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Health & Safety Committee Meeting
Room 2340
Thursday, November 12, 2009 / 12 Noon – 1PM
The following people were present: Theresa Pedrosa, Sit Sin, Robert Yest, John
Komisar, Theresa Patchin, Connie Gerton, Helene Ha, Maggie Schumacher, Jeff
Tyson, Nathan Moore, Michelle Landovazo, Sylvia Ramirez, Janice Golojuch, Jerry
Egusa, Lin Zuidema, Helene Ha and David Hertz.
1) Director Pola went over the previous minutes from 10/08/09.
2) Updates were given out by Officer Moore regarding exchanging
student spaces from H lot back to G lot. Ofc. Moore said that he would
be creating a work order to get these spaces moved.
3) Director Pola is having difficulties because of copyrights to have the
DVD Shots Fired available for viewing on Chabot’s Intranet. He will be
getting back to the committee at the next meeting.
4) A recommendation was made to install small signage at card reader
doors that have a large amount of problems with people inputting
multiple commands. This will be implemented on a per case basis.
5) In the discussion of the fire drill, several call stations in the parking
lots did not broadcast the message that was being made campus
wide. The talk-a-phones in Lot G can transmit during an emergency,
but cannot act as a speaker until Feb/march of 2010. The talk-aphones in Lot B can still call in, but they did not transmit a message;
these will be fixed within a couple of weeks.
6) Evacuation maps are being constructed through the Office of Campus
Safety. Unfortunately, the template for these maps has been lost and
there is no central repository of where they are located. As a result,
we now have to start from scratch to construct new evacuation
building maps in the un-remodeled buildings. All of the new buildings
have the evacuation maps and they are the new campus standard.
7) There have been complaints of people smoking in parking Lot C. In
addition, there are warning signs on building 2100 and 3900 (that
border C Lot) that say “No Smoking within 50 feet”. Several faculty
stated their unease that people are violating the provisions of the
signs. Based on the size of the lot, there is no where within the lot
where someone could smoke and not be in violation of the posted
signs. As a result smoking will no longer be allowed in parking Lot C
and Ofc. Moore is tasked with erecting the proper signage.
8) There have been a large amount of complaints with people smoking in
the parking lots. There is starting to be large groups of people
loitering in the parking lots especially in parking Lot G. These groups
are responsible for sitting on cars that don’t belong to them,
vandalisms/graffiti on sidewalks and poles and a large amount of
trash. It was discussed that a possible complete ban on smoking for
the campus might alleviate these and other problems. In the
meantime, extra patrol of the parking lots will be done by Ofc. Moore.
9) We discussed having an interior speaker system to be used inside
buildings to alert staff of emergencies. This has been a request by
staff for several years. Robert Yest and Director Pola will be looking at
various systems that can be a stand alone or incorporated system
Next meeting will be December 10th in room 2340.