Priority Objectives 2008-09 Themes/Focus Areas Activities


Priority Objectives 2008-09

Themes/Focus Areas Activities

I. Increase Student Success, Persistence, and Retention

II. Strengthen community relations and outreach activities to ensure student access and equity a) Develop the matriculation process i) Early decision ii) Orientation iii) Assessment/placement iv) Early intervention b) Expanded Outreach activities c) Becoming a HSI d) Design an integrated early intervention and support and follow up system for all matriculated students.

III. Implement the Basic Skills Action Plan a) Philosophy and Framework b) Professional Development c) Provide academic and counseling support d) Review data for effectiveness

IV. Implement Student Learning

Outcomes Plan

VI. Provide ongoing and systematic

Professional Development for all staff, faculty, and administrators

VII. Integrate Planning and Budget

(Institutional Effectiveness) a) 100% of disciplines with SLO will assess it. b) 100% of other disciplines write and assess one course SLO. c) A pilot group will have assessed on college-wide learning goal

(critical thinking). d) Disciplines that assessed their course SLO will have discussed the results/closed the loop. e) Most courses will have a course SLO and an assessment plan for that SLO.

All A.S. programs will have an assessed SLO; one college-level learning goal is assessed. a) Increase core competencies of Classified Professionals. b) Increase professional development in SLO’s for faculty. c) Provide leadership training for Administrators. a) Integrate a facilities prioritization and planning process into the unit plan, evaluating for safety and security b) Integrate planning process and align budget to planning c) Make planning and governance visible, communicated and transparent to the college d) Collect and evaluate evidence of Institutional Effectiveness for quality and continuous improvement.

Ongoing College Priorities

 Stabilize the budget (operational).

 Maintain and update high-quality physical resources.

 Purchase of essential or mandated equipment, supplies and repairs

 Maintain positions and competitive salaries.

 Maintain campus safety and security.
