Design Activity 4: Home Page

Design Activity 4: Home Page
In the major assignment for CMM 1108, you are required to build a Web site to
showcase yourself and your work. The purpose of this design activity is to design a
Home Page for your Web site.
The Home Page needs to convey a
number of meanings and to
provide functionality for your Web
site. The page needs to use
imagery and design to convey
messages and meaning about you
as a person and as you in your
planned field of employment and
endeavour. The Home Page must
also provide a means for the user to
easily access the pages and
resources that form the Web site.
After you have designed your Front
page, you must show it to a number
of people to gain their impressions
of how well it conveys the message
and meanings you are seeking and
how well it provides access to the
information you are planning to
place on the Web site. You should
then use this information to make
changes and improvements.
Submission Requirements
You need to submit a Word file that contains the following information.
• The first page should display the Home Page you have designed. You should provide
a screen grab of the Home Page as it will display in the browser.
• The second section of the document should discuss the design principles that were
used to guide the page layout and the design and provide references to the readings
and resources that guided your decisions and ideas.
• The third section of the document should contain descriptions of the feedback from
the user trials and the changes that were made to accommodate this information.
• The document should also include a reference list of the materials you read and used
in the completion of this activity.
Note: The file you submit must be less than 1 Mbyte in size and have a legal file name eg.
activity2.doc or JillAdams.doc.
Marking Criteria
• Quality of the product
• Scope of information reviewed and used
• Quality of the conceptual underpinnings
• Quality of the review and reflection
• Quality of the references and referencing