College Council Friday, April 3 , 2009 Minutes

College Council
Friday, April 3rd, 2009
The meeting was called to order at 1:10 p.m. by President Barberena.
The minutes from the March 6th, 2009 meeting were reviewed by the College Council. A motion to
accept the minutes was made by Jim Matthews and seconded by Chad Mark Glen.
1) Update on Recommendation From the Health & Safety Committee About Hayward
Police Department’s Monitoring of Chabot’s Security Cameras (Sergeant Ruben Pola)
Sergeant Pola took the recommendation of Chad Mark Glen to research police departments in
other areas with demographics Chabot’s size, and learned there are no specific colleges that
have come forward with a formal agreement with local police departments. Currently, statewide,
half of college security departments are police departments and half are security offices.
Sergeant Pola presented his recommendation to Faculty Senate and questions arose on
technology so he is working with Jeannine Methe on developing a technology action plan. The
end-users in technology would be Gordon watt and Mike Seaton and they have not been
communicated with on how a possible plan would happen. Jeannine will make recommendations
on how she wants it to happen. Faculty Senate was favorable about the recommendation.
Sergeant Pola will meet with ASCC in April to discuss the recommendation.
Classified Senate was behind it, but asked for clarification about cameras in the workplace.
Classified Senate’s concerns about cameras in the work place included: 1) Are there any rules or
regulations mandating signage stating there are cameras in the workplace?; and 2) concern
managers and supervisors will use this current system to monitor people and/or to spy on staff. If
someone wants to control at the Vice President’s level and go through Gene Groppetti, Melinda
Matsuda, or Jack Mahrt or President Barberena and give access to any one else to have a
monitor on their computer, Sergeant Pola would honor that request. The consensus of the
Council was we leave this issue alone. The will of the President is that we are okay the way we
are without cameras monitored outside Campus Safety. Sergeant Pola is not aware of retail
stores required to have signs notifying consumers about cameras on-site as it is an open fact of
life about cameras. With Chabot being a public place, it falls under the same criteria for not
requiring signage. The lobby area of Administration Building 200 and the Children’s Center has
cameras. Building 200 requires cameras because it is needed to monitor the ATM machine.
Installing cameras in the Children’s Center was part of a Measure B Project in that the one place
that is most sensitive and needs monitoring is where children are present and entrusted in the
care of the campus and to prevent child stealing. The cameras are fixed on the doors.
The Faculty Association has concerns about cameras in the workplace and may become an item
for negotiation. The College is using cameras for safety and security and not to monitor
instructors. Cameras protect student safety, protect children in the Children’s Center, and are
located outside classrooms and office buildings to protect for personal safety.
Chad commended Sergeant Pola for walking through the camera issue with all constituencies.
In regard to new security technology campus wide, Ming Ho recommended that the next time
Chabot tries new technology, we should test-run one building at a time for 18 weeks and see how
it works, then work out the bugs
before it is implemented campus wide.
This was a three-year plan that came
into fruition on Sergeant Pola’s watch,
and he wanted to bring one building in
at a time, although it would have cost
more money to implement a plan that
way. Sergeant Pola credited Campus
Safety Dispatchers Shirley Dazhan
and Sarah Black for their dedication to
learning the new technology.
Office of the President (510) 723-6640  FAX (510) 723-7126  25555 Hesperian Boulevard, Hayward CA 94545
College Council
Friday, April 3rd, 2009
2) Accreditation Self-Study Update (Jim Matthews/Chad Mark Glen)
Chad Mark Glen stated that Chabot’s Accreditation Self-Study report has been written because of
the hard work and efforts of faculty, staff, and administrators. The Accreditation Steering
Committee started its work in June 2007. One of the first tasks was creating a Steering committee
and to create a coordinating committee that was comprised of all of the standard chairs. There
has not been as much student involvement as we would like to have had, as students are busy
working and studying. We have planning agendas that ensures continual improvement. In the
process of the self-study, we reaffirmed how great Chabot is doing.
The Accreditation webpage is filled with information and documents. Chad encouraged all
constituencies to take a look at their websites. He stated that it is our goal to make the website
more user-friendly and intuitive. Standard IV is now up on the website. Standards I, II, and IV are
inserted, and we will insert Standard III soon. By April 9 , the entire Accreditation document will
be on the website.
3) College Program Review & Planning (Yvonne Wu Craig & Tram Vo-Kumamoto)
Academic Services submitted their Program Review and Unit plans on March 13th. Managers,
Administrative Services, and Student Services have also been working on their documents, and
will submit them on April 17th.
Support is being provided by the Office of Academic Services who will tally them and provide a
list that will be distributed campus wide indicating which plans have been received and which
have not. The Deans’ summary will go to IPBC on April 17th. A letter from Gene’s office will go out
and then IPBC will meet with the Program Review Committee to review Program Review
documents and division summaries, and then an update to the strategic plan will be distributed.
This means where we have the goals, objectives, and strategies listed.
A work group meeting will review everything. The last few IPBC meetings of the academic year
will focus on discussions on the broad initiatives that deans are bringing out, and then the
planning retreat will include the Program Review Committee, College President, Vice Presidents,
and all deans to actualize the plan and think about what the implications will be for next year. If
things are looking up, we will decide on the broad initiatives. We will also discuss and possibly set
college priorities. Jim Matthews recommended that the IPBC retreat scheduled for Wednesday,
May 27 from 3 to 5 p.m. be announced campus wide. Jim Matthews and Chad Mark Glen
commended Yvonne Wu Craig and Tram Vo-Kumamoto on their efforts with IPBC and the
Strategic Plan. Yvonne said that at one point we should only hold IPBC twice a semester and the
process should be systemized. Dr. Barberena stated that the building of evidence is the key.
Chabot thought about bridging it to Convocation. Jim recommended Flex Day be held this
September before the October Accreditation Site visit, with discussion on planning and budget.
Yvonne stated that the goal for the IPBC Planning Retreat is to discuss the planning cycle and
how planning is connected to budgeting. This discussion would also be repeated at the first of the
year at the Fall IPBC meeting. The new Strategic Plan will go to print next week on Tuesday.
Yvonne shared a copy of the new Strategic Plan brochure which will be linked on the website
when it is finalized next week.
The College Council meeting was adjourned at 2:36 p.m.
Office of the President (510) 723-6640  FAX (510) 723-7126  25555 Hesperian Boulevard, Hayward CA 94545