Mentor, Ohio. Incorporated 1963. 27 Square Miles. Population: 48,000 Lake County 979 Sq. Mi. Pop: 230,000 Primary Land Use: Watershed challenges: low-density residential. Occasional flooding Non-point pollution. Industrial /source commercial areas / Habitat Stewardship Restoration activity mainly along /central Salinity. transportation corridor. Watershed challenges: Occasional flooding Non-point source pollution. Habitat Restoration. Salinity. Mentor Lake County Sub-Watershed Projects Western Lake County, Ohio Watersheds in Lake County Mentor Sub-Watershed Projects Western Lake County, Ohio Ward Creek Mentor Marsh Watershed 28.6 Sq. Mi. PROJECTS, WATERWAYS and WATERSHEDS Lake Erie 7 Project Sites $3.8 M. Grand River Mentor Marsh Grand River Chagrin River Ward Creek Wildwood Cultural Center / Wildwood Park – 35 acres. Mentor Marsh Watershed 28.6 Sq. Mi. 3 Project Sites $2 M. PROJECTS, WATERWAYS and WATERSHEDS Lake Erie 7 Project Sites $3.8 M. Grand River Mentor Marsh Grand River Wildwood Cultural Center Chagrin River Ward Creek Mentor Marsh Watershed Wildwood Cultural Arts Center – Permeable Paver Parking Lot $120,000 – ODNR – SWIF Program. Mentor Marsh Watershed Wildwood Cultural Arts Center – Permeable Paver Parking Lot $120,000 – ODNR – SWIF Program. Mentor Marsh Watershed Wildwood Cultural Arts Center – Permeable Paver Parking Lot $120,000 – ODNR – SWIF Program. • Project significance: Stormwater management. Visual appeal. • Some educational / promotional benefit. PROJECTS, WATERWAYS and WATERSHEDS Lake Erie Mentor Marina Grand River Mentor Marsh Grand River Chagrin River Ward Creek Marina Lot and Trailhead MENTOR MARINA Project Cost: $540,000. US-EPA - GLRI / City Mentor Permeable Paver System / Bio-Swales. On-site water treatment. Performance: 790,000 Gals. / yr. Clean water. Lower temperature. Significance: Gateway to City Nature Preserve – Education / Outreach. Reduce site pollution impacts within local compromised ecosystem. Project is action step within a larger tapestry of habitat restoration work now underway. Mentor Marsh – a complex estuary system Challenges: Habitat degradation, Salinity. Watershed Challenges: Habitat degradation, Salinity, Fires. Watershed Challenges: Habitat degradation, Salinity, Fires. Mentor Marsh - Western Basin The Past as Model for Future Boaters enjoying a day on the Marsh in 1923. Photo Courtesy City of Mentor Public Information Office. Potential Future: Active stewardship. Green investments. Economic Incentives Economic Incentives PROJECTS, WATERWAYS and WATERSHEDS Lake Erie 7 Project Sites $3.8 M. Grand River Mentor Marsh Grand River Chagrin River Ward Creek – 3 Projects Lake Erie US EPA – Great Lakes Restoration Initiative - 2012-2015. Ward Creek Project Target Sites Total Project: $770,000. Willoughby Site Eastlake Chagrin River Project Site: Site Mentor – Willoughby Boundary Mentor Site US EPA – Great Lakes Restoration Initiative - 2012-2015. Ward Creek Project Target Sites Total Project: $770,000. Willoughby Site Willoughby Site Lake Erie US EPA – Great Lakes Restoration Initiative - 2012-2015. Ward Creek Project Target Sites Total Project: $770,000. Willoughby Site Eastlake Chagrin River Project Site: Site Mentor Site Great Lakes Mall Mentor – Willoughby Boundary 114 acres. Great Lakes Mall in 1962. Mentor Mall Site is 7% of Newell Creek Watershed. Old stormwater system promotes non-point source pollution. All water from 114 acre site drained via one pipe downstream. Causes flooding. $350,000 of US EPA GLRI Grant used to improve stormwater infrastructure & community outreach. Project Plan: Capture significant amount of rooftop water. Permeable paver / infiltration chamber system. Green trenches / trees. No net loss of parking spaces. Example Reference: 30% Design Drawings – Courtesy of Environmental Design Group Project Signficance: Commercial site along historic beach ridge – potential for replication. Mentor Lake County Mentor - Garfield Park: 65 acres. 2016 Project: Dredge Pond 3.8 acres Cost: $298,756. Mentor Watershed Improvements 2016 – 2020 Capital Plan 9 Projects 4 partially grant funded Neighborhood Scale Watershed Improvements Rice Constructed Wetland Project – Stormwater control. Neighborhood Scale Watershed Improvements Rice Constructed Wetland Project – Stormwater control. Example flooded home Area to receive flooding protection – 300 homes. 125 acres. $1.2 M. Project. $350,000 State of Ohio. City of Mentor. Lake County, Ohio. Constructed Wetland / Stormwater Management Project Project will address persistent, severe flooding in 125 acre area for 300 homes. Will help access to emergency services in flood events. Will improve water quality drainage into Lake Erie. Is a means to reduce inflow into the regional sanitary sewer system, which experiences sanitary basement backups in this area. Cost: $1.2 million.