Study Guide Chapter 15

Study Guide Chapter 15
1. Be able to map out the entire glycolytic pathway, giving the structures and names of every reactant
and product, and the names of every enzyme. Be able to locate the reactions where ATP is made and
reactions where it is used. Where are the major energy drops in the reaction scheme, and where are
the major control points.
2. What si the net reaction for glycolysis
3. In the glycolytic pathway I focused on the mechanisms of a couple of the more interesting enzymes.
What enzymes were these, and what were the salient points of their mechanisms.
4. Why is PEP a high energy intermediate?
5. If I label C #2 in glucose with C13, where will this C13 end up in pyruvate? In Lactate? In Ethanol or
CO2? Similarly for any other C in glucose.
6. What is meant by channeling
7. Describe the three different products that can be obtained from pyruvate and under what conditions
do we obtain these different products.
8. Where are the major control points in the glycolytic pathway. What are the major effectors at each
control point, and are the positive effectors ro negative effectors.
9. How do sugars other than glucose enter the glycolytic pathway.?
10. Much of the glucose stored in you bogy is in the form of glycogen. Describe the pathway from
glycogen to glucose-6-phosphate.