MATRICULATION Appendix F7: Technology and Other Equipment Requests [Acct. Category 6000] Audience: Budget Committee, Technology Committee, Administrators Purpose: To be read and responded to by Budget Committee and to inform priorities of the Technology Committee. Instructions: Please fill in the following as needed to justify your requests. If you're requesting classroom technology, see for the brands/model numbers that are our current standards. If requesting multiple pieces of equipment, please rank order those requests. Include shipping cost and taxes in your request. Please note: Equipment requests are for equipment whose unit cost exceeds $200. Items which are less expensive should be requested as supplies. Software licenses should also be requested as supplies. 2012-13 Budget Project or Items Requested Received 2013-14 Rationale* Requested Request 3 document cameras No No $2,100 As we expand PSCN 25 offerings and address SSA mandates, we need to update our current PSCN 25 classrooms and Assessment Center. Usage of these items ties into Strategic Plan Strategies 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. 3 projectors No No $2,000 As we expand PSCN 25 offerings and address SSA mandates, we need to update our current PSCN 25 classrooms and Assessment Center. Usage of these items ties into Strategic Plan Strategies 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. 3 printers No No $2,000 As we expand PSCN 25 offerings and address SSA mandates, we need to update our current PSCN 25 classrooms and Assessment Center. Usage of these items ties into Strategic Plan Strategies 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. Additional Testing $30,000 $39,753 $50,000 As we expand assessment Units opportunities to meet SSA mandates, we will need to purchase additional testing units to met student need. The additional units tie into Strategic Plan Strategies 4 and 6. Digital Archive No No Price varies In order to streamline our processes System depending and help students move smoothly on product – through our system, it is critical that can be quite faculty and staff have easy access to expensive student information. We have not had (over access to this information for more $100,000) than a year. This ties into Strategic Plan Strategies 3, 4, 5, and 6.