March 10, 2011 12 Noon, Room 1506 1. Meeting Minutes from February 24, 2011 distributed 2. Special Reports: No special reports 3. Project Status Update Per the updated meeting list (Handout) Doug reported that the President has requested an exterior esthetic improvement project for B300/500/800/900/1000/1100. This is now listed as item 47. The idea is to continue with the building exterior improvements consistent with B1700/1800. Scope, cost and schedule are being developed. Gene reported that Kari wants to review B1300 (PAC) scope and schedule as it will impact Theater revenue. 4. Rumor Control: None shared 5. Other Matters Initiated Scott reported that he had talked with the Technology Committee about “wireless” and that District and College IT would be working on determining current coverage and producing a map. Nicole reported a series of events in Building 2200 that indicated people working in that building were having some periodic medical issues such as headaches that are possibly linked to the building. Meeting started at 12:08 pm and ended at 12:36 pm. Chabot College