Changing the Paradigm from Treatment to Prevention: A Diabetes Case Model Alycia S. Sepe, RN, BSN National Clinical Director, Sales Health Management Corporation Marketplace Dynamics Increased “consumerism” Increased individual control and incentive (economic skin in the game): CDHPs and HSAs Vital need for personalized information and decision support: » » » What is appropriate care? How to reduce out of pocket costs? How to achieve those potential savings? Increased impact on employers Medical costs increasing dramatically Deteriorating employee health impact on productivity Increased provider accountability Public reporting on cost and quality “Pay for performance” and “tiering” Increased use of technology Essential to enhance quality and improve efficiency Evidence-based care processes, supported by automated clinical information and decision support systems 2 HMC Offers Life2 A solution for the total population HMC has built a strategy to help employers and health plans manage their TOTAL POPULATION Members in Need of Targeted Care Management 4 …and everyone moving in between… Members in “Peak” Condition Health Management Continuum Well Well-Being Chronic Conditions At Risk Catastrophic Conditions Nurse Line Demand Management - (e.g., acute conditions, self-diagnosed conditions, strains, sprains, colds) Guide - (e.g., navigational and clinical advocacy) Signals - (e.g., Personal Care Notes & Provider Notifications) Health Promotion Health Risk Management At Risk Conditions Chronic Disease Mgmt Biometric Screenings Vitals HRA Maternity Onsite Campaigns Lifestyle Management Tools Asthma: Pediatric and Adult/COPD Vascular Online Tools via Health Portal Health Coaching: Online/Telephonic Cancer Marketing Support Wellness & Newsletter Mailings Musculoskeletal Coronary: CAD/HF High Cost Case Management Complex Case Management Chronic Kidney/End-Stage Renal Disease NICU Diabetes: Pediatric and Adult End of Life Integration of Services, Incentives, Communications, Measurement and Evaluation Disability Management available through WellPoint 5 The Peak2 Population Peak2 is about regular people staying fit by making healthy lifestyle choices every day 3 % 6 of people make healthy decisions about things like diet and exercise a daily habit Programs like Balance, WorkWell, and CareNet make it easy for the rest of us to move to Peak condition The Move2 Population Move2 is about helping people live healthier and avoid slipping toward an avoidable condition From nutrition to weight loss to stress management and fitness, we offer programs, tools and resources that help everyone build healthier lives 7 The Care2 Population Care2 offers programs that help people with conditions live as healthy as possible every day 8 Asthma CAD COPD Diabetes Heart Failure Kidney Disease Low Back Pain Musculoskeletal NICU Cancer Vascular At-risk Complex Conditions Staffing: The Right People Multi-disciplinary team provides experts in areas critical to condition management Pharmacists addressing medication adherence Dietitians supporting nutrition recommendations Exercise Physiologists supporting physical activity guidance Better adherence to recommendations means better managed chronic conditions TEAM MEMBERS Physicians | Pharmacists | Certified Diabetic Educators | Registered Dieticians Behavioral Health Nurses | Respiratory Therapists | Social Workers Exercise Physiologists | Health Educators | Certified Case Managers 9 Care2 Programs Care2 programs help people with conditions live as healthy as possible every day Dynamic management process, personalized by member need Holistic approach allows for program integration within Life2 Single, fully integrated care management model 10 Care2 Program Goals Help patients adhere to physician plan of care Improve adherence to evidence based guidelines Facilitate better decision making at the consumer level (consumer responsibility) Improve quality of life; decrease cost 11 Diabetes: Program Overview The diabetes program provides support for participants with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes to help them take more control of their health and feel better • Educates members about living well with diabetes • Encourages positive behaviors such as diet and medication adherence • Reinforces effective self-management strategies • Reduces complications associated with diabetes 12 Life2 Process IDENTIFICATION 13 Data Warehouse High Risk Moderate Risk Predictive Modeling Medical Lab Pharmacy Referrals HRA TOTAL POPULATION MANAGEMENT Low Risk ENGAGEMENT MEASUREMENT Member Engagement • % eligible participating Clinical Outcomes • % adhering to plan/guidelines Service Metrics Healthy • Member satisfaction survey Financial Returns • ROI • Cost management Life2 Diabetes Program: Member Engagement and Education 14 Condition Management: Clinical Adherence Our DM programs have a dramatic impact on claims reduction and clinical adherence Members are much more likely to get the tests and take the medications they need to be healthy and reduce future medical claims n = 275K Total members; 12K members participating in condition management 15 All results are from a recent, three-year, internal analysis of our diabetes, CAD, and HF programs for two large clients. For clients included in the study, service delivery began in September 2002. Asthma and COPD were added in September 2007. Condition Management: Productivity Outcomes Our condition management programs result in increased productivity, with members report a 50% decrease in missed days of work due to their condition n = 275K Total members; 12K members participating in condition management 16 All results are from a recent, three-year, internal analysis of our diabetes, CAD, and HF programs for two large clients. For clients included in the study, service delivery began in September 2002. Asthma and COPD were added in September 2007. Condition Management: Clinical Outcomes Our condition management programs help members achieve more positive medical outcomes − The healthier they are, the less likely they’ll be to incur future medical claims n = 275K Total members; 12K members participating in condition management 17 All results are from a recent, three-year, internal analysis of our diabetes, CAD, and HF programs for two large clients. For clients included in the study, service delivery began in September 2002. Asthma and COPD were added in September 2007. Condition Management: The ROI Our Life2 condition management programs result in significant ROI n = 275K Total members; 12K members participating in condition management 18 All results are from a recent, three-year, internal analysis of our diabetes, CAD, and HF programs for two large clients. For clients included in the study, service delivery began in September 2002. Asthma and COPD were added in September 2007. Condition Management: Satisfaction n = 2043 Of the Life2 Condition Management program participants: 92% of high-intensity DM program participants rated the program nurses as excellent or very good 95% of high-intensity DM program participants would recommend the program 86% of high-intensity DM program participants rated the program as excellent or very good N=2043 All results are from 2007 internal satisfaction studies 19 Challenges Predictive modeling is not 100% accurate Difficulty connecting with providers and community resources Nurse outreach is limited to those that are moderate or high risk Interventions are for those already diagnosed with diabetes 20 HMC Product Enhancement Diabetes – Alternative Media Pilot dLife is the only integrated consumer/patient education and marketing platform engaging members in the diabetes community » Video » Website » Audio clips » E-newsletters » Weekly TV spots Piloting education and management assets of dLife in diabetes program to increase engagement and adherence in 2008 Pilot will include examination of effectiveness by assessing anticipated changes in participant knowledge and behavior as well as claims-based intermediate measures Disparities – Focus on Appropriate Engagement 21