✯ 2003 National Health Policy ... January 22-23, 2003 J.W. Marriott

2003 National Health Policy ✯Conference
January 22-23, 2003
J.W. Marriott
Washington, D.C.
January 23, 2003
Dr. Adam Smith’s Prescription
for Efficient, Quality-Reliable
Employee Health Benefits
Arnold Milstein MD, MPH
Pacific Business Group on Health
Mercer Human Resource Consulting
The Leapfrog Group
Estimating Our Opportunity
50 point gain in quality
40 point gain in direct cost
30 point gain in frequent user satisfaction
20 point gain in indirect cost
10 point gain in avoidable patient suffering
© 2003 A. Milstein MD
G:\HCGB\MAS\MILSTEIN\meetings\VHA 11-7-02.ppt
Options For Inducing Better Care
Exhortation of professionals
Government as purchaser or regulator
Strengthen performance competition between plans
Boost performance sensitivity within plans
Divine intervention
© 2003 A. Milstein MD
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Boost Performance Sensitivity Within Plans
Measure efficiency and quality of providers
and treatment options
Engage consumerism:
Gear consumer decision support and incentives to
encourage selection of better-performing providers
and treatments (including “backstage providers”)
Expand performance-based provider payment (P4P)
Jumpstart clinical re-engineering
© 2003 A. Milstein MD
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What Ingredients are Scarce or MIA?
Standardized, public performance measurement x 6 IOM
aims for non-HMO plans, providers and treatment options
Electronic clinical info systems and connectivity rules
Cost-effectiveness research on consumer incentives to
select better providers and treatments
Unambiguous assignment of
accountability for longitudinal care
Anti-trust vigilance
Critical mass of
accountable leadership x3
© 2003 A. Milstein MD
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Creating Accountable Purchaser Leadership:
Leapfrog’s Developmental Cycle
Babyfrogs 2001–2003
3 transformational hospital safety Leaps
7 regions
Vague market sensitivities to performance
Childfrogs 2003–2006
6 hospital & MD Leaps with a few 4-D performance measures
19+ regions
Some specific market sensitivities to performance
Big Frogs 2006–
6–D performance measurement sets for hospitals, MDs and Txs
50 states
Routine specific market sensitivities to performance
© 2003 A. Milstein MD
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Traversing the Chasm With Help From
124 Multiplying Frogs:
IOM Care Redesign Imperatives
Redesigned care processes (PAN)
Effective use of information technologies (CPOE)
Knowledge and skills management (EHR)
Development of effective teams (IPS)
Coordination of care across patient conditions, services,
and settings over time (PODS)
Use of performance and outcome
measurement for continuous
quality improvement and
accountability (POCE)
© 2003 A. Milstein MD
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Closing Thoughts on Dr. Smith’s Prescription
Better procurement creates performance-sensitive markets
Performance-sensitive markets induce better performance
Health care’s nuances require tailored solutions
Aging and biomedical advances will force our hand
Economic downturns will catalyze bolder strokes
Rx for U.S.providers
Performance sensitive markets
Adam Smith MD
© 2003 A. Milstein MD
G:\HCGB\MAS\MILSTEIN\meetings\VHA 11-7-02.ppt