College Council MINUTES OF FRIDAY,

College Council
The meeting was called to order at 1:02 p.m. by President Celia Barberena.
Dr. Barberena reviewed the membership of College Council. According to District Board Policy
2015, the members of College Council includes: College President, Chairs of Committees,
Academic Senate (Current President and Immediate Past President), Classified Senate (Current
President and Immediate Past President), ASCC, Administration (5), and one administrative staff,
Faculty Association, and SEIU, with a total of fourteen members.
Review of Minutes- The minutes from the September 5th, 2008 meeting were reviewed and
approved by consensus. Approved minutes will be posted on the Council’s website.
Chabot’s Home Page: A New Interim Page- Tom Clark and Abdullah Yahya gave a presentation
on the new Chabot home web page, that was a two-year project with its final outcome shown today
at College Council. The change drivers include: interact web study; Clarus market research; and a
growing number of complaints from students, faculty, and staff about the current website. The
current deficiencies of the current website include: Homepage is rigid in what we can add or delete
from it; seeking more flexibility; limited space for home page content and news and events;
outdated design; does not target different demographics (PODS); and difficult to find information.
Abdullah Yahya gave an overview of the interim website. The new design points include: modern,
rounded corners; accessibility; choice of layout and choice of color scheme. This is the first launch
of an interim website. The goal is to launch a new Chabot home page by November 1 , or by
Thanksgiving. Chabot will migrate content from the current site to the new template one department
at a time. President Barberena recommended that Tom Clark and Abdullah Yahya meet with Laura
Weaver to review the new interim site in her role in marketing before the launch takes place.
Update on Budget Committee- Judy Young and Mike Absher, Co-Chairs of the College
Budget Committee updated the Council on the Budget Committee, which met this summer and
reviewed their charge on the Collegial Governance document. There were many things in the
charge that the committee is not currently doing. The final changes to the document are being
forwarded and updated onto the Budget Committee’s website.
The Budget Committee currently performs these functions: Reviews the annual college budget;
assists and supports college planning process as needed or requested; reviews and make
recommendations to the Institutional Planning and Budget Council (IPBC), College Council,
Academic Senate, and Classified Senate; oversees the development and revision of the College
and District allocation; requests must go through the governance process and through IPBC. The
Budget Committee wants accountability and College consensus on requests that come through the
Business Services Office so that they are heard and evaluated and in accordance with College
goals. Rosie Mogle is a conduit of passing the unit plans to the Budget Committee, and the Budget
Committee is a sub-committee of IPBC and there needs to be increased communication on things
that come through Budget. If things come in after unit plans are submitted, the Budget Committee
needs to communicate with IPBC on these matters. VTEA comes with specific purposes, and Basic
Skills funds come with specific purposes.
District Budget Study Group (DBSG)
Barberena will be the conduit to
Lorenzo Legaspi to express interest
was recommended to President
Wagoner and Jim Matthews to get a
has not met in two years. President
District Vice Chancellor of Business
from Chabot to have the DBSG meet. It
Barberena that she meet with Dale
historical perspective on DBSG. Budget
(workgroup puts together the plan), and
Office of the President (510) 723-6640  FAX (510) 723-7126  25555 Hesperian Boulevard, Hayward CA 94545
College Council
VTEA and how to expense the money. The Budget Committee is asking for a briefing on the Basic
Skills venture, and want to know more about activities, approving RFPs, keeping the Budget
Committee in the loop. There needs to be transparency on how funds are allocated, participation at
various levels, communication campus wide, and getting included in the expenditure plan. The next
link is the Budget Committee is receiving a report (President Barberena will ask at the next College
Council for an update on what has moved through the Basic Skills Committee and the Budget
Committee so we can continue to be informed.)
Judy Young said this is the first year the Budget Committee has been making headway with our
expenditures on technology, and this is the first time we have started the year with a balance. We
had $1,418,581.00 to start off the year. Unit plans were reviewed by the Budget Committee. When
the committee had questions, the coordinators of programs where interviewed. Most units got what
they requested. Student Services has not yet submitted requests for equipment because when they
move into their new building, their equipment and technology needs will be taken care of.
Counseling submitted a unit plan that did not get forwarded and will be reviewed in the near future.
The Budget Committee held off on approving laptops as there has been interference in classrooms
with IPODs; these requests will be approved until IT can provide reassurance that there is no longer
a problem. The Committee will not hear VTEA allocations until this allocation is approved and
signed off by the Governor. Requests for the 4000 accounts will be reviewed in the next round.
On behalf of the Budget Committee, Judy asked President Barberena if the College Council would
approve $1,363,077,084 as distributed by the Committee today. Dr. Barberena asked for the
recommendation of the College Council and accepted a unanimous recommendation from the
Council to assign various specific budget requests to the various divisions as stated in their unit
plans, or as represented verbally by the unit leader to the Budget Committee. Dr. Barberena
suggested that these allocations are communicated to the college community through various
channels, for example, it should communicate through IPBC to the College, the Dean’s Council,
and other forums. Every one needs to be aware of the the work of the Budget Committee.
Cheating Policy- Academic Senate President, Ming-Lun Ho, reviewed the draft cheating policy.
Since the last Council meeting, some minor editing and rephrasing of the original draft took place.
The students reviewed it and had concerns about signing the form. The concern was using the
word “informal” as it does not exist in the Board policy. The students asked for a definition of what is
formal and what is informal. The ASCC wants to engage in a dialogue with other colleges about
their policies, and to ensure that Chabot students’ rights are not being violated. They also want
confirmation that Chabot students do not need to sign the form. There are gray areas on the current
draft that need clarification before forwarding the form for approval. Ming pointed out that the
purpose of this form is to document a suspicion of cheating and so to track patterns. Faculty
currently need a system to track suspicious cheating. These forms would be stored separately from
permanent student files. The dean’s will keep a copy, and a copy will be sent to the Vice President
of Student Services, as a repository, and will be maintained in a file and cross checked when other
forms come in. If there is more than one form for one student, it will be evidenced that there is a
repeated behavior. The formal policy on cheating is what gets put into the syllabus.
Dr. Gene Groppetti suggested that students check with UC Davis about their similar policy. Gerald
Shimada felt this form has a system of checks and balances and a formal process is good. Dayne
Nicholls stated that the last two
Student Senates were against the form
and did not support it. This was
presented to College Council two years
ago but nothing was furthered on the
President Barberena recommended
sub-group of Academic Senate and
students and to faculty and bring this
that a sub-committee of AS work with a
come to a resolution that is fair to
back to College Council.
Office of the President (510) 723-6640  FAX (510) 723-7126  25555 Hesperian Boulevard, Hayward CA 94545
College Council
Security Badges & Building Access- Campus Safety Director, Sergeant Ruben Pola, said
Chabot’s Security Master Plan has been in existence for some time, and outlines various
innovations to enhance security such as: different types of locks, card key access, etc. A work
group meets every Tuesday to discuss critical issues delineated in the master plan. A private
contractor was hired by the District to write the plan. Vendors have been selected for the
equipment, and are installing card key access points. This part of security is moving along quickly,
and will be completed within three months. Campus Safety will issue new keys and new card keys,
but not all of the locks will be replaced.
Building 1100 will be slowly brought on line with new security features. The implementation of the
card key feature was discussed. Sergeant Pola brought up one critical issue: putting pictures on
cards. It was recommended that one general badge be given to all. Everyone who needs access
into a key card location will be getting a key card, in accordance to the Security system. It will be a
phased-in project. Sergeant Pola explained that if your building requires that you have a key card,
this will also serve as your ID card. This would help A&R when faculty needs assistance at the
window so faculty can be identified from students. Sergeant Pola’s concern is we already have ID
cards in place and we can wear them now. His recommendation is: Have staff become more
identifiable to students. The Health & Security Committee can look at that and make a
recommendation that all staff should wear ID cards that have already been issued. And there
should not be color ID cards at all. A card with a photo on it would suffice and still be identifiable to
students. Dr. Carolyn Arnold stated that what should go on the security card when it is lost is what
is important. Sergeant Pola felt that at least a photo on both card sides is what is needed. President
Barberena said that we could 1) Change the ID card so it looks different than students’ ID cards; 2)
determine when the card should be issued, yearly or as staff are hired? She recommended that the
Health and Safety Committee review how these cards would look and when they would be
distributed. A&R is paying for the new design of the card. President Barberena stated that a swiped
card could include a photo but no staff names, just a number. It was also recommended that the
back of the card state: If lost, return to Campus Safety. Those who lose cards can call Campus
Safety for a new card. All cards will have a number imprinted on them and Campus Safety can look
at the number and then know whose card it is. Sergeant Pola will share with the Health & Safety
Committee that there will not be a color scheme, confirm whether or not a new ID card will be
developed and discuss whether staff should wear ID cards when on campus.
President Barberena presented the governance document and discussed how the governance
structure works. This will be tabled for discussion at the November 7 College Council meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:15 p.m.
Revised: 11/12/08
Office of the President (510) 723-6640  FAX (510) 723-7126  25555 Hesperian Boulevard, Hayward CA 94545