New Patient Health Questionnaire Kilbeggan Medical Centre Tel: 057 9332444 Patient Details Title □Mr. □Mrs. □Miss □Ms. □ Other Surname ___________________________________________________ If under 18 – Mum’s surname _____________ Dad’s surname ____________ First Names ______________________________________________________ Previous Surnames _____________________________________________ Date of Birth ___________________________________________________ Occupation ___________________________________________________ Home Address _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Home Tel ___________________________________________________ Work Tel ___________________________________________________ Mobile ___________________________________________________ Do you wish to receive text reminders for appointments □Yes □No e-mail address _________________________________________________ What is your first language? _______________________________________ Name and Address of Previous GP _________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Name and Address of Next of Kin ______________________________ ______________________________ Emergency Contact No. ______________________________ Country of Origin: ____________________ Medical Information Please list any serious illnesses/operations/accidents/disabilities (and for women any pregnancy related problems) and the year they took place Have you ever suffered from? (Tick as appropriate) Epilepsy Blindness/Glaucoma High Blood Pressure Diabetes Cancer Asthma Eczema/Hay Fever COPD (Chronic bronchitis) □Yes □Yes □Yes □Yes □Yes □Yes □Yes □Yes □No □No □No □No □No □No □No □No Please list the medications you are currently taking together with the dosage. Are you registered disabled (if yes please give details) □Yes □No Are you allergic to any medicines (if yes please give details) □Yes □No Have you ever refused treatment/screening of any kind (if yes please give details) □Yes □No Other Details Do you have a carer (if yes please give name, address and tel. no.) □Yes □No Women Have you ever had a cervical smear? (If yes, please give details of most recent and where it was carried out) □Yes □No Have you ever had a breast check and (If yes, please give details of most recent and where it was carried out) Do you smoke? If No, have you ever smoked? If Yes, how many cigarettes or ounces of tobacco per week? Would you like advice on giving up smoking How much alcohol do you drink in a week? (I unit= ½ pint beer, 1 small glass of wine, 1 single spirit) What is your height? ___________________ What is your weight? ___________________ □Yes □No □Yes □Yes □No □No □Yes □No ___________ units Family History (first degree relatives i.e. parents, brothers, sisters) Please state any serious illness, in particular heart disease, strokes, high blood pressure, diabetes or any inherited disease. For example have you ever suffered from any of the following. (Tick if appropriate) Hypertension Cardiovascular Disease Asthma Cancer Colitis/Crohn’s Underactive Thyroid Rheumatoid Arthritis Depression/Anxiety Glaucoma □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Ischaemic Heart Disease Diabetes COPD Haemachromatosis Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Epilepsy Other (please specify below) Phobia □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Patients aged 60 and over or those with a chronic disease (eg asthma or diabetes) Have you ever had a flu vaccination (if yes give date of most recent) □Yes □No Date_______________ Have you ever had a pneumococcal vaccination (if yes give date of most recent) □Yes □No Date_______________ Signature: _______________________ Date: ________________ Please note that completion of this form does not guarantee acceptance to the practice. Registration will only be completed following attendance at a registration appointment and following receipt of medical notes from your previous GP.