CHABOT COLLEGE Curriculum Committee Minutes September 29, 2009 Members Present: Jaswinder Bhangal, Begoña Cirera-Perez, Barbara Ogman, Wayne Pitcher, Patricia Shannon, Debbie, Soares, Ernesto Victoria, Christine Warda, Patricia Wu Ex-Officio Members Present: Edna Danaher, Kaaren Krueg Guests: None 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 2:05 p.m. by committee chair Wayne Pitcher. 2. Minutes of September 22, 2009 MSC (Victoria/Soares) to approve the minutes of September 22, 2009, as presented. 3. CurricUNET Update Wayne reported that he will chair the Chabot CurricUNET standing committee for the next year. He will call the first meeting for Thursday, October 15. The following faculty have volunteered to be on the committee: Jas Bhangal, Debbie Soares, Jane Church, Jon Palacio. Kaaren Krueg and George Railey will also be on the committee. Kaaren reported that the Deans agreed at last week’s meeting that they would prefer a committee consisting of both faculty and staff. Wayne will check with LPC’s Curriculum Chair on Friday to see how their steering committee is shaping up. 4. Library Presentation Due to a mix up in communication, the Library Packet was not posted on Blackboard and paper copies of the revised packet were not available for review at the meeting. Kaaren brought copies of the preliminary packet with her corrections noted, and the committee worked from those. Library Skills 2, Library Research and Information Literacy Skills via Popular Culture, 2 units New course. Debbie Soares stated that changes noted had been made, including changing the hours to “2” and the Typical contact hours to “35” and changing the textbooks to “Chabot Library. User Guides and Tip Sheets. 2008.” It was noted that on the SLO worksheet (last section) only one box should be checked. MSC (Ogman/Victoria) to approve the Library proposal contingent upon the changes being made. [Verified. kk] 5. Counseling Presentation It became apparent that the version posted on Blackboard did not match the revised hard copy provided to the secretary and chair by the division. Ernesto introduced minor changes to all courses, including textbook updates. Curriculum Committee 9-29-09, page 2 AA – Liberal Arts The division has expanded and updated courses in existing areas of emphasis, and is also proposing an additional area of emphasis, Kinesiology and Wellness. It was noted that listing courses as “3ABCD” is confusing from the students’ perspective. The committee would like to see them listed as “3A, 3B, 3C, 3D Needed: • List courses individually, i.e., “3A, 3B, 3C, 3D” • Make corrections returned on hard copy by committee secretary. AA – Liberal Studies—Elementary Teacher Preparation It was noted that Physics 11, one of the requirements in the Physical Science area, is only offered in summer. Edna noted that, per Title 5, all major courses now need to be completed with a grade of “C” or higher. Needed: • Make corrections returned on hard copy by committee secretary. At 3:30, Jas commented on the amount of work we had accomplished and wondered how presenting via Blackboard was helping expedite the process. Patricia Shannon stated that she hopes members will review materials before the meeting. Wayne commented that we spent a lot of time today in discussion. We won’t be able to do that in future. Ernesto added that faculty doing revisions need to be here so we can make changes “on the fly.” Patricia thinks it might be helpful to email the deans explaining the problem and asking that they or faculty presenting come empowered to accept changes on behalf of faculty not in attendance. Ernesto gave the secretary a list of discrepancies he had noticed in reviewing the course outlines (reflected below). There were no other comments offered. PSCN 1, Introduction to Psychology-Counseling in a Multicultural Environment, 3 units Textbooks updated. Needed: • Spell out “examination.” • Provide a rationale for texts older than 5 years. PSCN 2, Introduction to Case Management for Human Services, 3 units Textbooks updated. Needed: • Provide a rationale for texts older than 5 years. PSCN 4, Multiethnic/Cultural Communication, 3 units Catalog Description and Textbooks updated. Curriculum Committee 9-29-09, page 3 PSCN 7, Contemporary Issues, 1-3 units Textbooks updated. PSCN 11, Interpersonal Relationships, 2 units Textbooks updated. Needed: • Provide a rationale for texts older than 5 years. PSCN 12, Self-Esteem for Success, 2 units Textbooks updated. Needed: • Provide a rationale for texts older than 5 years. PSCN 13, Multicultural Issues in Contemporary America, 3 units Textbooks updated. Needed: • Provide a rationale for texts older than 5 years. PSCN 15, College Study Skills, 2 units Textbooks updated. No corrections needed. PSCN 18, University Transfer Planning, 2 units Typical Assignments and Methods of Evaluation Student Progress rewritten. Needed: • Spell out “examinations” • Provide a rationale for texts older than 5 years. PSCN 21, Strategies for College Success, 1 unit Textbooks updated. Needed: • Provide a rationale for texts older than 5 years. MSC (Victoria/Ogman) to accept the Psychology-Counseling packet contingent upon changes being made as noted above and in the hard copy returned to the division by the committee secretary. 6. Changes in Ed Code affecting the Nursing Program Wayne distributed a memo from Nancy Cowan stating that changes in the Ed Code exempt students who have already received a baccalaureate degree from a (U.S.) regionally accredited institution from being required to take additional General education courses to receive the AA Degree in Nursing. Jas commented on the increasing numbers of nursing students coming from foreign countries and asked whether or how this exemption might be passed on to them. Wayne will ask Nancy to submit a revised program page and will pass on Jas’s questions Curriculum Committee 9-29-09, page 4 regarding foreign students to her. It was noted that this change might affect the front matter in the catalog as well as the program pages. 7. Good of the Order Carole Splendore is tracking SLOs. She is being given access to the Blackboard “class” so that she can track the SLOs that are included in the packets. Begoña suggested that members take Carole’s spreadsheet to division meetings and tell instructors whether they need to do an SLO. Cristine noted that she has been telling people that there is a good chance that courses will not be offered in Fall 2010 if they are not updated in this curriculum cycle. Wayne will send an email to the deans reinforcing this information and will copy the specialists. 7. Next Meeting: October 13, 2009 Social Sciences presentation 8. The meeting was adjourned at 4:00 p.m. kk 10/1/09 c:\documents\word\curric\2009-2010\9-29-09.min.doc