J. Phys. F: Metal Phys., Vol. 4, April 1974. Printed in Great Britain. @ 1974. LETTER TO THE EDITOR The low-temperature thermal conductivity of niobium-zirconium alloys N Morton, B W James, G H Wostenholm and R J Nicholls Department of Pure and Applied Physics, University of Salford, Salford, M5 4WT, Lancs Received 11 February 1974 Abstract. The thermal conductivities of two samples of nominal 75 % Nb-25 % Zr alloy have been measured below 20 K. The measured conductivities are substantially higher than found previously for segregated niobium-zirconium alloys, and the phonon carrier component is found to be completely dominant at all temperatures. The effective number of electrons scattering the phonons is unusually small. The measurement and analysis of the low-temperature thermal conductivities of a series of superconducting niobium-zirconium alloys have been described recently by Morton er a1 (1973). These alloys were quenched from 1500 "C and annealed at 800 "C to induce segregation into two distinct phases. The matrix and inclusion phases probably contained about 17 % and 66 % of zirconium atoms respectively, providing a magnetic flux pinning structure able to support high-density supercurrents. We report here further measurements, between 4 and 20 K, made by the technique employed previously, for two strip samples of nominally single-phase 75 %Nb-25 %Zr alloy, one in the as-rolled condition, and the second following an anneal for 1 h at 1500 "C and an oil quench. The measurements are estimated to have a typical uncertainty of & 7 %. The measured thermal conductivities are shown in figure 1, and comparison shows that the present values are approximately 20 times higher than for the two-phase samples measured previously. This large increase was unexpected, although some variation was proposed by Morton (1968) to account for the widely varying resistance to flux jumping instabilities of these alloys. Additional measurements of the low-temperature electrical resistivity and superconducting critical temperature Tc were made by a four-terminal method. The estimated residual resistivity po and Tc values are shown in table 1. A calculation employing the resistivity data and the Wiedemann-Franz law shows that the electron carrier contribution amounts to no more than approximately 3 % of the total thermal conductivity, and so it may reasonably be neglected in any further analysis. Accordingly, the low-temperature thermal conductivity K g is due to phonon carriers, and may be represented as a function of temperature by the expression Kg = (AT-2h-l CmP)-I (1) +2 m where A and C, are constants which characterize the electron and defect scattering mechanisms respectively, A is related to the effective electron per atom number N , the Debye temperature OD, and the electronic component of the thermal conductivity at high temperature Kern by the expression 1-94 L95 Letter to the Editor 70 - 60 - 7 6 50V $ 403 " 30- a y" - 0 ' IO 5 0 15 T(K) Figure 1. Variation of thermal conductivity Kg as a function of temperature for quenched (open circles) and as-rolled (full circles) 75 %Nb-25 %Zralloy samples. The full curves represent the behaviour of equation (3) above the critical temperature. Table 1 Sample treatment Te (K) PO Quenched 10.71 As-rolled 1046 (@2 m) A (W-I m dega) CI x lo4 (W-1 m) 0.19 2.22 & 0.07 5.30 f 0.16 0.26 2.21 & 0.18 4.10 f 0.38 A = 0*224N28~2~,co-1. (2) Within the range of temperatures used here, the likely scattering defects are point defects (mainly the zirconium atoms) and dislocations, for which m takes the values 1 and -2 respectively. The factor h is a unique function of the reduced temperature TTc-l,which is unity for temperatures above Tc. Klemens and Tewordt (1964) have calculated values for h, but these appear to be much too high for the extreme type 11 superconductive niobiumzirconium alloys, although satisfactory for niobium-molybdenum alloys according to the work of Sousa (1969). For the normal-state region, rearranging equation (1) yields the expression T 2 ~ - 1= (A + 12-2) + CIT~. (3) Hence graphs of T2tcg-1 against T3 should be linear, as shown plausibly in figure 2. Since dislocations will not be present in the quenched sample, the intercept of the graph yields a value for A directly, and inspection shows no noticeable increase in the intercept value for the as-rolled sample. Accordingly C-2 = 0 for both samples. The graph for the quenched sample, on the other hand, exhibits a greater slope, corresponding to an increase in C1. This effect may possibly be associated with a more completely random distribution of the zirconium atoms in this sample, with a correspondingly shorter mean free path and enchanced scattering of phonons. Values for A and C1, and the corresponding standard errors, determined from a least-mean-squares program, are shown in table 1. The curves shown in figure 1 at temperatures above T, are drawn with these L96 Letter to the Editor 1 7t I 1 2 I I 3 4 5 IO-' T' (K') 1 6 7 Figure 2. Graphs of T 2 ~ g against -1 T8above the critical temperature. The straight lines represent least-mean-square fits to equation (3), omitting one of the full circle data points. values, and agree tolerably well with the data. The main difference between the present results and those obtained previously lies in the much smaller value of the constant A as compared with values in the region of 100 W-1 m deg3 for two-phase niobium-zirconium alloys and approximately 330 W-l m deg3 for niobium obtained by Sousa (1969). Since OD changes relatively little in the alloy system according to Morin and Maita (1963), and Keto is approximately constant in most alloy series (due essentially to a close adherence to Matthiessen's rule), this suggests, following equation (3), that Nchanges by an order of magnitude. In principle N may be derived from band structure calculations in a similar way to the density of electron states, and it is suggested that detailed calculations would be of value. Thus, in the present case, the very low value of N for single-phase 75 %Nb25 %Zr alloy compared with pure niobium appears to be related to the well documented peak in the density of states occurring for niobium-zirconium alloys The factor h has been calculated from equation (1) assuming the values for the constants given in table I , and the results are shown in figure 3. The low values obtained 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 09 T 7E-' Figure 3. Variation of the factor h as a function of reduced temperature. Letter to the Editor L97 are close to those found previously for two-phase niobium-zirconium alloy, and are orders of magnitude below the theoretically predicted figures. References Klemens P G and Tewordt L 1964 Rev. mod. Phys. 36 118-20 Morin F J and Maita J P 1963 Phys. Reo. 129 1115-20 Morton N 1968 Cryogenics 8 79-81 Morton N, James B W, Wostenholm G H, Sanderson R J and Black M A 1973 Cryogenics 13 665-70 Sousa J B 1969 J. Phys. C: Solid St. Phys. 2 629-39