Curriculum Committee March 26, 2013 Members Present: Debbie Buti, Jane Church, Begoña Cirera-Perez, Luis Flores (ASCC), Wayne Pitcher, Kent Uchiyama, Ernesto Victoria Ex-Officio: Kaaren Krueg Guests: Deonne Kunkel 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 2:12 by the chair, Jane Church. 2. Minutes of March 19, 2013 MSC (Buti/Cirera-Perez) to approve the minutes of March 19, 2013, as presented 3. Report from Deans’ Meeting: none. 4. Consent Agenda New Degrees Journalism (AA-T) Kinesiology (AA-T) Studio Art (AA-T) Theater Arts (AA-T) Revised Degrees: Interior Design (AS) Journalism (AA) Medical Assisting (AA) New Certificates: Information Technology Support Entrepreneur (Certificate of Achievement) Revised Certificates: Aquatics (Certificate of Achievement) Aquatics (Certificate of Proficiency) Coaching (Certificate of Achievement) Medical Assisting (Certificate of Achievement) Sports Injury Care (Certificate of Proficiency) Sports Injury Care (Certificate of Achievement) Deactivate Course: Mathematics 12, Introduction to Logic, 3 units New Courses: ADPE 1DSS, Disabled Stretch/Strength Training, 0.5-2 units Art 12D, Advanced Oil Painting II, 3 units Art 17B, Beginning Sculpture 2, 3 units English 11B, Creative Writing, 3 units Curriculum Committee 3/26/13, Page 2 English 12B, Intermediate Craft of Writing Fiction, 3 units Mass Communications 21, Newspaper Production I, 3 units Mass Communications 22, Newspaper Production II, 3 units Mass Communications 23, Newspaper Production III, 3 units Mass Communications 24, Newspaper Production IV, 3 units Mass Communications 26, Beginning Photojournalism, 3 units Mass Communications 56, Introduction to KCRH Radio Experience, 3 units Mass Communications 58, Intermediate KCRH Radio Experience, 3 units PEAC TBB1, Tournament Baseball League, 0.5-2 units PEAC WOW2, Women's Weight Training 2, 0.5-2 units Service Learning 85B, Learning in Action: Intermediate, 2-3 units Service Learning 85C, Learning in Action: Advanced Intermediate, 2-3 units Service Learning 85D, Learning in Action: Advanced, 2-3 units Minor changes: Architecture 80, Architecture Internship, 2 units English as a Second Language 128, Faculty-Student Tutorial – ESL, 0.5-1 unit Mathematics 43, Introduction to Probability and Statistics, 4 units Real Estate 83, Real Estate Finance, 3 units Real Estate 84, Real Estate Practice, 3 units Service Learning 85A, Learning in Action: Beginning, 2-3 units Theater Arts 10, Introduction to Theater Arts, 3 units Kaaren gave Jane some updates to the printed list (included above). MSC (Uchiyama/Victoria) to approve the list as amended. 5. AA/AS GE Approvals Jane distributed a document outlining Criteria for General Education and Graduation requirements for the Associate Degree, and reviewed it for the committee. She explained which elements are driven by Title V and which are local requirements. She also explained why some courses can sit in more than one area but be used in only one. Please put the handout in your Curriculum Binder. Also distributed was a list of changes to our graduation requirements that reflect course changes approved this semester. Area A.3 (Communication and Analytical Thinking Add: Math 53, 53A, 53B Delete: Math 12 Natural Science Change Physical Education 17 to Kinesiology 2 Add: Psychology 4 Delete: Biology 2A and 2B Humanities Delete: Humanities 75 Number changes: English 11A, 12A; Theater Arts 47A, 48A, 50A Add: Theater Arts 20A Social and Behavioral Sciences Curriculum Committee 3/26/13, Page 3 Add: Psychology 4 Area E.1 (Areas of Health) Physical Education 18 and 65 changed to Kinesiology 14 and 19 Area E.2 (Physical Education – Activity) Change wording to “Any Physical Education (Activity) course with a rubric of ADPE, ATHL, PEAC.” Mathematics Proficiency: Add: Mathematics 53B, Psychology 5 6. Update on progress of proposals There was discussion on why our Computer Science AS-T exceeds the recommended number of units. All of our classes that fit into this major are higher in units than those listed on the template. Agreed to ask Dale Wagoner to write a letter to Barry Russell telling him that we un able to submit this degree and why. 7. Tutorials Deonne Kunkel explained the attempt to level Tutoring classes and the reasoning behind how the course outlines were developed. The outlines may not show enough progression from one to the next. Jane asked members to list their comments on CurricUNET, and if they are supportive, she will send the courses forward. Another option would be to list the course as 0.5 to 2 units, schedule each semester as 0.5 units, and allow repeats by petition. Kent will discuss that option with Marcia Corcoran. 8. Colloquia Jane distributed the revised proposal for future Colloquia courses. MSC (Flores/Pitcher) to approve the draft as presented. Jane asked members to take the draft back to their division meetings as information. She will also email the vice-presidents and deans. 9. Good of the Order Jane announced that she is coming to the end of her tenure as Curriculum Committee Chair. This is a 4 CAH per semester release time position. If you are interested, please let her know. She hopes to elect a new chair by the end of the semester, with that person to start in Fall 2013. Dates that affect Curriculum deadlines: • CSU submissions – mid-December • UC review – June and October • Class schedule print date (Summer and Fall 2013 went to print March 8) • Catalog/Catalog addendum (late March to mid-April) Jane thanked everyone for their hard work and support. She stated that today is the official end of the 2013-14 curriculum cycle. New submissions will be accepted starting in April, and will be approved for implementation in Fall 2014. 10. The meeting was adjourned at 4.00 PM. Next meeting: April 9, 2013. kk 4/9/13 c:\documents\word\curric\2012-13\3-26-13.min.doc