Chabot College October 1996 Removed Fall 2006 Course Outline for Administration of Justice 92 RESERVE MODULE B, PART I: ROLE OF THE BACKUP OFFICER Catalog Description: 92 - Reserve Module B, Part I: Role of the Backup Officer 3 units Elements involved in backing up another officer. Professional orientation; communications; criminal law; traffic stops; custody issues; patrol. Designed to meet part of Module B for the Level II Reserve Peace Officer. Certified by the California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training. 2 hours lecture, 3 hours laboratory. Prerequisite Skills: Before entering the course, the student should be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. list the former and the revised requirements of PC 832; understand the difference between values and ethics and the application of ethical conduct; list the principal parts of PC 836 and 837; understand the application of the laws of evidence; explain the methods of arrest; understand the primary techniques of investigation and good written and verbal communication. Expected Outcomes for Students: Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. explain the role of telecommunications in law enforcement; describe the history and principles of law enforcement; identify various law enforcement professions and their role in the justice system; identify current legal issues for police officers; direct and control traffic; assist in booking procedures; learn custody procedures; know patrol procedures. Course Content: 1. 2. Professional Orientation A. History and Principles of Law Enforcement B. Law Enforcement Profession Communications A. Report Writing Mechanics B. Report Writing Application C. Uses of the Telephone/Radio/Telecommunications Chabot College Course Outline for Administration of Justice 92, page 2 October 1996 3. 4. 5. 6. Criminal Law A. Theft Law B. Burglary Law C. Receiving Stolen Property Law D. Malicious Mischief Law E. Assault/Battery Law F. Assault With Deadly Weapon Law G. Mayhem Law H. Crimes Against Public Peace Law Traffic A. Initial Violator Contact B. License Identification C. Traffic Stop Hazards D. Issuing Citations and Warnings E. Traffic Direction Custody A. Custody B. Custody Procedures C. Prisoners Rights and Responsibilities Patrol Procedures A. Patrol Concepts B. Perception Techniques C. Observation Techniques D. Beat Familiarization E. Problem Area Patrol Techniques F. Patrol Hazards G. Pedestrian Approach H. Vehicle Pullover Techniques I. Miscellaneous Vehicle Stops J. Felony/High Risk Pullover K. Wants and Warrants L. Tactical Consideration/Crimes in Progress M. Officer Survival N. Hazardous Occurrences Methods of Presentation: 1. 2. Lecture and discussion Actual demonstration Methods of Evaluating Student Progress: 1. 2. 3. Attendance Actual demonstration and performance Final examination Chabot College Course Outline for Administration of Justice 92, page 3 October 1996 Textbook(s): No textbook required. Special Student Materials: None. sb A:\WPFILES\ADMJUS.92 REVISED: 10/96