Chabot College Unit Plan, Part II Unit Plan: Accomplishments and Goals Unit: Learning Connection Division or Area to Which You Report: Academic Services via Language Arts Author(s) of this Unit Plan: Cindy Hicks Date: March 14, 2008 (To be read and responded to primarily by IPBC, to provide evidence of progress on Strategic Planning Priorities from previous year and to provide input into planning for subsequent year. Be sure to include accomplishments and goals related to Strategic Planning Priorities, including student learning. Use analysis of Student Characteristics Report [ URL ] and other data to be responsive to needs based on trends. No more than one page.) 1. Accomplishments from Last Year’s Unit Plan (What You Have Accomplished): Please see 200708 Accomplishments in Section 1a, Goals/Results, at the End of this Section1. No. Goal/Objective Revitalize Tutorials 1a. Activities Undertaken to Achieve the Goal/Objective Tutorials renamed PATH. New tutor recruiting and training processes that more directly involve instructors; new tutoring intiatives—PeerLed Team Learning, Learning Assistants; develop an efficient system for scheduling students with tutors; pilot drop-in tutoring in impacted subjects, such as chemistry; “spruce up” 2351 with new furniture, carpeting and tiles. Results We are piloting new tutor recruiting and training processes with the result that we have more tutors than in recent memory— over 50 not including WRAC and Language Center—all of whom have been recommended by instructors and all of whom are being trained by a tutor training + content faculty. We have 3 PLTL pilots—2 in chemistry; 1 in math. We have 9 instructors using Learning Assistants in their classrooms. We have begun working on computerizing our scheduling. Even with the old, paper and pen, system, we have reduced the number of students we aren’t able to schedule quickly from over 200 in the fall to 40 and dropping at last count. We began offering limited drop-in tutoring in Fall 2007. We have new furniture and new mini-blinds in 2351, making the space far more attractive and user-friendly. Priority Objective / Goal Accomplished? Strategic Plan Goal Yes / N0 / In Process We’re making great strides, and, hopefully, revitalizati on and developme nt efforts will be in process always. 2007-08 Goals/Results as of March 14, 2008 The Learning Connection mission statement was developed in 2005-06. It appears on the Academic Services website. All the goals and results below were guided by the mission statement. Coordinate tutor training for all tutors in all 1.Held the third pre-semester training for all Learning Chabot College Unit Plan, Part II Learning Connection programs “ “ Revitalize Tutorials, renamed PATH, Peer Academic Tutoring Help. “ “ Through PATH, alert students to other campus resources available to them. Connection tutors (includingWRAC), Jan. 14, 2007. Attended by approximately 85 people, including tutors, PLTL leaders, learning assistants, instructors mentoring PLTL leaders and learning assistants, content-area instructors participating in tutor training, and student services representatives, peer advisors, the former and new presidents of Chabot College, the chancellor. 2.Dennis Chowenhill has taken on the job of Tutor Training Pilot Programs coordinator. He is working with 7 content-area instructors to train all Learning Connection tutors in both tutoring methods and content-area tutoring. For example, math tutors take Tutoring Methods with Dennis Chowenhill and Content-Area Tutor Training with the Math Lab coordinator. By spring 2008, all Learning Connection tutors, including the WRAC Center tutors, occurs in the context of the Learning Connection. 3.Pilot tutor training course outlines were written by the Learning Connection coordinator, approved by the Curriculum Committee, and scheduled the first time in Spring 2007. We will submit the 49 courses for catalog-course approval in Spring 2008. 99 tutors are enrolled in these training courses in Spring 2008. In addition, 12 peer advisors are enrolled in TUTR 4902, ChabotLink Peer Advisor Training 4. According to SARSTRAK, in Fall 2007, nearly 11,000 students signed into PATH, averaging over 625 sing-ins per week, or double the number of signins in Spring 2007. This number does NOT include student sign-ins for Math Lab, WRAC Center, ChabotLink, PLTLs, and Learning Assistants. 5.Number of students waiting to be assigned a PATH tutor reduced from 250 in Fall 2007 to fewer than 40 Spring 2007, to fewer than 30 in Fall 2008. As we have more tutors recommended by faculty, even that number of students having to wait to be assigned a tutor is decreasing. 6.Increased the number of peer tutors. Including all Learning Connection programs, we have about 112 peer tutors and adviors. 7.Students waiting for a PATH tutor consistently referred to other campus resources. We are in the process of collecting information from all campus resources to provide to students who come to PATH. We also have collaborated with the Office of Student Services to develop the peer advising program, which provides students with referrals as they walk to class. Chabot College Unit Plan, Part II Involve instructors in learning support programs; recruit the best possible tutors from among our student population Involve instructors in learning support. Coordinate instructors’ efforts in the classroom with learning support efforts in the various learning support programs. Pilot new learning support programs that encourage a connection between classroom instruction and learning support. “ “ Develop goals and assessments for learning support programs. “ 8.Instructors from all disciplines recommend students to be peer tutors. We hire only students who have been recommended by instructors. All Learning Connection tutors are recruited through the Learning Connection. In Fall 2008, the tutor trainers developed a guide for instructors for identifying potentially strong tutors from among their students. The guide has helped raise the quality of students being recommended to tutoring. 9.PATH and WRAC provide emailed Tutor Report forms to instructors and appropriate counselors after every tutoring session. Feedback from instructors and counselors to the Tutor Report forms is forwarded to the appropriate tutors. Recently, the tutor training coordinator and project development coordinator have been forwarded tutor requests to instructors, requests such as provision of sample tests, for example. As instructors respond to such requests, they become involved in the Learning Connection. 10.Three Peer Led Team Learning pilots, one in math and two in chemistry, were created and are currently being piloted as a result of the Learning Connection’s coordination with Staff Development and NSF to provide information and support. We are now encouraging PLTLs in the life sciences. PLTL leaders are trained through the Learning Connection tutor training program. 11.The project development coordinator plans to pilot Reading Apprenticship workshops to instructors in Fall 2008. 12.Sixteen instructors in anatomy, CAS, business, math, Japanese, art, and English have Learning Assistants in their classes. This is a popular program that links instructors with tutors available to assist students in the classroom and outside of class as students’ schedules allow. Learning Assistants are trained through the Learning Connection tutor training program. 13.Instructors using PLTLs and LA’s are developing goals and assessment of their goals. These can eventually become SLO’s and assessments 14.All learning support programs are currently involved in Program Review. In addition, the Institutional Research Office has been collecting data on the PLTL and LA classes. Chabot College Unit Plan, Part II Create links with CSUEB. Provide paraprofessional support for instructors whose pedagogy will be enhanced by such support. 15. Since the problem for which this partnership was created—finding tutors in high-level science classes— was solved once we had a life sciences/Learning Connection liaison, the CSUEB partnership program is on the back burner. We are collaborating with the Math/Sciences Division, however, to support a CSUEB program to attract future math and science teachers to a new CSU program. We’ll be helping to provide tutors for this intern program. Increase the hours of operation of the 15.Language Center has moved to 2351, allowing it to Language Center. extend its hours of service and increase the number of students served. Increase the hours of operation of PATH. 16.Tutorials Center has extended its hours of service to include evenings and Saturday mornings. Write the Building 100 Program Definition 17.We have coordinated with English, WRAC, Math, Math Lab, ESL, Language Center, Tutorials, Learning Skills, World Languages, Speech, the Radio Station, and the Library to write the Building 100 Program Definition. Create a peer advising program with the goal 18,We are piloting the peer advisor program this of increasing student retention. Spring 2008, with plans to institutionalize it beginning in Fall 2008. Improve Learning Connection programs’ 19.We continue to work with Rachel Ugale to systems. ascertain whether or not SARSTRAK is capturing all of our student contacts. “ 20.We have met with Jeannine Methe, Dave Suhr, and Rachel Ugale to develop a scheduling grid that will allow us to schedule more efficiently and to capture scheduling data more easily. However, creating such a grid is a big task, one for which we do not currently have the personnel. We are proposing to hire an administrative assistant to accomplish this job as well as to manage all of the data we need to be managing. Assess programs. 21.We have begun work with IR to assess our programs to date. (Learning Connection coordinator met with Rachel Ugale and Carolyn Arnold in March 2007. The ASPIRE coordinator and Learning Connection coordinator met with Carolyn Arnold and Rajinder Samra in Fall 2006.) IR began collecting PLTL and LA data in Fall 2006. Bring back new and improved learning styles 22. PATH is considering coordinating with the inventories. ASPIRE program and the Library to re-implement two learning styles inventories, the LSI and LASSI. We have not found data supporting the usefulness of these measures, particularly the LSI. However, counselors find the LASSI helpful in their work with students. Chabot College Unit Plan, Part II Provide above and beyond support to special student programs. 23.Tutorials is coordinating with EOPs and ASPIRE to provide above and beyond support to their students (and be reimbursed by these programs for the above and beyond support provided). Revitalize PATH. 24.We have renovated 2351 to include new furniture.. We have begun creating a sculpture garden on the patio, with two sculptures loaned to us by Clayton Theil. The patio furniture has been replaced. The carpet and tiles were not due for replacement, so we look forward to their next cleaning. Begin implementing activities that will come 25.The Center for Teaching and Learning co-hosted a from the Center for Teaching and Learning conference, “Reading: A Learning Perspective,” on in the future. March 9 which was attended by approximately 90 people from 12 community colleges. The Making Visible project will be part of the Center for Teaching and Leaning in Spring 2008. CHARLIE will be broadened and offered through the CTL in Fall 2008. In 2008-09, the CTL will coordinate with learning communities, as well as with the Basic Skills committee and Staff Development committee to establish useful collaborations. Create a web presence for the Learning 26.The Learning Connection has its webpage up. The Connection. Create a virtual CTL. CTL webpage and links are up. Begin creating a CTL library. 27.The Learning Connection coordinator has requested funding committee to purchase relevant books for instructors currently involved in program review. This is a Center for Teaching and Learning activity. “ 28.The Center for Teaching and Learning will be requesting money to purchase journals related to the scholarship of teaching and learning. Hire a permanent, full-time, year-round IA 29.We have hired a permanent IA in Tutorials who is for PATH. Maintain a cadre of interim IA’s helping us with Learning Connection projects. We to support the extended hours of the have trained five IAs to work on an interim, as-needed Tutorials Center and the Language Center, as basis. We have proposed hiring a Learning well as to assist with the Learning Connection administrative assistant who will serve as Connection project development until a the administrative assistant for all Learning Learning Connection administrative assistant Connection programs, including Communications can be hired. Lab, Language Center, Math Lab, Tutorials, World Languages, PLTL’s, LA, other learning support pilots developed by faculty, and the Center for Teaching and Learning. As part of the duties to support the CTL will be assisting when Chabot hosts a conference (including providing a web presence for the conference). Coordinate with instructors involved in 30.The Learning Connection coordinator attends student learning projects; provide resources. Program Review and FIG meetings to keep up with instructors’ perceptions of learning support needs of their students. Currently, the Learning Connection Chabot College Unit Plan, Part II coordinator begin trained in Reading Apprenticeship in order to be able to offer workshops to interested instructors and tutors. “ “ Market Learning Connection programs 2. No. 1 31.The Learning Connection coordinator has volunteered time with the Strategic Literacy initiative at WestEd to determine the viability of applying Reading Apprenticeship strategies and approaches at community colleges. 32.The Learning Connection coordinator has contributed to two grants (recently)—Title 3, and the BSI Professional Development grant. 33.RE: First marketing efforts—The Learning Connection learning support programs are advertised in the Schedule of Classes. We have created Learning Connection letterhead. We have program brochures, with the latest being for Life Sciences. Learning Connection fliers that delineate learning support programs available to students have been created and are being distributed. Learning Connection learning support programs participate in campus/community events. There is a Learning Connection website. Goals/Objectives (What You Hope to Accomplish): Goal/Objective Coordinate between Lrng. Conn. Programs. What you hope to accomplish Proposed Activities Completed to Achieve Goal/Objective Priority Objective / Time Frame Strategic Plan Goal (semester, year, five years, etc.) Centralize and facilitate tutor recruitment, hiring, payroll, and trainin processes. Hire a Learning Connection Administrative Assistant. 100 Learning Connection tutors working in the Math Lab, PATH, WRAC, Language Ctr., World Lang. Ctr., Communications Ctr, Conversation Groups, Anatomy Wkshps., ECD Wkshps., PLTLs, and LA, and Peer Advisors are hired and paid from a central funding source. As we continue to Priority Obj. 1, Goal 6 Estimated completion of centralized recruitment, hiring and payroll, Fall 2008 or 2009. Estimated completion of training pilots #1, Spring 2008. Estimated time to hire AA—Fall 2008. Coord. among faculty, ongoing Chabot College Unit Plan, Part II establish stability in recruitment, hiring and payroll, we will centralize hiring and payment of all Learning Connection program tutors, Tutor training for all Learning Connection tutors (including WRAC & Language Center) have been piloted via Tutoring 49A and 49B. This will be taken to Curriculum to become catalog courses. More instructor FIGs, in addition to the Tutor Trainers FIG, will become active. The LC coordinators will continue outreach to instructors in all disciplines, both one-onone and through discipline liaisons. The LC coordinators will continue program planning in all centers with an eye towards the Planning for move to Bldg. 100, through 2012. Chabot College Unit Plan, Part II eventual move to Bldg. 100. 2 Continue to provide resources and opportunities for instructors and counselors to develop learning support activities, including PLTLs, LAs, off-campus tutoring, support for BSI pilots, online support, Reading Apprenticeship. Hire an administrative assistant. IAs. Hire two or train and schedule current IAs to cover hours beyond the full-time IAs’ hours as well as breaks, lunches. Update and maintain a Learning Connection website that includes tutorial information. Purchase laptop computers that students and tutors in PATH can use to supplement the seven computers currently available for student use. Computerize tutoring scheduling. Work with the director of the San Leandro Center to involve tutors at the site. Work with directors of other Chabotrelated sites. Investigate on-line tutoring. LC coordinator Hire administrativ e assistant to maintain Learning Connection website, including CHARLIE. Begin better coordinating schedules among the centers. Scheduling and data collection can be achieved with SARSTRAK, but an administrativ e assistant needs to be hired to accomplish this.though it needs to be refined and piloted. Offer stipends for interested science and math instructors to develop PLTLs. Institutionali ze Learning Assistant program with policies, procedures, and LA instructor training. Pilot Reading Apprenticesh ip. Priority Obj. 1, 2, 3; Goals 6, 14, 24, 19, 26, 28 Hire administrativ e asst. by Fall 2008. PLTL stipends of $2500 for training and workshop curriculum development available as of Spring 2009. Learning Assistant program policies, procedures, training in place end of Fall 2008. Reading Apprenticesh ip pilot in Fall 2008. CHARLIE content coordinator in place by Fall 2008. Chabot College Unit Plan, Part II attend program review and BS committee meetings. Develop and maintain a broader version of CHARLIE. 3 Pilot World Languages Center and Communications Center initiatives in support of the development of such centers by 2010. Learning Connection project development and tutor training coordinator will work with World Languages instructors and Speech and other instructors to develop pilot initiatives and to plan these learning support centers. World Languages Center and Communications Center project development coordinators and tutor trainers are in place. Priority Objectives 1, 2, 3; Goals 6, 14, 24, 19, 26, 28 Pilots will be ongoing. The goal is that the new Centers will be operational upon completion of the Bldg. 100 renovation. 4 Continue coordination with Program Review, BS committee, Institutional Research to support instructor efforts to provide effective learning support to their students. Learning Connection project development coordinator: Attend meetings, design appropriate formative and summative assessments, share information, connect instructors with others engaged in similar work. See CTL below. All current learning support centers are in Program Review. Math, life science, chemistry, speech, world languages, English instructors are engaged in tutor training. PLTL instructors have attended workshops on PLTLs. Instructors engaged in Learning Connection pilots have met with one another. Relevant base data have been/are being collected for Learning Connection learning support Priority Obj. 1, 3; Goals 6, 10, 26 These activities are ongoing. Chabot College Unit Plan, Part II centers. These activities need to continue, plus we need to investigate the learning support needs of areas not currently active—other than perhaps sending students to tutors--in the Learning Connection: PE and athletics, nursing, social sciences, humanities. 5 Create a virtual Center for Teaching and Learning on the Learning Connection website. Create an actual CTL, eventually to be housed in Bldg. 100. Support ongoing teaching and learning opportunities Continue to create links to teaching and learning sites on the Center for Teaching and Learning webpage. Find a temporary space for the CTL. Prepare for a CTL founding coordinator. Coordinate with Curriculum, Program Review, Basic Skills Committee, Staff Development, Institutional Research, etc. on appropriate CTL support of their efforts. Integrate Making Visible projects and an expanded Materials have been collected. A Learning Connection website exists. A Program Definition has been written. A conference on reading is being co-sponsored by the CTL. Priority Objective 3, Goal 26, 28 CTL website will be properly updated once the administrativ e assistant is hired. Founding coordinator will contribute to this effort. Fall-Spring 2008-09. LC project development coordinator will continue coordinating with appropriate committees until CTL founding coordinator is in place. The Making Visible project coordinator is in place. Funding for Making Visible projects has been requested. Making Chabot College Unit Plan, Part II CHARLIE into CTL. Coordinate CTL support for learning communities. Visible support staff have been proposed. The development of Making Visible will be ongoing, 2008-2009. A content coordinator for CHARLIE has been proposed. Support will be ongoing once the administrativ e assistant is hired. Discussions re: learning communities pilots and CTL support have begun. Ongoing 2008-2009. 6. Institutionali ze ChabotLink peer advising. Continue to station peer advisors at 3 carts around campus during the semesters. Add carts as needed. Have peer advisors available at special campus events. Consider expanding peer advising to outreach efforts. Move funding from temporary retention money to Learning Connection. Create permanent ChabotLink coordinator and peer advisor trainer. Propose experimental training course as a catalog course. Priority Objectives 1, 2, 3; Goals 6, 14, 24, 19, 26, 28 2008-2009