Curriculum Committee February 19, 2013

Curriculum Committee
February 19, 2013
Members Present:
Debbie Buti, Jane Church, Luis Flores (ASCC), Begoña Cirera-Perez, Dov
Hassan, Lynn Klein, Wayne Pitcher, Kent Uchiyama, Ernesto Victoria
Kaaren Krueg, Tram Vo-Kumamoto, Dale Wagoner
Larry Leach, Eric Schultz
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 2:07 by the chair, Jane Church. She introduced new
members Lynn Klein (Applied Technology and Business) and Kent Uchiyama
(Language Arts).
Minutes of February 12, 2013
MSC (Buti/Cirera-Perez) to approve the minutes of February 12, 2013, as presented.
Update on Progress of Proposals
Dale is concerned that we are in danger of missing our deadlines. He would like us to set
our deadlines earlier next year. This request led to a discussion of the difficulties we
encountered last year.
Wayne noted that we need to speed up the process, perhaps by dividing the load among
the members, rather than having all members review all proposals. Jane added that if the
changes are minor, such as textbook dates, we can approve as “Information only” and
bypass Level 4 review.
Wayne suggested ways of editing the metabolic syndrome information in the course
outlines to make them more uniform. Jane and Kaaren commented that the information
in the outlines seems appropriate, although not identical from course to course; in the
interest of time, we should let them go forward as is. Begoña added that in the physical
education courses she has taken at Chabot, the information has been provided verbally;
the discipline is just adding to the written outline what is already in practice.
Wayne repeated his statement from the last meeting, that because the introduction of
variable units to the PEAC classes constitutes a substantive change, the State Academic
Senate suggests that they be submitted to a full review by the Curriculum Committee.
Therefore, all voting members must review them. Dale noted that the variable units in the
PEAC courses really are not new; they are a combination of the existing PHED 1, 2, and
3 courses.
Consent Agenda
Kaaren requested that PEAC GFTE be removed because of a discrepancy in the unit
value of this course compared to all of the other PEACs.
Courses to be deleted:
Humanities 75, Religion in Contemporary Culture, 3 units
Curriculum Committee
2/19/13, Page 2
Minor changes:
ADPE ADST, Adapted Strength Training, 0.5 to 2.0 units
ADPE ADTK, Adapted Track & Field, 0.5 to 2.0 units
Architecture 12, Construction Materials and Methods, 3 units
Art 2A, Introduction to Drawing, 3 units
Business 8, Payroll Accounting, 3 units
Business 21, Human Resource Management, 3 units
Business 34, Introduction to Advertising, 3 units
Business 50B, Business Etiquette and Professionalism, 1 unit
Entrepreneurship 40, Business Incubation and Launch, 3 units
Humanities 60, Creativity and the Community, 3 units
Humanities 65, The American Style, 3 units
KINE CSA, College Success for Athletes, 1 unit
Mathematics 47, Mathematics for Liberal Arts, 3 units
Philosophy 50, God, Nature, Human Nature, 3 units
Philosophy 60, Introduction to Philosophy: Ethics, 3 units
Philosophy 70, Introduction to Political and Social Philosophy, 3 units
Religious Studies 50, Religions of the World, 3 units
Religious Studies 64, The Nature of Islam, 3 units
Religious Studies 70, Spiritual Traditions and Contemporary Voices, 3 units
Program revisions:
Accounting (AS)
Digital Media (Certificate)
MSC (Pitcher/Flores) to approve the Consent Agenda with the exception of PEAC
Good of the Order
Jane asked guest Larry Leach to report on his curriculum activities. Larry will be
presenting an AA-T in Journalism. He spoke about what students would gain from this
degree. In answer to a question from Dov, Larry explained that the courses in List B
were chosen to match samples on the TMC template. His choices were limited to
courses from the TMC that are taught at Chabot. Tram explained how the TMCs were
developed, and that the structure of the models varies from discipline to discipline.
The business meeting was adjourned at 3:25 PM. Jane helped the new members
become familiar with CurricUNET, and other members worked on items in their
Next meeting: February 26, 2013.
kk 2-20-13