College Council Friday, February 6 , 2009 Minutes

College Council
Friday, February 6th, 2009
The meeting was called to order at 1:05 p.m. by President Barberena.
Representation included: Classified: Kari McAllister, Yvonne Wu-Craig; Administration: Marcia
Corcoran, Judy Young, Gene Groppetti, Kathy Linzmeyer, Melinda Matsuda, Gary Carter, Tram
Vo-Kumamoto; Students: one; Faculty: Jim Matthews, Wayne Phillips, Ming Ho, Carolyn Arnold.
A motion to accept the December 11th, 2008 meeting minutes was made by Gary Carter. Dr.
Marcia Corcoran seconded the motion, Dr. Carolyn Arnold abstained, and no oppositions.
The Accreditation Team Site Visit will occur in October 2009. The Accreditation process is set up
in four standards. Being edited in draft form are: Standard I-Mission (Dr. Carolyn Arnold is
working on this); Standard IIA-Gene Groppetti - Melinda Matsuda is working on IIB; Standard IIIAJim Matthews (Dr. Barberena edited); Standard IIIB-Physical Resources (Jim is reviewing); Mark
Schaeffer – technology; and Tim Dave - financial resources.
Jim Matthews will compile all reports and forward to Kaaren Krueg for formatting. Kaaren will
retain the original report and is the repository of originals. Carol Murray will finish editing the
report in March. Once edited the consultation process will begin in April. The draft report will be
available in public formats on campus for review and College discussions (i.e., shared
governance groups, available in Library for viewing, Chabot’s website, in divisions for review).
The Board of Trustees will review the report in May and the final report before it is sent to the
Accrediting Commission. Kaaren will ensure there is an appropriate citation per exhibit, and will
be archiving documents. The Council concurred with Dr. Barberena’s recommendation that the
Self-Study Cover be designed to look similar to Strategic Planning brochure cover.
The following recommendations, made from the last site team, will be demonstrated in the SelfStudy as having been completed: 1) District communication/responsibility; 2) planning/budget; 3)
program review; 4) administrator evaluations; 5) hiring/equity (i.e., diversity, fairness).
Yvonne Wu Craig and Wayne Phillips gave a presentation on Integrated Program Review & Unit
Planning Process. Yvonne thanked the constituencies, staff, and students for their efforts and
support. The integration process was developed and reviewed by IPBC, Budget Committee,
Program Review, Student Learning Outcome & Assessment Committee, College Council,
administration, and Dr. Barberena. A master list of programs was created, and a Unit Plan Part II
was restructured to include Program Review findings. Program Review includes looking at
student learning outcomes. Gene Groppetti recommended that this exhibit be provided to the
Accreditation Team to be used as evidence.
An overview of the planning cycle includes: 1) Program Review (Gene Groppetti said this will later
become Program Review & Planning, an integrated process): looks at SLO’s/SAO, survey
results, IR, course level data, and
enrollment; 2) Unit/Area Action Plan:
looks at mission, summary of program
review findings, goals/outcomes, action
plan time line, and resource requests;
and 3) Annual Action Plan Revision:
looks at action plan adjustments,
review accomplishments/best practices,
and challenges faced/overcome. The
newly-revised process includes a
timeline for Program Review which
has been shortened to one year. The
Program Review inquiry proposal
includes: 1) citing/review of past
Office of the President (510) 723-6640  FAX (510) 723-7126  25555 Hesperian Boulevard, Hayward CA 94545
College Council
Friday, February 6th, 2009
relevant data; 2) staffing patterns; 3) course/curriculum review; 4) analysis: identification of
issues; and 5) identify a potential inquiry project.
Flex Day Spring ‘09- Deliverables are due Friday, March 13th. The programs that will be starting
Program Review will do a review of the discipline data and Program Review findings, and
complete a unit action plan (Part II) and budget forms. Programs in years 2-5 of the planning
cycle would complete the unit action plan and the budget forms.
IPBC researched how other colleges do planning. One example viewed, the Cascade Model of
Institutional Planning, is from DeAnza College (things start at the unit level, flow to the divisions,
then flow to the institutional level). Planning priorities then flow down through the levels, like a
“cascade” and the priorities are communicated in the vision, mission, strategic plan and
educational master plan. The time line includes: 1) IPBC reviews the vision/mission/values every
September; 2) community input forums occur biennially in October; 3) environmental scan in Fall;
4) in the winter, unit plan forms are released, unit plans are due in March, 5) unit plans and
division summaries are distributed to other governance committees, including the Budget
Committee, in June, and a Planning Retreat is held in the Summer/Fall.
Dr. Carolyn Arnold referred to a hand-out titled: Program Review of Administrative Services
(version 2/6/09), and coming to College Council for the second time. Carolyn reviewed the draft
and the approval and implementation calendar for Spring 2009. Dr. Barberena recommended that
the four-year review of the process time line be eliminated. Jack Mahrt will start his review on
Flex Day. Dr. Marcia Corcoran recommended there be a facilitator on campus to review or
collaborate missions and values. There was consensus on the revised Administrative Review,
and no oppositions or abstentions.
Kari McAllister presented a proposal for a special on campus event July 4th. Every December, the
U.S. Air Force Band of the Golden West draws over 1,000 community members to this very
successful on-campus concert. Based on event success the goal is to have the U.S. Army Band
Jazz Ambassadors play from 3 to 6 pm. in the PAC, a 3 p.m. symphony performance, a
performance afterward outside the PAC, followed by a rock band, bagpipe, and a cannon
presentation. From 12 to 6 p.m., have a picnic/festival at the Grand Court. The event purpose is:
bring people to campus for a community event; advertise Book Rental program; departments
showcase programs like at Homecoming; promote Fall classes and services. The Chabot
Foundation and Hayward Chamber would coordinate the event.
12-3 p.m.
3 p.m.
4-6 p.m.
Timeline For July 4th, 2009
Various events happening
Symphonic Army Band plays outside PAC
Outside entertainment with vendors, Grand Court
The City of Hayward wants to host a special fireworks display at Ochoa Middle School on
Sunday, July 4th, 2010. The goal would be to use Athletics for an entry-fee event as a fireworks
viewing area, but the holiday weekend makes getting staff to campus difficult. College Council
accepted this report and supports these events.
ASCC: Welcome Back week was held. The Book Rental Program started and featured a Nursing
book. This Spring ASCC will award
$30,000 in scholarships, and is selling
2009 calendars for $10.
College Council was adjourned at 3
kls; 2/24/09
Office of the President (510) 723-6640  FAX (510) 723-7126  25555 Hesperian Boulevard, Hayward CA 94545