Hydrological sensitivity to greenhouse gases and aerosols in CESM Maria M. Kvalevåg, Bjørn H. Samset and Gunnar Myhre Center for International Climate and Environmental Research – Oslo (CICERO), Norway Keywords: Precipitation response, climate change, radiative forcing, CESM, CO2, CH4, aerosols, sulphate, BC, soot, convection, atmospheric absorption We present a set of climate model experiments using the NCAR Community Earth System Model (CESM1.03) to investigate the relationship between precipitation changes and surface temperature change for several forcing mechanisms. The model simulations include changes in climate forcers since preindustrial times causing either warming or cooling, in order to study the energy budget at different levels (surface, atmosphere and top of atmosphere), temperature changes and precipitation change. On a short timescale the precipitation changes are linked to atmospheric stability and reduced convection caused by the presence of a forcing mechanism in the atmosphere. On a longer timescale it is the adjusted surface temperatures that drive the changes. Method In order to study the hydrological sensitivity on different time scales we divide the precipitation changes into a fast and a slow response term similar to Andrews et al. 2010: (a) (b) Figure 1: Relationship between a) atmospheric absorption and fast precipitation changes and b) radiative forcing at top of atmosphere and slow precipitation changes. Results from CESM (+) and Andrews et al 2010 (O). Correlation coefficients are given for CESM results only. (a) (b) Observed mechanisms include: Radiative forcing atmospheric heating fast precipitation response Radiative forcing surface temperature change slow precipitation response Cases CO2 Description CO2 concentration increased 286 ppm 379 ppm CO2x2 CO2 concentration doubled 286 ppm 572 ppm CH4 CH4 concentration increased 805 ppm 1774 ppm CH4x2 CH4 concentration increased 805 ppm 2745 ppm CH4 concentration increased 805 ppm 5650 ppm SO4 SO4 concentration increased from preindustrial level to present levels SO4x5 SO4 concentration increased from preindustrial level to 5 times preindustrial levels BC Black carbon concentrations increased from preindustrial level to present levels BCx10 Black carbon concentration increased from preindustrial level to 10 times preindustrial levels BC@xxx Total black carbon burden change inserted at 850mb, 750mb, 650mb or 550mb respectively Case ∆Ptot ∆Pfast ∆Pslow RF RFs RFatm ∆Ts (%) (%) (%) (W/m2) (W/m2) (W/m2) (K) CO2 2,08 -1,04 3,12 1,35 0,51 0,84 1,16 CO2x2 5,31 -2,28 7,59 3,55 1,59 1,96 2,92 CH4 1,28 -0,29 1,57 0,41 0,06 0,35 0,56 CH4x2 2,09 -0,39 2,45 0,90 0,58 0,32 0,82 CH4x5 3,90 -0,62 4,53 1,84 1,28 0,56 1,65 Solar 7,34 -0,82 8,16 3,54 3,18 0,36 2,83 SO4 -0,69 -0,12 -0,57 -0,12 -0,37 0,24 -0,26 SO4x5 -3,82 0,05 -3,87 -1,43 -1,99 0,56 -1,39 BC -0,19 -0,33 0,14 -0,04 -0,36 0,31 -0,03 BCx10 -1,46 -2,31 0,86 0,48 -2,60 3,08 0,35 Table 2: Precipitation response (total, fast and slow), radiative forcing (TOA, surface and in the atmosphere), and surface temperature change due to climate forcing mechanisms described in Table 1. In conclusion, we observe: • a strong positive correlation between radiative forcing at the top of the atmosphere and slow precipitation changes, attributable to a long-term heating of both surface and atmosphere. (Fig. 1b) (c) (d) • a strong negative correlation between radiative forcing in the atmosphere and fast precipitation changes, attributable to increased atmospheric stability on the short term, as well as lower relative humidity and a semi-indirect cloud effect. (Fig. 1a) • convection is increased by greenhouse gases and solar forcing but decreased by aerosols (both SO4 and BC). (Fig. 2b-d) CH4x5 Table 1: Overview of NCAR CESM1.0 climate simulations. All cases are performed with CAM4/CLM4 including either fixed SST or slab ocean and run for 30 years. Baseline year is 1850. Results contd. Results Introduction • surface temperature change per change in precipitation (i.e. the hydrological sensitivity) is found to be different for climate forcing mechanisms with different absorption efficiencies. (Fig. 2a) Figure 2: a) Surface temperature change (K) vs fast precipitation changes (%). The dotted lines indicate climate forcers with different absorption efficiencies. b-d) Convection rate vs precipitation change (%). (b) shows the total response, (c) fast response, (d) slow response • BC-aerosols (soot) in the atmosphere absorb short wave radiation and contribute to atmospheric heating and increased stability, and thus inhibit cloud formation and precipitation. The forcing due to BC aerosols is altitude dependent and is very sensitive to the presence of clouds above or below the aerosol layer (not shown here). References Andrews et al., Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 37, L14701, 2010 Kvalevåg, MM., Samset, BH. and Myhre, G., in prep.