May 10, 2011
Members Present:
Indrani Chaudhuri, Jane Church, Begoña Cirera Perez, Barbara Ogman, Patricia
Shannon, Ernesto Victoria, Christine Warda
Kaaren Krueg\
Michael Russom, Jane Wolford
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order without a quorum at 2:15 p.m. by the chair, Jane
Building the queue for Fall
Review of the process for Spring and suggestions for Fall
Jane Church shared the spreadsheet she is using to track proposals. She stated that she is
trying to mirror the CurricUNET process. At this time we do not have a specific date for
CurricUNET start up or training. Jane envisions using a parallel process to deal with
both methods of presentation until CurricUNET is fully operational.
She stated that she had planned on building the Fall queue during the summer.
Discussion on whether it is fair to give faculty the implied message that in order to get an
early spot in the queue they must work during the summer lead to the decision that
August 29, 2011, would be “opening day” for the Fall queue, and the last day to accept
submissions for Fall will be November 15. Jane will send an email to faculty regarding
the queue.
A quorum was achieved at 2:40 p.m.
There was discussion on presenting training on writing proposals during the first couple
of months of Fall semester. Barbara Ogman suggested that committee reps offer one-onone help to their faculty as it is requested.
Minutes of March 22, 2011, and April 26, 2011
MSC (Ogman/Victoria) to approve the minutes of March 22 as presented.
MSC (Ogman/Cirera-Perez) to approve the minutes of April 26 as presented.
Patricia Shannon explained that one month ago Matt Kritscher came to SOTA and said
that he had a FIPSE grant to develop curriculum in vocational areas. The caveat was that
the money must be expended now. In answer to the opportunity, Michael Russom has
developed a commercial art course to be offered as an experimental in Fall 2011.
Pending renewal of the grant for a third year, this could be developed into a certificate
program next year.
Curriculum Committee
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Michael has contacted people in the commercial art arena who have replied that they are
looking for people with a good grasp of basic art principles. Pixar studios is looking for
people with these skills and have indicated a willingness to work with Michael’s students
in this class. They will even host a field trip to the studios.
Art 99.05, Foundation for Commercial Art, 3 units
Jane asked what makes this uniquely a commercial class. Michael replied that he has
taken the essentials and compressed them into one semester. Originally submitted as
“Black, White, and Color Modeling for Commercial Art,” it was agreed to retitle the
course to “Foundation for Commercial Art.”
MSC (Victoria/Ogman) to approve Art 99.05.
History 28, Supplemental Instruction in U.S. Women’s History, 1 unit
Jane Wolford presented. This course is being converted from a General Studies 49
experimental. It offers supplemental instruction using contextualized basic skills.
Corrections include changing “open only to..” to “Corequisite: History 27” and
adding Typical contact hours.
MSC (Shannon/Warda) to approve History 28 with corrections as noted.
Communication Studies
Communication Studies 49.02, Communication Tutor Training, 2-3 units
Christine Warda explained that tutoring hours in the Communication Laboratory
have been cut drastically for next year. This course will provide tutors, “paying”
them in units rather than dollars. Barbara asked how the discipline is going to get
FTE for the class. Christine replied that it is less expensive to fund FTE than to pay
tutors, and the division has agreed to allow the FTE.
At 3:55 it was MSC (Ogman/Warda) to extend the meeting time by 10 minutes.
Discussion yielded corrections listed below.
Change unit value to “2-3 units.”
Change Typical contact hours to “lecture 17.5, laboratory 52.5 – 105.”
Remove repeatability.
Switch the order of the first two sentences in the Catalog Description.
Add something specific regarding tutoring to the Lecture Content.
MSC (Ogman/Victoria) to accept COMM 49.02 as amended.
Good of the Order
Starting in the Fall, Jane Church has reserved the Board Room for the first and third
Tuesdays from 2:00 to 4:00. The first meeting in Fall will be Tuesday, September 6.
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The meeting was adjourned at 4:10 p.m.
Next meeting: September 6, 2011.
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