WV NORTHERN COMMUNITY COLLEGE FACULTY PROFESSIONAL PLAN & EVALUATION APPENDICES Appendix I, p.1 FACULTY PROFESSIONAL PLAN AND EVALUATION PROCESS, PROCEDURE, AND TIME LINES I. a. b. c. d. e. Administrative Procedure – Effective January 2014. The evaluation cycle will run January 1 – December 31. All full-time faculty will submit the Faculty Goals and Evaluation documents annually to the Division Chair by the last Friday in January. This includes: Faculty load report, including retention and student success percentages (Data to be supplied by the Institutional Research Department to each faculty member for the previous year by January 1) Faculty Accomplishment Report Faculty Goals for the upcoming year (Teaching, Service, Professional Development) Faculty Self-Evaluation scores (from Position Description) Student Course Evaluation Report summary (Summary data to be supplied by the Institutional Research Department by January 1 for the previous year) II. The Division Chair or his/her designee will collect documents related to one class each FT faculty member teaches and observe this class during the evaluation year. He or she will then complete the course organization and observation evaluation documents and include this in the evaluation packet on the following rotation: All FT faculty at the ranks of Instructor, Assistant Professor, or Associate Professor will be observed every year: FT faculty who hold the rank of Professor will be observed every 3 years, using the most recent evaluation for 3 years unless the Professor requests it be completed again for a particular evaluation cycle within the 3 year period III. The Chair will hold a conference with each faculty member to review the evaluation packet together, and make any improvement recommendations by the third Friday in February. An Improvement Plan may be implemented at any time during the evaluation period or at the time of evaluation for just cause at the discretion of the Division Chair. The Chair will inform faculty whether they are eligible for merit, based on a total score of >12 on the summary page of the evaluation document. IV. The Chair will submit to the VPAA by the first Friday in March Effective January, 2014 WV NORTHERN COMMUNITY COLLEGE FACULTY PROFESSIONAL PLAN & EVALUATION APPENDICES a. b. c. d. Faculty Goals and Evaluation packets Effectiveness of Teaching (Organization and Observation) as outlined above Names of faculty who are eligible for merit Improvement Plan (if applicable) V. Merit will be based on activities above and beyond the Faculty Position Description/Evaluation and must include current required forms and documentation. Merit packets must be submitted to the VPAA’s office by the 3rd Friday in March. VI. VPAA verifies merit eligibility and forwards merit packets to Merit Committee by the 1st Friday in April. VII. Merit Committee will award merit points and turn documentation over to the President by the 4th Friday in April. VIII. IX. VIII. In the rare occasion that an Improvement Plan is implemented a. The year of the evaluation period that resulted in an improvement plan will not be counted towards promotion or merit. b. The year the improvement plan is implemented, the faculty member may be eligible for promotion or merit, provided that the stipulations of the Improvement Plan have been met successfully. VPAA will provide final approval of Faculty Evaluations and turn packets over to Human Resources by the 3rd Friday in March for employment notification process. Any and all information on the faculty evaluation document may not to be altered after the evaluation conference and the document is signed by the faculty member and the Division Chair. Effective January, 2014 WV NORTHERN COMMUNITY COLLEGE FACULTY PROFESSIONAL PLAN & EVALUATION APPENDICES APPENDIX 2 – P. 1 EXAMPLES OF ACCEPTABLE GOALS To assure uniformity of acceptable goals among the divisions, the following is a general index of recommended goals. This is not intended to be a complete list, but rather to be used as an example of acceptable goals to be used by the division chairperson and the faculty member when establishing goals. Institutional, Division, and Programmatic goals may also be suggested to faculty. Goals should include specific information about specific activity or activities related to the goal, and method of measurement, if possible, especially for retention, or student success goals. A. Teaching Goals The faculty member will: 1. Develop a learning tool, idea or method to be used in his class or adopted by the division. (“I will revise the PPT’s which come with the textbook for my XXX course to meet the specific needs of my students by the Fall of xxxxxx” and assess the effectiveness of the revision through course assessment and grade comparison by (date) 2. Examine new materials such as texts, software or audio-visual equipment. (“I will review 2-3 textbooks for XXXX class in conjunction with other departmental faculty and make recommendations based on the book’s quality, ability to meet stated course outcomes, and cost to students” 3. Develop or pilot a new course or part of a course which supports divisional or institutional goals. (“I will develop a course which will be titled xxxxxxxxxx and pilot to students by xxxxxxx(date)”, OR “I will add a section to my XXXX course dealing with xxxxxxxx to aid in student retention and better achievement of course outcomes, which will be assessed by (xxxxdate)” 4. Conduct a study, survey or research that would serve to improve or update a method or process presently employed. (“I will design a survey for (faculty, students, division) to assess methods that are currently being utilized for (retention, committee membership, faculty evaluation, etc………”) 5. Work with a student group or team either for the purpose of competition or intellectual development, (“I will work with students in (ACF, SNA, etc.) and the staff in the tutoring center to design and offer supplemental instruction in xxxxxx by xxxx(date)”) Effective January, 2014 WV NORTHERN COMMUNITY COLLEGE FACULTY PROFESSIONAL PLAN & EVALUATION APPENDICES Appendix 2, p.2 EXAMPLES OF ACCEPTABLE GOALS 6. Work with other institutions (colleges or high schools) in developing workshops, activities, programs, etc. (“I will contact WLU and develop a 2+2 program in xxxxx; I will develop a workshop for Workforce Development in xxxxxxx and offer it by xxxx(date”) 7. Experimentally use an alternative learning strategy. (“I will attempt to integrate the use of the IPAD to add video lectures to my online class in XXXXXXXX by xxxx(date)”) 8. Substantially revise an existing course in support of divisional or institutional goals. (“Due to low enrollment in XXXX course, I will revise and combine this course with XXXX course and present a proposal to approve these changes to Curriculum Committee by xxxx(date)”) 9. Develop and implement plans to increase student retention rates and success rates. (“I will utilize early warning system (Grades First) to notify tutoring center within 4 weeks of XXXX class start date to increase student retention and success rates”) B. Service Goals The faculty member will: 1. Participate in a service club. (“I will participate in military mail call”; OR “I will organize a food drive for xxxx (program) students during the months of xxxxx”; OR “I will represent WVNCC at XXXX (community club or organization”). 2. Make a presentation to a community organization. (“I will present a seminar on xxxxx to the (Public Library, WPHS, JMHS, MHS, Madonna, Red Cross, YWCA, Lion’s, Women’s, etc.) 3. Become a part of an accreditation team. (“I will volunteer for xxxxxxxxxxx accreditation team during the current year” 4. Judge an academic related contest (“I will participate as a judge in xxxxxxx (contest) at xxxxxx (location) on xxxx (date) 5. Serve on a professional board. (“I will continue to serve on the board for the XXXX (organization) during the current year” 6. Participate in the work of a College committee (“I will continue to serve on (Curriculum, Assessment, Budget, FERC, Merit, Academic Appeals, etc.) committees Effective January, 2014 WV NORTHERN COMMUNITY COLLEGE FACULTY PROFESSIONAL PLAN & EVALUATION APPENDICES Appendix 2, p.3 EXAMPLES OF ACCEPTABLE GOALS 7. Actively engage in programmatic or general recruitment activities. (“I will revise the program website for XXXX program and send information out to at least 3 local high schools about my program”; OR “I will volunteer to speak to high school students who come to visit campus at least once during the next year.”) C. Professional Development Goals The faculty member will: 1. Enroll in an approved course to improve teaching skills or further professional development. (“I will enroll in XXXX course at (institution)” 2. Attend a conference or seminar in his discipline. (“I will attend the XXXX conference in (month/year) and at least one other professional development activity” 3. Work toward publishing an article or book. (“I will begin/continue work on xxxxxxxx (topic), and send to xxxxxx for consideration for publication by xxxx (date)”) 4. Participate in approved research projects or make a presentation at a conference (“I will develop a presentation for xxxxxxxx (conference) on xxxx (topic) and send proposal to at least one upcoming professional conference” Effective January, 2014