VOL. 6, NO. 2 WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH APRIL 1970 The Disposition o[ SnowCaughtby ConiferCrowns DONALD R. SATTERLUND WashingtonState University,Pullman,Washingtern 99163 HAROLD F. HAUPT Forestry SciencesLaboratory, Moscow,Idaho 838•3 Abstract. Snow interception studiesduring the warm winters of 1966-1967and 1967-1968 in northern Idaho revealed that Douglas fir and westernwhite pine saplingscaught about one third of the snowthat fell in 22 storms.More than 80% of the snow initially caught in the crownsultimately reachedthe groundbeing washedoff by subsequentrain, falling by direct massrelease,or drippingas meltingsnow.Only a small portionwaslost by evaporation. INTRODUCTION This paper is a continuationof a previous study in which the developmentof interception storageof snowon saplingDouglasfir (Pseudotsuga menziesii var. glauca [Beissn] Franco) andwesternwhitepine (PinusmonticolaDougl.) was described[Satterlundand Haupt, 1967]. It reports on the dispositionof interceptedsnow to the ground and the atmospherefrom seven trees of eachspeciesduring the periodJanuary 10, 1967 to March 27, 1967, and December4, rainstormswas evaporated,and that all the snowreleasedfrom the treesreachedthe ground in solidor liquid form. Snow also fell from the trees en masse after a storm ended, and could be identified by a sharp, vertical trace on the intereeptograph. Whenever one pound or more of snow fell we could measurethe quantity directly from the trace. We refer to these directly measured quantities of snow released from the trees as 'large mass release.' Snow also fell from the trees at intervals too dose, and in quantities 1967 to April 8, 1968. too small, to measure individually from the METHOD Or STUDY intereeptograph.During periodsof above-freezThe experimentalsite, recordingapparatus, ing temperatures,drip from melting snow on and field procedurehave been previously de- the branchesoften accompaniedthe releaseof small massesof snow.Either way the snow fell scribed [Satterlund and Haupt, 1967; Haupt and Je•ers, 1967]. Basically,a continuous weight resulted in an irregular decline in the trace. record of snow load on suspendedtrees (an We call the release of water from the trees 'interceptograph') was maintained except for which is too small in quantity to measure intwo storm periodsin December1967, and Jan- dividually (whether as snow, drip, or both) 'minor mass release.' uary 1968, when recordswere lost becauseof instrument malfunction. Minor mass release was often accompanied .The catch, retention, and release of snow by conditions conducive to evaporation, and by the trees was followed on the intercept- frequently extended over periods of several ograph (Figure 1). During snowstorms,the hours or more. Though the total loss of water from the trees could be measured from the inbuildup of the snow load was accompaniedby a rise of the trace. Many of the snowstorms tereeptographduring such periods,the amount turned to rain, or were followedcloselyby rain. that reachedthe ground and the amount that An irregular, decliningtrace during rain indi- evaporated could not. Therefore we measured catedthat snowwas beingwashedoff the trees. the quantity reachingthe ground by catching It was assumed,based upon considerations of it on a large plasticsheetspreadbelowthe trees vapor pressure,that none of the loss during and weighingit directly. The differencebetween 649 This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. 650 BRIEF REPORTS .10• e bxJ• 0 o. o 0 l;! Snow BRain and .- snow BRain 2 ß lb • 1/4 I I i I I I I I I I I 20 M 21 M 22 M 23 M 24 M 26 DAY Fig. 1. A compositeinterceptographcombiningportions of several actual interceptographs to illustrate different aspectsof the snow interception water balance. Days 20 and 21' snow beginsand accumulateson :•hebare tree. As the storm turns to rain, part of the intercepted snow is washed to the ground. Day 22' warm temperatures result in minor mass release (irregular decline) and large massrelease (vertical trace) of snow.Day 23: slight decline due to evaporation of intercepted snow. Day 24: rain washed remaining snow from tree leaving it bare and wet. Day 25: liquid water evaporates leaving tree bare and dry. the amount lost from the trees, as revealedby the interceptograph, and that caught on the sheet was attributed to evaporation. The measurements of minor mass release to the ground were frequently nullified by additional precipitation. Consequently, we were forcedto estimateits quantity by extrapolating our few successful measurements over the en- from two major snowstorms,with a water equivalent of 2.33 inches,were lost becauseof instrument malfunction in the 1967-1968 season. A completetabulation of the dispositionof interceptedsnowis presentedfor eachtree species in Table 1. 0nly about one third of the snowfall was temporarily retained in the tree crowns at the tire period that minor mass release occurred. Temperature, wind, humidity, and radiation records were checked against the interceptograph to delineate the periods when minor mass release and evaporation were concurrent. Evaporation during periodswithout massrelease could be identified by a slow, regular decline of the trace but occurred with surprising infrequency.Less than one third of the snowstoms were followed by one or more identifiable periods of evaporation without concur- end of snowfall.Lossesback to the atmosphere from intercepted snow representedonly 4.5% and 5.2% of total snowfallfor the Douglas fir and white pine, respectively. Most of the intercepted snow (86% of the initial catch) ultimately reached the ground. The greatestquantity (about 46%) was washed off by rain. Large mass release of snow from the branchesaccountedfor an additional 25%, and minor massreleaseand drip from melting rent mass release. mainder. RESULTS snow in the branches accounted for the re- No important quantitative differencesin total snow catch or in the mode and timing of loss of snow from the crowns were evident by species.Though no statisticaltests were undertaken, the obviousstorm-to-stormvariability in The weather during the winters of 1966-1967 and 1967-1968 was warm and moist, and unfavorable atmospheric conditionsfor evaporative lossesof intercepted snow predominated. catch and loss insures that the small differences Precipitation was much above normal in the in Table I are not significant. 1966-1967 seasonand near normal during the DISCUSSION 1967-1968 season,but most of it occurred as I)espite the rather great differencesin form, rain. 0nly 22 snowstorms, with a water equivalent of 8.65 inches,were sampled.The records needlestructure and arrangement,branch stiff- BRIEF REPORTS 651 TABLE 1. The Dispositionof Intercepted Snow from Douglas Fir and Western White Pine Saplingsat the Priest River Experimental Forest (winters of 1966-1967 and 1967-1968) Douglas Fir Water Equivalent, inches Total snowfall 8.65 White Pine Water Equivalent, inches % % 100 8.65 100 Grossinterception storage* 2.78 32.1 3.07 35.5 Throughfall during storms Snow washedoff by rain* Large mass releaseto ground* Minor massreleaseand drip to groundt 5.87 1.33 0.68 0.38 67.9 15.4 7.9 4.4 5.58 1.36 0.80 0.46 64.5 15.7 9.2 5.3 8.26 95.5 8.20 94.8 0.13 1.5 0.15 1.7 0.26 3.0 0.30 3.5 0.39 4.5 0.45 5.2 Total to ground Evaporation* Evaporation during minor massreleaseand drip t Total evaporation loss * Measureddirectly from interceptograph. • Estimated on basisof samplemeasurements. ness, and other characteristicsof Douglas fir andWhitepinecrowns, therewaslittlediffer- the atmospherecould not changethe essential conclusionof a small evaporative lossfrom snow ence in either their interception. catch or release of snow. This suggeststhat meteorological conditions rather than morphologicalcharacteristics of the trees themselvesdominate in the interception of snow from evergreenconifersof similar size. The dominanceof the meteorologicalfactor is further indicatedby the similar timing of snow lossesby both speciesto the ground by rainwash, mass release,and drip. The evaporative lossesfrom snow interception were surprisingly small from either an absolutestandpoint or relative to total snowfall. Several factors are involved. Instrument malfunction during two storm periodswhen a total of nearly 2« inches,water equivalent,of snow fell prevented measurement of more than one fifth of the total snowfall; thus, the absolute measure of loss is less than the actual loss.However, sincethe proportion of intercepted snow released to the ground, particularly by rainwash and large mass release,was greater following heavy storms than light storms,the percentageof evaporativeloss may be slightly overstated. Further, the estimatesof minor massrelease and drip reaching the ground contain an unknown amount of error. But even a substantial error in partitioning between the ground and The primary cause of the small evaporative losswas the warm, moist winter weather at low elevations(2400 feet, MSL) at the Priest River Experimental Forest. This is evidencedby the substantial removal of snow from the crowns by rain and by the large mass release that almost always occurred during above-freezing weather. (The mechanicalaction of wind in this protectedvalley site was not important to either catch or releaseof snow). The small evaporative loss from intercepted snowsupportsthe observationsof Miller [1962] in the Sierra Nevada of California. He con- cluded that warm daytime temperatures,which were accompanied by the rapid release of snowby massreleaseand drip, sharply limited interception losses.However, such results may not be representative of somewhat cooler and drier conditions,under which snowmay persist on the trees exposedto evaporative lossesfor much longer periods of time. Snow seldom remained on the trees for more than a day or two after each storm, so caution must be used in extendingthese data to colder climatic conditions. Though mass releaseof interceptedsnow or drip to the ground is the major factor in the 652 BRIEF REPORTS small interceptionloss,the slowaccumulationof interceptionstorageat the beginningof snowstorms is another. Unlike rainfall, small storms contribute little to snow interception losses, for throughfall is high during the early stages of eachstorm [Satterlundand Haupt, 1967]. The negligiblecatch of snowin small storms, combined with the rapid mass releaseof snow or drip to the ground followinglarge storms, was sufficientto eliminatemost opportunityfor evaporative lossesto occur in this study. The dominance of the meteorologicalfactors also maskeddifferencesbetweenthe Douglasfir and western white pine which might have been expected in view of their considerablydifferent crown morphology. Acknowledgments. Scientificpaper 3134, Washington State University College of Agriculture, Pullman, project 1849. This investigation was supported in part by Cooperative State Research Service funds from the McInti,'e Stennis forestry researchprogram and was conducted in cooperation with the U.S. Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Moscow, Idaho. The contribution of Bud L. Jeffers and Boyd G. Hill in obtaining field data in the face of adverse conditions is gratefully acknowledged. REFERENCES Haupt, H. F., and B. L. Jeffers, A system for automatically recording weight changes in sapling trees, 4 pp., U. $. Forest $erv. Res. Note INT-71, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Ogden, Utah, 1967. Miller, D. H., Snow in the trees--Where does it go?, Proc. $Oth West. Snow Co•f., 21-27, 1962. Satterlund, D. R., and H. F. Haupt, Snow catch by conifer crowns, Water Resour. Res., $(4), 1035-1039, 1967. (Manuscript received August 11, 1969; revised December 1, 1969.)