MUAP 1123, 2124, 2123, 2124 1. Have changes been made in the way instructors (faculty or graduate students) teaching your core courses in Visual and Performing Arts are trained, oriented, or supervised? No changes have been made. Carla Cash, coordinator of the group keyboarding sequence, designs the curriculum for the four courses and trains all teaching assistants who teach in the program. TAs are observed on a regular basis to ensure instructor effectiveness and student success in each class. 2. Have changes been made in the base syllabus for your core courses in response to assessment results? No changes. 3. Have you adjusted the way the courses are assessed, the examinations, or the base content in the areas listed above in response to assessment results? While the base content has been retained, assignments, exams, and assessments are adjusted each academic year to better capture the level of performance on student learning outcomes. The supervisor and TAs discuss the effectiveness of assessments on a regular basis throughout the semester. 4. Have you made any changes in the way content is delivered such as adding on-line modules, improving classroom technology, using on-line quizzes or exams, making lectures available to students on-line, or flipping the classroom? Content delivery has not been changed. 5. Have you made any changes in how students are provided with help to improve their comprehension of the material such as on-line tutoring, face-to-face or group help sessions, etc. Students are provided with supervised “lab” time outside of class during which they can visit the piano classrooms for additional practice and/or assistance from one of the supervising TAs. In addition, regular office hours are kept by all TAs. Students are informed that Dr. Cash is available for additional consultation via email and/or by appointment.