CHABOT COLLEGE Curriculum Committee May 1, 2012 Members Present: Debbie Buti, Jane Church, Dona Gibson, Begoña Cirera-Perez, Jay Mumford, Sara Parker, Ernesto Victoria, Linnea Wahamaki Ex-Officio: Kaaren Krueg Guests: None 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 2:10. 2. Minutes of April 17, 2012 MSC (Buti/ Victoria) to approve the minutes of April 17 as presented. 3. Update about CurricUNET training and organization Jane distributed a revised approval tree and led a discussion on how proposals would flow through it. It was agreed that the printout does not make the flow clear. There are five different proposal trees, each slightly different from the others: new course, modified course, shared (with LPC) course, new program, modified program. Jane is working on “populating” the boxes with names—for example. “Curricular Area Faculty.” Please send her a list of who should be connected with which box. Jane has nominated people from each division to do test proposals. Ken Grace, Norberto Ruiz, and Angela Hobbs have made their modifications up to, but not including, submitting the changes. Jane will submit two proposals within the next week to test how the system works. There was discussion on why the entire CurricUNET training and implementation has fallen to Jane, rather than hiring a specialist. Lack of funds was cited. Sara reported that one of the items on Wednesday’s PRBC agenda was to reevaluate reassigned time. Submission calendar or lack of one was revisited (see minutes of April 17). Jane suggested that each division/discipline might set a calendar in accordance with its internal process for vetting curriculum. She asked reps to bring to the next meeting a draft of how their divisions would like to handle submission. Jane confirmed that the “college” CurricUNET doesn’t talk to the “state” CurricUNET. New courses and programs must still be uploaded manually to the state system. 4. Update on TMC Process Jane distributed paperwork on Transfer Model Curriculum templates, and C-ID numbers, including discipline-specific templates for TMC programs that have been vetted at the state level but not yet developed at Chabot. We currently have two degrees that are state approved (Communication Studies and Sociology) and four that are pending approval (Business Administration, Early Childhood Education, Mathematics, and Political Science). Curriculum Committee 5/1/12, Page 2 There was discussion on the difficulty in obtaining information about students after they transfer from Chabot to a CSU. 5. Changing of the Chair In light of various considerations (teaching schedules are already set for Fall, reassigned time is unclear, lack of training time this semester) Jane has reconsidered her plan to step down as chair at the end of this semester. She proposes selecting a “Chair in Waiting” to attend this summer’s Curriculum Institute and shadow her during the Fall semester, then take over in Spring 2013. If the next chair is to attend the Curriculum Institute, the announcement of need should be done now. 6. Good of the Order Ernesto announced the Transfer Celebration to be held in the Cafeteria on Thursday, May 10, from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. 7. Next meeting: May 8, 2012, Room 758 8. The meeting was adjourned at 4:00 p.m. kk 5-3-12 c:\documents\word\curric\2012-13\5-1-12.min.doc