Bloomsburg University Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania College of Business

Bloomsburg University
Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania
College of Business
Policies and Procedures
Policy Title:
College of Business (CoB)
Perq List
Effective Date: August 3, 1993
Policy Number: 5110
Page: 1 of 1
Issued by: John Olivo
Interim Dean
Created by the CoB Task Force Spring 1987
Adopted by the CoB Spring 1987
Reaffirmed by the CoB Council of Chairs, August 3, 1993
The position of a tenure-track faculty member on this list is determined by the number of points assigned to
that person as a result of the following calculation:
Points = Semesters of service in the CoB times rank number
Where semesters of service is taken from theUniversity Human Resource Department’s seniority credit list as
registered at the May bid time and
Rank number = 4 for Full Professor, 3 for Associate Professor, 2 for Assistant Professor and 1 for Instructor.
Implementation Notes:
1. In the case of equal service, order determined by university reference number.
2. Semesters of service to the CoB is differentiated from semesters of service to the university in units
outside of the college.