English 101B/ Zappa / 4th Essay THE LAST LAP Your final paper is an argumentative essay based on Catfish and Mandala and at least one (and no more than two) outside sources. Please choose from the following topics: •history, patriotism, and war: look at the connections between these, their effects, and what we can learn from them •gender identity: the dynamic of the “outsider” including sexual and gender or sexual orientation and homophobia •cultural identity: what is culture? Focus on the complexity of belonging to more than one; do NOT simply compare the externals of the cultures (i.e., food, clothing, art, etc). You may use your third paper (if it was successful), but you will need to more fully develop and integrate it carefully; don’t just tack the added material on to the old paper. You will present a reasoned, supported, formal argument. Read carefully (both Catfish and outside articles), plan to identify a problem within your topic, and take a position in response: what should happen (or stop happening) to address it? Why is your topic important? (Answering both will comprise a clear thesis.) Your paper must include a Works Cited page (see over). Wed. May 12 Complete draft due (TYPED, beginning of class), four pages, minimum (25 points), Works Cited attached. No late drafts accepted; if you are more than five minutes late for peer review, you will not receive credit for your draft. Mon. May 17 Second draft of paper, corrected, completed. (20 points) Wed. May 19 Final paper due FOUR-PAGE MINIMUM (100 points). NO LATE PAPERS ACCEPTED Reminders: if ANY portion of your paper is not properly quoted and cited (resulting in plagiarism), you will receive a zero, which means a “No credit” for the course. If this final paper does not earn a passing grade, a “No credit” will result. *Final exam: Tues. May 25, 10:00 – 11:50 (Catfish presentations, round two). Presentation: For your final, you may choose your presentation group (groups must be at least four people and no more than five). You will dramatize an idea from Catfish. You may present a skit, involve the class in a game, or be creative, as you wish (see me if in doubt). Most important, be sure that you: (1) do not merely give us information, but do explain why the idea you have selected matters, both within the book and to us as readers; and (2) do not present a scene from the book, but rather, relay an idea (or theme; again apply the “so what?” question). 25 points Written work: first, write a half-page answering the above questions, what is the idea in relation to the book, and why is this idea important? Second, write a half-page explaining why you have acquired the skills you need and are ready for 1A (or not). Cite specific examples, improvement, successful papers, “studenting” skills; in any case, be specific. TYPED and double-spaced 25 points NO LATE WRITING ACCEPTED