IPBC Membership 2008-09 Tram Vo-Kumamoto, Co-Chair Yvonne Wu Craig, Co-Chair Faculty Carolyn Arnold Mike Absher Kimberly Blackwell JoAnn Galliano Chad Mark Glen Debra Howell Joe Kuwabara Donald Plondke Linda Rhodes Classified Catherine Powell Rachel Ugale Yvonne Wu Craig Administrators Celia Barberena Gary Carter Gene Groppetti Matthew Kritcher Melinda Matsuda Gerald Shimada Regular Meeting September 10, 2008 – 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. Board Room, Building 200 M i n u t e s Reports • Chabot College Foundation (Heidi Finberg) The Chabot College Foundation will be focusing on starting a textbook rental program for students. The majority of the foundation’s funding activities will be focused on supporting this college-wide initiative. • Accreditation Report (Chad Mark Glen) See attached report. • Budget Committee Report (Yvonne Wu Craig) IPBC co-chairs attended two Budget Committee meetings where they participated in funding fall allocation requests that were submitted with the Unit Plans. Budget Committee is continuing this activity in September and will issue a report to the college. Discussion/Decision Items • Community Input Forums (Carolyn Arnold) Carolyn Arnold will be coordinating efforts to hold Community Input forums in late October. She presented her proposal of the topics to be covered during the forums. These forums will focus on gathering community input about how Chabot is doing in meeting the community’s educational needs. IPBC members provided feedback and input about her proposal. One members suggested also asking about what business/employer needs are as an opportunity to build stronger partnerships. IPBC Minutes – September 10, 2008 Pg. 2 • College Planning Timeline Yvonne presented the annual planning timeline that indicated benchmarks for planning. • Evaluation of college planning processes IPBC members participated in an activity evaluating planning processes in the college. This activity was a follow-up on previous spring discussions. Committee members noted that although there were strong planning processes in place across the college such as the unit planning process and increased coordination with the Budget Committee and other college governance committees, there were some processes and linkages that could be made stronger.