Recovery Audit Services Audit | Tax | Advisory | Legal

Recovery Audit Services
Audit | Tax | Advisory | Legal
Recovery Audit Services
Profit Discovery
All companies are exposed to a complex environment, with a lot of daily
financial transactions and operations. These conditions are changing
every day and they must focus their efforts in their core business. There is
no time to stop and look back; they must concentrate themselves only in
the present and future scenarios.
Almost all organizations have systems and procedures to avoid the
profit leakage, but they can´t control the 100% of transactions. Profit
leakage can arise due to internal control deficiencies, human errors, or
fraudulent situations.
Our Recovery Audit Services assist companies in discovering their
hidden benefits and recover them.
We offer different methodologies to our clients which are customized to
particularities of their sector.
There are three main lines of business:
■■ Payment incidents.
■■ Contract compliance.
■■ Price errors
Through this kind of analysis we can identify potential leakages and work
to regularize this situation, offering the companies big profits.
Payment Incidents
Payment incident analysis consists in a massive investigation over all
financial transactions, using specific software designed for this purpose,
that allow us to a faster discovery of results.
The use of technology is very important within our work because it´s not
worth to invest the time to review manually all transactions.
For this purpose we develop our own tools and methodology based on the
great expertise of our team.
Contract Compliance
Daily operations of our clients are regulated by contracts. We focus our
work on the supplier’s contract compliance. There are lots of complex
conditions and sometimes it is not possible to have a real effective
control. We analyze all the conditions and if they are correctly applied
regarding those contracts. This way, we can found mistakes for example
in merchandise suppliers or in general expenses.
Price Errors
During the relation between our client and their suppliers the contractual
agreements are frequently changing, usually the conditions affected are
the prices.
Ihe prices can be modified because of incentives for sales, promotions,
for timely invoice payments and because of many other reasons. These
temporal discounts are not easy to control by our clients, so we collect
available data and analyze all the operations submitted to this changes.
Some examples of pricing overpayments:
■■ Order in transit at the time of a price change
■■ Price based on size of shipment.
■■ Price protection for technological products.
■■ Discounts for new products or new stores.
■■ Compensation for delay in shipment.
When the analysis of past operations is finished, we give support to our
clients to implement monitory controls in order to discover the errors
almost in real time. With this service, financial costs are avoided and our
clients able to correct mistakes on time.
Our goal is to help the companies to be more cost efficient and
concentrate in their strategies for the future by giving valuable information
that they can use to improve their procedures.
For more information,
please contact:
Recovery Audit
José Luis Suarez
Paseo de la Castellana 130 7ª
28046 Madrid
Tel: +34 914 41 70 30
Tel: +34 610 76 98 08
About Crowe Horwath Spain
Crowe Horwath Spain is the branch of Crowe Horwath International that
provides professional legal and tax consultancy services, with a policy
based on collaboration and involvement in our clients’ business activity.
When providing our services, we always take into account our constantly
changing surroundings and the following corporate values:
■■ Disambiguation
■■ Proactivity
■■ Proximity
■■ Globality
Crowe Horwath Spain has more than 300 professionals in various areas,
backed up by a functional structure and human/technological resources
that are basic to our range of services.
Collaboration between these various areas of professional activity
is coordinated through solid work methods, as well as a strict quality
control process.
Our continued capacity is based on a continuous training system that
is strengthened with refreshing courses and seminars, in order for our
collaborators to be aware of constant legislative changes, novelties in the
case law and developments in the business world.
Crowe Horwath Spain is a member of Crowe Horwath International, a Swiss verein (Crowe Horwath). Each member firm of Crowe Horwath is a separate and independent legal entity.
Crowe Horwath Spain and its affiliates are not responsible or liable for any acts or omissions of Crowe Horwath or any other member of Crowe Horwath and specifically disclaim any and all
responsibility or liability for acts or omissions of Crowe Horwath or any other Crowe Horwath member.
© 2016 Crowe Horwath Spain