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Health & Safety Committee Meeting
Room 2340
Thursday, December 10, 2009 / 12 Noon – 1PM
The following people were present: Theresa Pedrosa, Sit Sin, Robert Yest, Helene
Ha, Maggie Schumacher, Jeff Tyson, Nathan Moore, Ernest Knox, Jeff Tyson, Shirley
Dazhan, Debra Lovendusky, Carlos Enriquez, Jerry Egusa, Lin Zuidema, Helene Ha
and David Hertz.
Director Pola went over the previous minutes from 11/12/09.
Updates were given out by Officer Moore regarding exchanging
student spaces from H lot back to G lot. He said that the weather
has not cooperated. However, the District’s painter has it on his
“to do” list and will be exchanging the spots when the weather
Ofc. Moore said that two talk-a-phones are not working properly;
one located in b Lot and the second in E lot. He said that work
should be completed within the next week. Swinerton is
overseeing this project.
Director Pola stated that he has requested an estimate for
evacuation maps to be installed in all buildings that require one.
The estimate will be provided to the Campus within a week’s time.
He will then contact Doug Horner to see about the funding
necessary to complete.
Ofc. Moore said that there has been an increase in the number of
cigarette butts within the parking lot. He said that there are
numerous cigarette receptacles, but people are not using them.
was directed to evaluate whether more containers are necessary
and he will get back to the group in February.
Director Pola gave an overview of where the project stands
regarding College Council’s decision to allow the Hayward Police
Department to monitor Chabot’s video cameras during an
emergency. Previously it was decided that the criteria whereby
the Police Department would monitor the cameras was limited to “A
violent felony when 3 or more Officers are sent to the campus”.
However, this language is too narrow. The language should include
time for training Hayward Police Dispatchers on the emergency.
There should also be language that says that based on an
emergency, the Police Department should use their discretion. In
other words if it is an unconfirmed crime, but poses a possible to
Chabot, the Police should have the discretion to access the
cameras. However, wording should include that anytime this is
done, the office of the President and Campus Safety is immediately
It was decided as a committee that an agreement should be drawn
up along with a “hold harmless agreement” which would then be
presented to February’s Committee meeting.
The Measure B security system in building 100 is having problems
provided timely access to faculty and staff. Acme Security (the
District’s vendor) has been trying for the past several days to
determine the root causes. So far wiring and programming
challenges have been identified. More information will follow at
the next committee meeting.
Director Pola and Robert Yest are looking at ways to have a
campus-wide interior building notification system. So far Director
Pola has been in contact with Siemens to obtain a quote.
Next meeting will be February 11th, 2010 in room 2340.