Curriculum Committee February 5, 2013

Curriculum Committee
February 5, 2013
Members Present:
Debbie Buti, Jane Church, Begoña Cirera-Perez, Luis Flores (ASCC), Dov
Hassan, Wayne Pitcher, Ernesto Victoria
Kaaren Krueg, Tram Vo-Kumamoto
Aldrian Estepa, Ken Grace, Kathy Kelley, Rani Nijjar, Jan Novak, Andrew
Pierson, Annie Roake, Eric Schultz, Mark Stephens, Jane Wolford
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 2:05 by the chair, Jane Church.
Minutes of December 11, 2012
MSC (Buti/Flores) to approve the minutes of December 11, 2012, as presented.
Introduction of New Members and Curriculum Meetings for the Spring
Jane introduced Wayne Pitcher, who is the new rep from the Science-Math Division.
Linnea Wahamaki, the rep from Language Arts, is unable to continue. Marcia Corcoran
has not yet found a replacement.
Jane asked Tram Vo Kumamoto to report on a curriculum discussion that occurred in
this morning’s Deans’ Council meeting. Tram stated that the deans discussed the
timeline for approving courses to be offered in Fall 2013. In order to produce next
semester’s schedule of classes in a timely manner, approved proposals must be on the
April 16 Board agenda. The deadline for submitting agenda items for that meeting is
April 1. Curriculum proposals must be approved by the Faculty Senate before they are
sent to Board. Senate meets on March 14, so the last Curriculum Committee meeting at
which proposals can be approved is March 12.
To meet this timeline, the Committee will meet every Tuesday from now until March 12.
Consent Agenda
Jane spent an hour and a half preparing the consent agenda for this meeting.
Unfortunately, a computer failure “ate” the file. She will redo the list and email it to the
Committee for an email vote.
[NOTE: The following list was emailed to members on February 6 and was
approved by more than half the voting members. kk]
Digital Media 34, JavaScript for Designers, 3 units
KINE 12BB, Introduction to Baseball Officiating, 2 units
KINE 18, Introduction to CPR and First Aid for Coaches, 2 units
KINE 20, Introductory Fire Technology Fitness and Training
PEAC AKD1, Aikido 1, 0.5 to 2.0 units
PEAC AQDW, Aqua Aerobics – Deep Water 2, 0.5 to 2.0 units
PEAC BAB1, Bay Area Biking, 0.5 to 2.0 units
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PEAC DWA1, Aqua Aerobics – Deep Water 1, 0.5 to 2.0 units
PEAC FFL1, Flag Football League, 0.5 to 2.0 units
PEAC FTS1, Futsal – Indoor Soccer, 0.5 to 2.0 units
PEAC JUD2, Intermediate Judo, 0.5 to 2.0 units
PEAC SOC2, Intermediate Soccer, 0.5 to 2.0 units
PEAC SOC3, Advanced Soccer, 0.5 to 2.0 units
Nonsubstantial Change
Business 26, Small Business Management, 3 units
Business 50G, Negotiating Skills, 1 unit
Dental Hygiene 74A, Dental Radiography I, 3 units
Digital Media 31A, Photoshop I, 1.5 units
Digital Media 31B, Photoshop II, 1.5 units
Digital Media 32A, Illustrator I, 1.5 units
Digital Media 32B, Illustrator II, 1.5 units
Digital Media 35A, Dreamweaver I, 1.5 units
Digital Media 35B, Dreamweaver II, 1.5 units
Digital Media 36A, Final Cut I, 1.5 units
Digital Media 36B, Final Cut II, 1.5 units
Library Skills 1, Library Skills for an Information Society, 1 unit
Mathematics 8, Discrete Mathematics, 4 units
Mathematics 20, Pre-Calculus Mathematics, 5 units
Nursing 80, Critical Thinking and Test Taking for Nursing, 0.5 unit
Title or Unit Changes
Business 50E, Business Email and Instant Messaging, 1 unit; changed from Business
50E, Business Email, 1 unit
KINE 2, Introduction to Athletic Training, 4 units; changed from PHED 17,
Introduction to Athletic Training, 4units
KINE 4, Introduction to Sports Management, 3 units; changed from PHED 60,
Sports Management, 3 units
KINE 5, Introduction to the Components of Physical Fitness – the Human Body, 3
units; changed from PHED 28, Components of Physical Fitness – the Human
Body, 3 units
KINE 7, Introduction to Lifetime Fitness, 3 units; changed from PHED 59, Lifetime
Fitness, 3 units
KINE 16, Theory and Technique of Offensive Football, 2 units; changed from
PHED 25, Theory and Technique of Offensive Football, 2 units
KINE 19, Fit for Duty: Health and Fitness for Law Enforcement, 3 units; changed
from PHED 65, Fit for Duty: Health and Fitness for Law Enforcement, 3 units
KINE ASSE, Physical Fitness Assessments, 1.5 units; changed from PHED 6,
Physical Fitness Assessments, 1.5 units
KINE WSI, Water Safety Instructor, 3 units; changed from PHED 14, American Red
Cross Water Safety Instructor, 2 units
Request to Deactivate
Business 27, Professional Selling, 3 units
Digital Media 38, Flash Animation, 3 units
Revised Programs
Automotive Technology Entrepreneur (Certificate of Proficiency)
Small Business Management (Certificate of Achievement)
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Transfer Degrees
Jane redistributed the State Chancellor’s Office AA-T and AS-T Certification Form. Of
existing AA/AS degrees offered by the college, 80% of those eligible must be developed
into TMC (Transfer Model Curriculum) degrees by Fall 2013, and 100% by Fall 2014.
She stated that we have identified 16 degrees as eligible. Eighty percent of 16 = 12.8,
and we have 6 degrees that are active; therefore, we need 7 more approved by Fall. She
cautioned that there may be class modifications and requests for new classes that are
attached to new AA-T and AS-T proposals.
Entrepreneurship Certificates
Jan Novak reported that the Entrepreneurship program began three years ago. The focus
has been working with vocational programs. This year the discipline has developed three
additional certificates. Where they can, they would like to keep these under 18 units.
Automotive Technology Entrepreneur (Certificate of Proficiency)
Information Technology Support Entrepreneur (Certificate of Achievement)
Personal Fitness Training Entrepreneur (Certificate of Proficiency)
In answer to a question, Jane stated that certificates of more than 18 units must be
approved by the state. If they are not approved, we cannot put them in the catalog.
PE Families/Orientation Class
Ken Grace reported that Chabot and LPC are in the process of settling on families for PE
Ken recounted the history of making information on pre-diabetes, high blood pressure,
and metabolic syndrome available to all PE students. He started out imbedding the
information in all beginning activity classes. When that was seen as repetitive he
produced a course to serve as a corequisite for the first activity class taken by a student.
Logistical problems stalled that proposal, and now he has developed an orientation
course instead.
After discussion on how to work this information into the discipline, consensus was that
it is reasonable to briefly review the information in all activity classes. Consensus was to
put one line in Expected Outcomes and one in Course Content, with the possibility of
adding an assignment focused on this subject matter. Ken will modify and resubmit his
PEAC course outlines.
Psychology Presentation
Andrew Pierson, Rani Nijjar, and Aldrian Estepa presented. The following courses will
be part of the Psychology AA-T Degree:
Psychology 2, Introduction to Psychological Methodology, 3 units
Modified to meet C-ID descriptor. Statistics prerequisites (PSY 1 and PSY 5)
have been added.
MSC (Flores/Pitcher) to approve Psychology 2 as presented.
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Psychology 4, Brain, Mind and Behavior, 3 units
New course. Wayne noted that the course has a lot of biological science content
and asked whether an instructor with minimum qualifications in Psychology can
teach it. Andrew replied that at most CSU campuses this is a Psychology course.
MSC (Pitcher/Victoria) to approve Psychology 4 as presented.
Psychology 5, Introductory Statistics for the Behavioral and Social Sciences,
4 units
Modified to provide a prerequisite of Intermediate Algebra. A new course,
Mathematics 53, has been included in the prerequisites. The “may not receive
credit” statement for Math 35 will be removed.
MSC (Victoria/Flores) to approve Psychology 5 as revised.
Psychology AA-T
Hard copy of the Program Page was distributed. (Rani will re-submit the course
to put it back into the CurricuNET queue.) Rani has added all the files needed
for submission to the state. Jane will put the proposal on next week’s agenda.
kk 2-14-13
Good of the Order
Jane reiterated the urgency of approving proposals ASAP. (See the timeline in item #3)
The meeting was adjourned at 4:00 PM.
Next meeting: February 12, 2013.