Document 11526828

Curriculum Committee Minutes
October 20, 2009
Members Present:
Jaswinder Bhangal, Begoña Cirera-Perez, Barbara Ogman, Wayne Pitcher,
Patricia Shannon, Debbie, Soares, Ernesto Victoria, Christine Warda, Patricia
Members Present:
Jane Church, Edna Danaher, Kaaren Krueg, George Railey
Gary Carter, Amy DiBello (Accreditation Visiting Team), Skip Esquierdo,
Janice Golojuch, Tim Harris, Adrian Huang, Barry Russell (Accreditation
Visiting Team), Eric Schultz, Clayton Thiel
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 2:05 p.m. by committee chair Wayne Pitcher.
Minutes of October 13, 2009
Corrections: Page 3, first sentence under Psychology – Rubric Change should read “The
Psychology discipline would like to change their rubric from PSYC to PSY…”
Page 5, ECD 61, Edna Rodriggs presented.
MSC (Soares/Ogman) to approve the minutes of October 13, 2009, as amended.
School of the Arts Presentation
Wayne distributed a sheet containing his comments on the packet. He initiated a
discussion on language to use in the Special Student Materials section of the Art
outlines. Consensus was to use “Art supplies to complete assigned studies at a cost of
approximately $xx.” This change was made on the following course outlines: Art 2A,
2B, 2C, 45, 54, 61.
Architecture 31A, 32A [Note: These courses were deleted 2 years ago, when we approved
Digital Media. They are not in the printed catalog, and we took care of corrections to programs
and certificates containing them with a notation in the addendum (page 6, Architecture (revised
program information).
The following courses are being refined and rewritten under the MURT heading.
MUSA 25A, Music Recording and Technology I, 3 units
MUSA 25B, Music Recording and Technology II, 3 units
MUSA 26, Sound Design for Visual Media, 3 units
MUSA 27, Intro to Pro Tools, 3 units
MSC (Shannon/Victoria) to remove the above listed courses from the catalog.
MINOR CHANGES (Consent or FYI changes)
Wayne reported that across the board:
• Fonts should be Arial 10 pt;
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Separate Course Content into Lecture and Laboratory;
Write typical assignments for all courses as instructions for the student
Architecture 2A, Architectural Drawing and Graphics I, 3 units
Architecture 2B, Architectural Drawing and Graphics II, 3 units
Architecture 4A, Architectural Drafting Principles I, 3 units
Architecture 4B, Architectural Drafting Principles II, 3 units
Architecture 8A, Fundamentals of Architectural Design I, 4 units
• Remove Prerequisite Skill 8 (it is not an expected outcome from ARCH 2B)
Architecture 8A, Fundamentals of Architectural Design II, 4 units
Architecture 12, Construction Materials and Methods, 3 units
• Reformat Assignments and Methods of Evaluating Student Progress
• Add date to text
Architecture 14, California Architecture and Urban Design, 3 units
Architecture 16, Landscape Architecture, 2 units
Architecture 68, CAD for Architecture and Interior Design, 3 units
[See discussion on separating Lecture and Laboratory Content on page 4.]
Art 2A, Introduction to Drawing, 3 units
Art 2B, Drawing and Composition, 3 units
Art 45, Creative Portfolio and Self-Promotion, 2 units
Art 54, Illustrating Children’s Books, 3 units
• Correct Catalog Description title to read “Illustrating Children’s Books”
Art 55, Introduction to Graphic Design Careers, 2 units
• Add typical assignments written as instructions for the student
• Spell out “examination”
• Add the Textbook(s) Typical: section
Minor Changes were approved by consent contingent upon changes being made as
noted on master packet and returned to the division.
ARCHITECTURE Adrian Huang presented
Architecture 33, 3-D Modeling, 3 units, 3 units
Title changed from 3-D Modeling with FORM·Z; Prerequisite (ARCH 68) is
being added.
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Discussion on whether the repeatability of this course would hamper
articulation. Jane commented that they no longer list repeatability as a factor
when submitting courses. Adrian would like to see the course as repeatable
because the software involved is updated frequently.
This is a cross-listed course. Discussion revealed the fact that Interior Design
plans on removing this course and raised the question of why it is listed as
Architecture 80, Architecture Internship, 2 units
New course. Presented as 3 units. Discussion on the hours to units ratio yielded
the opinion that the lecture and studio hours should remain at 1 hour lecture, 4
hours studio and the units should be reduced to 2.
Certificate of Architecture Technology
Needs program page. Tabled to later meeting.
MSC (Ogman/Victoria) to accept the changes to the architecture program
contingent upon changes being made as noted on master packet and returned to the
Art 2C, Individual Projects in Academic Realism Drawing, 3 units
New course. Janice Golojuch presented.
Art 61, Illustration, 3 units
This course was moved from Minor Changes due to a request to remove the
advisory (Art 40); while it was subsequently discovered that this deletion had
been taken care of in the Catalog Addendum, we still need to approve the updated
outline. The last revision was in 1995.
CERAMICS – Skip Esquierdo presented
Art 16A, Introduction to Ceramics I, 3 units
Art 16B, Introduction to Ceramics II, 3 units
Art 16C, Introduction to Ceramics III, 3 units
Request to add repeatability
Art 16D, Ceramics – Intermediate, 3 units
Request to increase repeatability
• (Art 16B, 16C, 16D) Revise Prerequisite Skills to be the Expected
Outcomes of the prerequisite course.
• (All) Rewrite typical assignments as instructions for the student
It was noted that the changes requested above for the Ceramics courses have been
made and that the files posted on Blackboard were not the most recent. Request to
repost and act on the revisions at the next meeting.
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SCULPTURE - Clayton Thiel presented.
Art 18, Wood and Stone Sculpture, 3 units
Request to add repeatability
Art 20, All Media Sculpture, 3 units
Request to increase units from 2 to 3; Clayton stated that previous units were not
consistent with similar courses in other disciplines. Request to add repeatability
MUSA 21M, Class Piano for Majors, 1 unit
Tim Harris presented.
Submitted as MUSA 21C, Class Piano I for Majors; the number was changed to
21M and the numeral was removed at the suggestion of the committee to remove
the impression that the class is a continuation of the regular piano series (MUSA
21A, 21B).
MSC (Soares/Ogman) to approve MUSA 21M contingent upon changes being made
as noted on master packet and returned to the division.
MUSL 28, Musical Structure and Songwriting, 2 units
Eric Schultz presented this course and the following MURT courses.
New course. Focus on rock and popular music. Will be a requirement in the
future Music Technology degree. Eric stated that there is no avenue in this area
for a degree in Music Technology that is affordable. Private schools charge
about $70,000 for this program.
There was general discussion on course repeatability and the necessity of splitting
lecture and laboratory content. Wayne will check the Title 5 language regarding
separating lecture and laboratory content in the arts and let presenters know whether they
need to change their outlines. It was noted that laboratory and studio are used
interchangeably at the discretion of the division.
MUSL 28, the MURT courses, Theater Arts 20 and Art History 7 were tabled
pending the results of the above investigation.
Good of the Order
Barbara commented that working interactively made her feel that she had really
accomplished something. She also asked that future visitors be given the opportunity to
introduce themselves.
Patricia Shannon asked members to post questions on Blackboard so that reps know what
to ask presenters they are working with.
Next Meeting: October 27, 2009
Applied Technology and Business presentation
The meeting was adjourned at 4:05 p.m.
kk 10/22/09