Control theory Kim Mathiassen 15.02.2011 Control theory Mass spring damper system Modeling Open loop vs. closed loop Second order system Stability PID control P - Proportional I - Integral D - Derivative Optimal control LQR 15.02.2011 2 Mass spring damper system From Wikimedia Commons x = displacement [m] f = force applied [kg · m/s 2 ] 15.02.2011 m = mass of the block [kg ] B = damping constant [kg /s] k = spring constant [kg /s 2 ] 3 Mass spring damper system Using Newton’s second law P I Spring force: f1 = −kx I Damping force: f2 = −f I External force: f3 = u fi = ma. We have three forces δx δt = −f ẋ This gives the equation mẍ = −kx − f ẋ + u Differential equation for mass spring damper system ẍ + 15.02.2011 f m ẋ + k mx = 1 mu 4 Modeling domains Frequency domain (Transfer functions) x(s)=h(s)u(s) h(s)= 1 m f k s2+ m s+ m State space domain ẋ=Ax + Bu 15.02.2011 ẋ1 =x2 k ẋ2 =− m x1 − f m x2 + 1 mu 5 Block diagrams u - - 1 m ẋ2 x2 = ẋ1 x1 f k 15.02.2011 6 SISO and MIMO Single-Input Single-Output (SISO) The system has one input u and one output x Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) The system has multiple input u and multiple output x Single-Input Multiple-Output (SIMO) Can be regarded as several SISO systems Multiple-Input Single-Output (MISO) Can be regarded as several SISO systems 15.02.2011 Process Process 7 Open loop vs. closed loop Open-loop r Controller u Process x Closed-loop r e Controller u Process x y 15.02.2011 Mesurements 8 Second order systems H(s) = s2 + 1 m f ms + k m = 1 m (s − λ1 )(s − λ2 ) Solution The generic solution gives three cases depending on pole placemend. The three cases are called under-damped, over-damped and critially damped ! r f km λ{1,2} = − 1± 1−4 2 (1) 2m f 15.02.2011 9 Second order systems Damping ratio ζ= −(λ1 +λ2 ) √ 2 λ1 λ2 Over-damped, ζ > 1 (λ1 and λ2 real and distinct) Slow system responce Critically damped, ζ = 1 (λ1 = λ2 ) Fastes system responce without oscillations Under-damped, ζ < 1 (λ1 and λ2 complex conjugates) Fast system responce, but with oscillations 15.02.2011 10 Second order system responce 15.02.2011 11 From Wikimedia Commons Stability Consider the system y (s) = h(s)y0 (s) where y0 (s) has finite length and amplitude Asymptotically stable The system is asymptotically stable if y → 0 when t → ∞ Marginally stable The system is marginally stable if |y | < ∞ for all t ≥ 0 Unstable If the system is not stable, it is unstable 15.02.2011 12 PID control We want to make the system stable and controllable with a controller. The PID controller is a simple controller that may acheive this goal. The PID controller is often analyzed in the frequency domain. PID controller Z u = Kp e + Ki 15.02.2011 e(τ )d τ + Kd ė 13 Proportional I A pure proportional controller will have a steady-state error I Adding a integration term will remove the bias I High gain (Kp ) will produce a fast system I High gain may cause oscillations and may make the system unstable I High gain reduces the steady-state error 15.02.2011 14 Proportional 15.02.2011 15 From Wikimedia Commons Integral I Removes steady-state error I Increasing Ki accelerates the controller I High Ki may give oscillations I Increasing Ki will increase the settling time 15.02.2011 16 Integral 15.02.2011 17 From Wikimedia Commons Derivative I Larger Kd decreases oscillations I Improves stability for low values of Kd I May be highly sensitive to noise if one takes the derivative of a noisy error I High noise leads to instability 15.02.2011 18 Derivative 15.02.2011 19 From Wikimedia Commons PIDstop From PID games 15.02.2011 (K1 = -110 K2 = 0.728) 20 Optimal control I Optimal controll is another control approach than PID I The idea is to specify a cost function and then find the optimal input I The Dynamics of the system is used to design the controller I For non-linear system it is not always possible to find the optimal solution I A special case is for linear systems with a quadradic cost function I The optimal controller must have all states as input I Most often used with an observer to estimate the states that are not measured 15.02.2011 21 Optimal control r u ê Controller Process x ŷ 15.02.2011 Observer y Mesurements 22 Linear-quadratic regulator (LQR) I The feedback is given as u = G 1 x + G 2 r I r is the reference function I The matrix G 1 and G 2 is found based on the system dynamics and the cost function using Pontryagin’s Maximum principle I When following a trajectory the function r (t) must be known for all future timesteps in order to find the optimal solution Cost function J= 15.02.2011 1 2 Z ∞ e T Qe + u T Pudt t 23 References J. B. Balchen, T. Andresen, and B. A. Foss. Reguleringsteknikk. Institutt for teknisk kybernetikk, 2004. PID controller., February 2011. Damping., February 2011. O.A. Solheim and Norges tekniske høgskole Institutt for teknisk kybernetikk. Optimalregulering. Tapir, 1976. 15.02.2011 24