College Council Approved Minutes Friday, March 6

College Council
Friday, March 6th, 2009
Approved Minutes
The meeting was called to order at 1:05 p.m. by President Barberena.
The minutes from the March 6th, 2009 meeting were reviewed by the College Council. A motion to
accept the minutes was made by Jim Matthews and seconded by Gordon Watt.
Recommendation from the Health and Safety Committee About the Hayward Police
Department’s Monitoring of Chabot’s Security Cameras
The Hayward Unified School District has recently installed a fast network of security cameras in
all of their schools, and the Hayward Police Department will monitor their cameras on a case-bycase basis. At a recent meeting at the Hayward Police Department, it was asked if cameras
should be monitored at the college level. Sergeant Ruben Pola, Director of Campus Safety and
Security, consulted with the Health and Safety Committee to get their thoughts about possibly
having the Hayward Police Department have access to Chabot’s cameras in the event of an
emergency situation. If we were to do that, the images of Chabot’s campus would appear at the
Hayward Police Department in rare cases like an active shooter, or a large police response other
than a large natural disaster. The remote monitoring of Chabot would occur in the Police Dispatch
Center at the Police Department.
In the event of an emergency where the cameras in Campus Safety would not be feasible, having
an outside police agency would be an effective means to monitoring the campus. In the event of a
fire, a shooting, or an act of violence, Chabot would be allowing the Hayward Police Department
to look at the camera monitoring system.
Prior to coming to College Council to present this recommendation, Sergeant Pola had spoken
with Jeannine Methe about it as part of his research, and she had indicated that the campus is
capable of doing this. He will continue to work with Jeannine about the necessary technology
needed for a possible implementation. Chad Mark Glen recommended that we explore what other
colleges are doing in this situation and learn from their process how to make our process more
expedient. Chad reiterated that from a faculty perspective we can put on our academic freedom
lenses and wander if we are impinging on student rights or privacy.
Gordon Watt stated that he had spoken with Mark Smythe, the District’s Network Systems
Specialist II in regard to the college having appropriate technology so that the college could have
the police department monitor the cameras in the event there is a great emergency. Mark had
indicated that the District’s IT Department is not set up to offer that kind of service at this time due
to a lack of technology on this campus (we would need the infrastructure access to the campus
network), and we are not capable of doing this now. Having this procedure in place would provide
a protocol that if there is a violent encounter or a shooter on campus and if the call came through
on a “911” call or other similar situation, the Hayward Police Department would respond to the
call by hitting the button and then the cameras would pop up.
A recommendation from College Council was that the matter should be discussed with the
constituencies further before any action happens. One concern made was a possible violation of
privacy, the fear of “big brother”, and
the costs to implement the purchase of
technology and process.
The College Council recommended to
colleges about their protocol and
departments, and to request samples
Sergeant Pola to inquire with other
agreement with their respective police
of their agreements. The process would
constituencies, along with campus
Office of the President (510) 723-6640  FAX (510) 723-7126  25555 Hesperian Boulevard, Hayward CA 94545
College Council
Friday, March 6th, 2009
discussions and dialogue before an agreement is made. Chad Mark Glen recommended that the
college inquire about the start-up and operational costs before entering into an agreement.
President Barberena felt it was necessary for Sergeant Pola to take a month to gather the
appropriate information than bring it back to the Council, constituencies, senates, and the
divisions before a college-wide decision is made. President Barberena asked Sergeant Pola to
also contact ASCC since there are no students present today. A motion was made by the College
Council to allow a discussion to take place, and then review it again at the Council meeting on
April 3rd.
Gordon Watt will be talking with Mark Smythe to let him know that Sergeant Pola and Jeannine
Methe have spoken, and that they will discuss costs, technology, and infrastructure.
Accreditation Process & Governance Committee Process
Jim Matthews has been revising and updating the governance committee websites. There is
currently a webpage for each committee that also includes the charge and membership. Jim felt it
was important to centralize the links and committee information. Currently the minutes are not
accessible to the external public. The end goal will be to have the committee agendas and
minutes made available on the Internet. Each committee chair will be charged with ensuring that
the agendas and minutes are place on the website routinely.
Chad Mark Glen indicated that it is the role of Bella Witt to routinely contact each committee to
ensure their committees are placing agendas and minutes on their respective websites. President
Barberena recommended that the College Council allow Jim Matthews to contact each committee
and ensure that the charge of each committee is real and consistent with its website.
Public Arts Committee
On behalf of Ming Ho, Jim Matthews reported that the Public Arts Committee would like to have a
10-member committee plus a chair which would involve a change in their membership. The
change would include now having a voting chair. It is now being presented to the Council to be
reviewed and voted on. Jim asked if the College Council would grant the Public Arts Committee
to change the structure of their committee and membership.
It was discussed that if there is to be a Public Arts Committee on campus, there should be equal
representation from each of the five groups and a reasonable and equitable representation
(including all constituencies) on the committee (this is the reason the committee is requesting a
change to its membership, committee structure, and representation). There should be a quorum
of more than 50% of the members, and in case of ties, Diane Zuliani would be able to have a vote
to break the tie in these instances. The change would include: Two administrators, two classified
professionals, two faculty, two community members, two students, and one chair (voting
member). The Academic Senate wants to include four additional words under the section where it
is stated” General operating rules for all committees: (should read) “among the core
representatives”. Gary Carter felt the change is necessary and a good idea, but he would delete
the word “core” as there are members who are core and there are members who are not core but
are still members. In the mode of egalitarianism, Chad Mark Glen stated that they used the word
“core” which is just more semantics than any thing else. This would apply to all open committees
“core” meaning that you represent a particular governance group. Jim Matthews will research
and see how the word “core” is defined. President Barberena stated that the College Council
gave consensus to give Jim Matthews the direction to do what was proposed.
Organizational Chart
Two college organizational charts
review, which included the current
current chart includes who is currently
chart includes positions that are
Board of Trustees such as: Dean of
were presented to the Council to
chart the College is using today. The
employed and working today. The other
vacant and were never approved by the
Planning and Public Affairs, Director of
Office of the President (510) 723-6640  FAX (510) 723-7126  25555 Hesperian Boulevard, Hayward CA 94545
College Council
Friday, March 6th, 2009
Community and Contract Education.
President Barberena proposed that we call one chart “current” and one “strategic”. Dr. Carolyn
Arnold indicated that when President, Dr. Carlson included the chart in the Shared Governance
document. Jim Matthews felt the College should either include or not include supervisory
positions as not all are included on the organizational chart. The Coordinator of Athletics is
included on the current chart, but the Coordinator of the Library is not included. Jim indicated that
either all coordinator positions should be included or none should be included. There are many
more coordinator positions that are not included on this current chart. It was clarified that this
current chart is an administrative organizational chart. Melinda Matsuda recommended that the
supervisory positions be removed from the current chart. It was also recommended that the
second organizational chart not be utilized but only for planning purposes. Because of not having
a sufficient budget to open all administrative positions on the old chart (i.e., Director of
Community and Contract Ed), the old chart was eliminated and will not be used again.
Student Behavior Issues
Vice President Melinda Matsuda reported that Sergeant Ruben Pola, Gerald Shimada, Matt
Kritscher, and the Mental Health Advisory Group of counselors are doing great work on handling
student behavior issues, as well as all the deans and directors who also spend a lot of time
dealing with student issues. The deans give out student discipline at their levels. The behavior
issues have escalated a little this year. If it needs to be more formalized, it is escalated to a
higher level. There should be a plan for classified professionals to utilize when they are
experiencing a problem with hostile students that is identical to the plan used by faculty. The
current process includes that the student receives a warning and told that if it happens again, the
student will be suspended.
Student Success Initiatives & Coordinating Group
Vice President Melinda Matsuda stated that she is bringing the topics of Student Success
Initiatives and Coordinating Group to College Council because she wants to know what venues
these topics need to go. These are not decision-making groups. Vice President Matsuda asked if
we need to broaden this dialogue somewhere? They do not go to the shared governance.
Administrative Services Survey
President Barberena indicated that Chancellor Kinnamon would like a report made to the Board
at their June on the one-time monies.
Dr. Carolyn Arnold reported that an easy, short, one-page users’ satisfaction survey with
Administrative Services will be distributed on campus next week. Dr. Arnold asked the deans and
directors for their support by urging their staff to complete it. President Barberena will be writing a
supportive letter urging all to complete the survey. The survey will be sent out on paper, via
Email, and using Survey Monkey (as an experiment to the web).
Close of Meeting
The College Council meeting was convened at 2:55 p.m.
Minutes approved unanimously at the College
Council meeting of April 3 , 2009.
Office of the President (510) 723-6640  FAX (510) 723-7126  25555 Hesperian Boulevard, Hayward CA 94545
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