CHABOT COLLEGE Curriculum Committee February 14, 2012

Curriculum Committee
February 14, 2012
Members Present:
Debbie Buti, Indrani Chaudhuri, Jane Church, Begoña Cirera-Perez, Sara Parker,
Ernesto Victoria, Linnea Wahamaki
Edna Danaher, Kaaren Krueg
Jon Palacio
Call to Order
Jane Church extended a welcome to the 2012-2013 curriculum year. Those present
introduced themselves, and Sara Parker commented that she would represent Social
Sciences until 3:00. She also stated that Don Plondke will not be available this semester.
Jane noted that it will be an interesting year because we will be implementing
CurricUNET. As part of our contract with Governet, we will receive one full day of
training, scheduled for Tuesday, February 21, in the Assessment Center (Room 714A).
The Curriculum Committee training will be during our regularly scheduled time, 2:004:00. Please have a representative from your division at that meeting.
A quorum having been achieved, the meeting was called to order at 2:15.
Consent Agenda
The newly approved Art 23 and 24 will replace Art 10 and 11 in the following programs:
Art A.A., (General), (Emphasis in Ceramics), (Emphasis in Painting), (Emphasis in
Interior Design, Certificate of Achievement
Liberal Arts, A.A.
Photography, A.A. and Certificate of Proficiency
Changes were approved by consensus.
Minutes of December 13, 2011
MSC (Wahamaki,/Victoria) to approve the minutes of December 13, 2011, as
International Studies A.A. Degree
To maintain at least 18 units in the degree, the Foreign Language requirement was
modified as follows:
Foreign Language*
*Select from individual foreign languages (units may be from multiple languages);
up to 5 foreign language units may be waived with demonstrated proficiency).
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The revised degree will have to be submitted to and approved by the state before it can
be placed in the catalog.
MSC (Buti/Wahamaki) to approve the International Studies A.A as amended.
English 49.13, Introduction to Gay and Lesbian Literature, 3 units
This course has been taught as an experimental three times and cannot be taught again
until it is approved as a catalog course. There have been no changes to the course
outline. Proposal to change the number to English 31 and approve so that it can be listed
in the 2012-14 catalog.
There was discussion on whether the course would be added to any of the division’s
programs or would be a stand alone. Because paperwork on this course was not
available, Jane suggested delaying the request to the March 6 meeting.
new outline including updated textbooks
Library form
TransBacc form
Music proposal
The music subdivision would like to replace MUSA 24A and 24B with a new course,
Music 24. Because paperwork has not been completed the request was tabled to the
March 6 meeting.
Distance Education
Jane noted that Title 5 requires that we have a separate process for approving distance
education courses, and as such we have established the COOL (Committee on Online
Learning) as a subcommittee of the Curriculum Committee. She congratulated Ramona
Silver, chair of the COOL, on the great job she has done in revitalizing the approval
Ramona gave a summary of the subcommittee’s processes and distributed handouts
including the revised proposal form That form includes information on what constitutes
a contact hour and the type of documentation needed to verify that the contact hours
listed on the COR have been provided. She stated that faculty members should involve
their divisions and deans in the development of their online courses.
Demonstrations are required by the COOL so that the subcommittee can answer
questions and give suggestions.
Discussion touched upon the following”
Whether BlackBoard can be modified to better reflect our college’s needs (no,
because the contract is for the district, not the individual colleges);
How DE courses are evaluated;
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What the Curriculum Committee chair’s signature on the DE summary sheet
means (it is acknowledging receipt of the form, and is used to document that the
subcommittee has reported to the Curriculum Committee);
Myths about DE
o DE is easier to teach;
o It takes less time;
o Students are tech savvy, so will do well in DE courses.
Update on CurricUNET
Jon Palacio recapped the information Jane gave earlier in the meeting. He invited
members to bring their questions to the training, and said that it will be a problem not
having representatives from all divisions. Jon has arranged for Sujoy Sarkar to record
one of the instructor training sessions, and he can record the committee’s training as
well. As part of our contract, governet will do free webinars as needed.
Jane referred to a memo from Barry Russell, Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs at the
state system office, in which he stated that implementation of changes to Title 5’s
repeatability requirements might be as much as two years away.
We do have a few instances in which we are out of compliance with the current
regulations. If, during your division’s curriculum review, you find changes that should
be made now, please bring them to the committee as soon as possible. Otherwise, we
will table action on this subject.
Jane distributed Instructions for using ASSIST Maintenance functions, and ran through
some of the functions that counselors find useful. She has given the committee members
view access to the Maintenance Reports.
Next meetings:
February 21, Room 714A – CurricUNET training
March 6, Room 758 – final cleanup
The meeting was adjourned at 4:00 p.m.
kk 2-16-12