Present: Linda Fletcher, Crystal Harbert, Sara Hupp, Arlene Kuca, John Reho, Dr. Vicki Riley,
Pat Stroud (presiding), Missy Wenner
Excused: Delilah Ryan
I. Welcome and approval of minutes from November 2, 2012 meeting: Arlene made a motion to
approve the minutes from the November 2, 2012 meeting. John seconded the motion. Passage
was unanimous.
II. Director’s Report:
A. Budget: Pat reported that the Capital budget request that she submitted for next fiscal
year has been approved. The funds will be used to purchase furnishings for all three
LRCs. She stated that the OTPS budget requests are still being reviewed. To date no
additional cuts have been made to the budget.
B. Black History Month: Pat reported that the libraries are observing Black History in
February with board and book displays. Lollipops are also being given out to students.
The theme for the month is “At the Crossroads of Freedom and Equality.” The year 2013
is the 150 year anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation, and the 50 year
anniversary of the March on Washington.
C. Accreditation: Pat stated that she reviewed the final Accreditation Report and compiled
a list of highlights of the report that she distributed to the LRC staff. She felt that most of
the sections of the report relating to the library ware okay. She felt that there were some
issues with the sections covering copyright, Information Literacy, and library hours.
III. National Library Week 2013: Pat distributed a handout that she developed for a promotion
for National Library Week. She reported that in anticipation of West Virginia’s 150th birthday
on June 30, 2013, the WV Library Commission is holding a year-long initiative encouraging
people to read 150 books in the year. Pat suggested that we collect 150 favorite books titles from
Northern students, faculty and staff. She asked for comments from the committee members.
Sara stated that she is interested in having the students in her Exceptional Children’s class read
150 titles as a group. Arlene suggested asking for the category of book (mystery, biography,
etc.) along with the title. John thought a one sentence description of the book would be a good
idea. Pat asked the committee members to send any additional ideas or comments to her. Pat
will be sending out a college-wide email about the promotion and will start collecting titles in
February. The book list will be distributed in April during National Library Week.
IV. Community Access: Pat distributed a recent revision to Northern’s public access procedure
along with a page from American Copyright Law. This revision to the procedure only affects the
Wheeling Campus. Dr. Olshinsky is concerned about community members accessing the
Wheeling LRC and the community computers. Pat stated that initially Dr. Olshinsky wanted to
deny the public any access to the library. After conducting some research Pat found that in
copyright law it states that the library must be open to the public in order for it to function as a
library. Pat listed several concerns with the revised procedure. Discussion was held. Dr. Riley
stated that this procedure was revised for security reasons. The Committee made a motion to
state the following concerns with the procedure:
Three passes are not enough to serve the community.
The time limit on the passes is not long enough.
Time on the computer is not long enough and automatic shut off at one hour is not
Alumni are not being treated fairly as former students.
Unequal library service is being offered on the three campuses.
V. Orientation: Pat reported that the library will be included in an orientation that will be
required for all students in the near future. The Curriculum Committee is still reviewing the
orientation before it is finalized.
VI. Other
A. Next Meeting: Pat will contact the committee members about a possible March meeting.
There being no further business Crystal made a motion to adjourn. It was seconded by
Arlene. Passage was unanimous.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:55 p.m.
Submitted by,
Linda Fletcher