
ii. Choose courses that anyone working in the system could benefit
1. E.g., victimology
2. Deliberate emphasis on flexibility and topic
3. Need to have 3 courses to begin
a. Criminology may not be offered at other programs, we
offer a GIS version
4. Sequence is progressive in nature
a. 21 credits for major, LAC and elective put in place to
reach 60 total credits needed
b. Assuming 10 terms; Part-time programs
c. Utilizing current courses
iii. Will be articulation meetings to encourage community courses to
send students here.
iv. Does Hawkeye offer AAS that is a feeder?
1. They do
v. Ensure that courses in required are in proper places in Leap Frog
c. Motion to support changes passes
Comments from the Dean
a. Provost search – still making decision, most likely put forward at April
BOR meeting
b. Academic side of review with consultants is most likely going to include
spring data collection and summer analysis, fall implementation
Emeritus Faculty vote
a. Andy Gilpin
Meeting Adjourned at 4:35
Respectfully submitted by William R. Henninger IV