ELERAP 219 No. of Pages 11, Model 5+ ARTICLE IN PRESS 27 October 2006 Disk Used 1 Electronic Commerce Research and Applications xxx (2006) xxx–xxx www.elsevier.com/locate/ecra 4 Eric Walden *, Glenn J. Browne 5 Texas Tech University, ISQS, Box 42101, Lubbock, TX 79409, United States 6 7 Received 7 April 2006; received in revised form 29 September 2006; accepted 29 September 2006 OO PR 8 Abstract ED This work proposes that information cascade theory can help to explain the formation of the Internet bubble. We propose that the bubble existed because a lack of good information about the potential value of electronic commerce led investors to rely on other investors’ private valuations of electronic commerce. We use the event study methodology to estimate returns to company announcements of electronic commerce initiatives in 1999 and 2000. We find that after controlling for network externalities and time trends, investors’ valuations of the returns to electronic commerce initiatives were significantly influenced by the market return from prior periods. Moreover, the relative weight placed on prior periods’ returns decreased as the variance of the prior periods’ returns increased. Both of the results are consistent with the behavior predicted by information cascade theory. Ó 2006 Published by Elsevier B.V. CT 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 F 3 Rational fads in investor reactions to electronic commerce announcements: An explanation of the Internet bubble 2 RR E 17 Keywords: DotCom bubble; Electronic commerce; Empirical research; Event study; Information cascade theory; Investor psychology; Rational fads; 18 Stock market 19 20 1. Introduction CO Technology is subject to fads – situations in which many agents adopt a technology with exaggerated zeal [1–3]. Recently, we witnessed an impressive technology fad – the Internet bubble. From 1998 to 2000 the popular press hailed the beginning of a new economy, and investments in electronic commerce activities were believed to be the best use of one’s money. Then, by 2002, we returned to the old economy and electronic commerce investment was no longer seen as being particularly better or worse than any other kind of business investment. Businesses certainly needed the electronic channel, but they also needed many other things. During this time the chosen vehicle for investing in electronic commerce was the stock market. For example, in the 24 months from January 1998 to January 2000, the AMEX Internet stock index increased nearly 600%. However, by January 2002 it had almost UN 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 * Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 806 742 1925; fax: +1 806 742 3193. E-mail address: ewalden@ba.ttu.edu (E. Walden). returned to its 1998 level. Even today, in 2006, it is only about 50% higher than its 1998 level. Why did investors believe that the returns on electronic commerce initiatives should be so large? Mills [4] cites four key reasons given to explain the Internet bubble: It was an accident, it was engineered by the incentive structures of financial services firms, it was due to inexperienced investors entering the market, and it was an example of ‘‘the madness of crowds’’. To this list we add another reason. This work proposes that investors’ estimates of electronic commerce returns were the best guess of rationally-motivated individuals making decisions with great uncertainty. Specifically, we argue that each individual was very uncertain about how large returns on e-commerce investments should have been, and therefore supplemented his or her own information by relying on information contained in the investment behavior of others. Although there were clearly other causes of the bubble, our data suggest that as much as 25% of the value investors placed in an electronic commerce investment was based on the value others placed on prior electronic commerce investments. 1567-4223/$ - see front matter Ó 2006 Published by Elsevier B.V. doi:10.1016/j.elerap.2006.09.001 Please cite this article in press as: E. Walden, G.J. Browne, Rational fads in investor reactions to electronic ..., Electron. Comm. Res. Appl. (2006), doi:10.1016/j.elerap.2006.09.001 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 ELERAP 219 27 October 2006 Disk Used 72 2. Background literature and relevant theory CO RR E CT ED In the present research we develop an explanation of the development of the DotCom bubble using a rational explanation of fad-like behavior. The most popular rational explanation of fad-like behavior is network externality theory [5–8]. Communication networks often have the characteristic that their value increases as the number of agents on the network increases. Thus, as more agents join a network, the value of the network increases, causing more agents to want to join the network. This positive feedback loop leads to rapid growth. However, this theory also suffers from three shortcomings in the present context. First, not all technologies are characterized by network effects [9–11]. Thus, network externality theory is not general enough to explain the full range of technology decisions. Second, network externality theory does not consider the information available to decision makers, and thus misses an important aspect of the decision maker’s environment. Third, network externality theory does not offer a good explanation of failed or mistaken fads. Agents always choose the most popular technology, even though it may not be the most advanced, because the size of the network outweighs the benefits of advanced features. To overcome these difficulties, we take the perspective of information cascade theory [12,13]. Information cascade theory is based on sequential decisions in an informationpoor environment. In this context, decision makers are faced with several courses of action and must make the best choice. Unfortunately, no single decision maker has complete information; rather, each has some imperfect private information. Decision makers can observe the actions, but not the private information, of prior decision makers. Observing the actions allows them to make inferences about the prior decision makers’ private information. A rational decision maker then incorporates those inferences with his or her own private information to increase the likelihood of making a correct decision, which is a reasonable response to an information-poor environment. However, because decisions occur in a sequence, a mistake made by a particular decision maker propagates to all future decision makers. If a decision maker has poor information that UN 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 leads him to make an inappropriate decision, then all future decision makers will incorporate that poor information into their information set. It is rational for each individual decision maker to make use of the information implicit in the actions of others. However, as more individuals make the same decision, there is increasing pressure for other decision makers to make the same decision, regardless of their private information. Thus, we experience a situation in which everyone begins making similar decisions and a fad for a poor product or service is begun. Information cascades have been validated in laboratory experiments [14–16], and behaviors consistent with information cascades have been observed in natural phenomena [13]. Past research has studied this type of sequential decision making in strings of individual decision makers. In the present research, we extend this idea to explain how individuals infer group-level information in prior periods. We posit that the members of a group of decision makers individually infer information about the group by examining other group members’ prior decisions. Specifically, we propose that stock markets react simultaneously to events, but that when another similar event occurs, individual investors infer information about the value of the event by the market’s cumulative reaction to prior, similar events. The context for our investigation is firms’ adoption of electronic commerce technologies during the Internet stock bubble. We argue that the Internet stock bubble was, to some degree, a rational response by investors to the early success of Internet firms. However, this response was made in an environment with poor information about the true costs and benefits of electronic commerce. A few early apparent successes (e.g., Amazon, eBay, Dell) caused informed investors to value electronic commerce very highly, which drove up the returns of electronic commerce initiatives [17]. Because the market responded well to these early events, investors inferred high values for similar events, which they incorporated into their own private valuations. This caused investors to value the events higher than if they had relied solely on their own private information. The cumulative effect thereby drove valuations even higher, and the abnormal valuations of early events propagated through future events. It could be argued that the observed behavior indicating the rise of DotCom stocks is just a variation on the ‘‘hothand phenomenon’’ (we thank an anonymous reviewer for this excellent point; see also [18]). The ‘‘hot hand’’ refers to the belief among many people that ‘‘streaks’’ that occur (such as a basketball player who has made many baskets consecutively) are likely to continue (and thus other players should pass the basketball to him so he can take additional shots). Although most associated with sports activities, the belief applies to many superstitious behaviors (such as people saying to a person who has had several good outcomes recently that he should take a trip to Las Vegas). (See [19] for a detailed explanation of this phenomenon.) F In this paper, we investigate empirically the idea that technology fads are a consequence of agents inferring information about the benefits of a technology from the observable actions of other agents. We use stock return data from the ‘‘DotCom’’ era to investigate this question. In particular, we investigate agents’ willingness to pay for technology based on other agents’ willingness to pay for similar technologies. The paper proceeds as follows. In the next section we review literature explaining technology fads. We then develop a theoretical explanation of fads as information processes. We then describe the data and conduct our analyses. We conclude with implications of our findings for research and practice. OO 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 E. Walden, G.J. Browne / Electronic Commerce Research and Applications xxx (2006) xxx–xxx PR 2 No. of Pages 11, Model 5+ ARTICLE IN PRESS Please cite this article in press as: E. Walden, G.J. Browne, Rational fads in investor reactions to electronic ..., Electron. Comm. Res. Appl. (2006), doi:10.1016/j.elerap.2006.09.001 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 ELERAP 219 No. of Pages 11, Model 5+ ARTICLE IN PRESS 27 October 2006 Disk Used E. Walden, G.J. Browne / Electronic Commerce Research and Applications xxx (2006) xxx–xxx 219 220 221 222 3. Theory 223 We now turn to developing a new model of information cascades appropriate to investor decision making. First, we introduce our assumptions and discuss their impact. Next, we define the individual and market perceptions of value. Then, we add the effects of information cascades on perceptions of value. Finally, we add network externalities and time as control variables. We make several assumptions to help formalize our model. First, we assume that financial markets quickly incorporate the information contained in an event into the price of the stock (a standard assumption in much stock market research). Second, we assume that all investors have access to the same public information (e.g., analyst recommendations, media reports, economic indicators). These assumptions together allow us to control for the effects of public information, which is interesting but well studied. The release of public information is an event, and if it is quickly incorporated into the price of a stock, then when we observe the effects of events the price of the stock will have already been adjusted for the information. The last critical assumption is that investors have some private information that allows them to generate a private valuation for an event. Every investor has private information simply by virtue of his unique experience. For example, the event of a firm developing a new type of laser will have different meanings for an optics engineer, a financial analyst, and an attorney. The optics engineer may be aware of a need for that type of laser for a new technology, or may be aware of an even better laser that is about to be announced. A financial analyst may know a great deal of financial information about the firm. An attorney may be aware of a lawsuit about to be filed by someone who was blinded by a laser. Every individual is unique in the knowledge he uses to make sense of an event, and, hence, uses to form an estimate of the value of the event. This means that when investors observe an electronic commerce event they will all form different perceptions of its worth. Damodaran captures this notion perfectly when he says, ‘‘I have no doubt that you will disagree with me on some of the inputs I have used, and the values that you assign these firms will be different from mine’’ [21, p. xvi]. Stock market reactions to events yield a unique opportunity to observe willingness-to-pay for IT implementations. When a firm makes an announcement of an event, each individual in the market must evaluate her own willingness-to-pay to be part of that event. If the event in question is an IT implementation, then investors must form an opinion about how much that implementation will increase the value of a firm, and hence how much more (or less) they 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 PR OO F initiatives were the consensus estimates of many knowledgeable individuals, each of whom had some private information. Thus, information about the future could be gained from the past. CO RR E CT ED Similarly, it could be argued that the fall of DotCom stocks is due to a behavioral phenomenon known as the ‘‘gambler’s fallacy’’ [18]. The gambler’s fallacy refers to the belief that relatively short sequences of events should be representative of the event’s overall distribution. For example, if a coin is flipped five times and lands on ‘‘heads’’ every time, most people will be willing to bet that a sixth flip will land on ‘‘tails’’. This reflects the belief that six flips should be roughly representative of the overall event distribution (50% each for heads and tails). However, the likelihood of the sixth flip landing on tails is only .50, and it is thus irrational to bet more on tails than on heads for that flip. In the context of the DotCom crash, it could be argued that people simply began to believe that too many ‘‘heads’’ (i.e., too many rising technology stocks) had occurred in a row and quit buying stocks (i.e., bet in the other direction). However, there are several key differences between situations in which the hot hand and gambler’s fallacy explanations prevail and the current context. In contexts such as ‘‘hot’’ shooters in basketball games, the information environment is arguably quite rich. People observe the behavior directly and draw inferences based on their direct observations. Second, in such situations, there is a lack of apparent causal explanations for the occurrences (e.g., a player making six baskets in a row or red occurring on eight consecutive spins of a roulette wheel). Thus, people invent causal explanations such as the hot hand, when in fact statistical analyses reveal that the occurrences are simply random occurrences in known data distributions [20]. Decision errors occur due to the hot hand belief and gambler’s fallacy because the sequences are truly random and no information about the future can be gained from the past. In contrast, in the context of investing in e-commerce companies, the environment was information-poor because investors were not able to observe technological innovations directly. Thus, they had to base their inferences about the value of innovations and e-commerce companies selling them on (at best) secondary information. Second, investors were aware of many possible explanations for the value of e-commerce stocks, but they had no good basis for determining causation (i.e., no good methods for performing valuations) because of the scarcity of information available to them. Thus, because investors’ private information was poor and the resulting ability to make inferences about causation (valuation methods for e-commerce stocks) was also poor, our thesis is that investors chose to follow the behaviors of other investors who (they assumed) had better knowledge.1 Finally, prior realized values of e-commerce UN 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 1 We do not completely discount the perspective of the hot hand and the gambler’s fallacy as contributing explanations for stock market bubbles. Since both problems arise as a result of people’s misconceptions about random events, they provide an important perspective on stock market ‘‘runs’’, as suggested in recent research [18]. However, for reasons stated in the text, we believe that our hypothesized reasons are stronger potential explanations of bubbles. 3 Please cite this article in press as: E. Walden, G.J. Browne, Rational fads in investor reactions to electronic ..., Electron. Comm. Res. Appl. (2006), doi:10.1016/j.elerap.2006.09.001 ELERAP 219 27 October 2006 Disk Used si;t ¼ v þ ei;t ; The variable v represents the true value of the technology and e is an independent, mean-zero error term with constant variance across time and individuals. Each agent evaluates his own private signal and submits a bid for participation in the technology to a market maker whose goal is to maximize transaction volume. This simplification allows us to model the daily behavior of equity markets without having to consider the dynamic trading considerations. The market is set up to maximize transaction volume (this is a reasonable assumption, since many equities are handled by market makers whose job it is to insure that all of the trades that can be made are made). The market clears at v plus the median of the distribution of e, because the median is the point at which exactly half the people are willing to sell and half the people are willing to buy. For simplicity, assume the expected value of the median to be zero. The expected market-clearing return, then, is v. This can be written as 310 Rt ¼ Rt ðst Þ ¼ v þ medianðet Þ; where E½Rt ¼ v: ð2Þ CO Here Rt is a function of the vector st = {s1,t, s2,t, . . . , sn,t} and the median is a function of the vector et = {e1,t, e2,t, . . . , en,t}. For each technology initiative, the expected marketclearing return is the value of the technology. While there will be variations because of the stochastic nature of the private signals, there will be no consistent biases over time. UN 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 ð1Þ for all i and t: 318 3.1. Adding information cascades to the operational model 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 F ED 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 VAR½ei;t ¼ r and CT 290 where E½ei;t ¼ 0 2 estimates than an individual [22]. We assume that agents cannot observe other agents’ private signals, but can observe the market-clearing return in prior periods. We also assume that only one prior period is informative. There are at least three reasons why this is a reasonable assumption. First, and most importantly, there is no compelling theoretical reason to believe that the return from two periods prior would have a direct effect on the return in the current period. Note that the return at time t 2 does have an effect on the return in time t through its effect on the return at time t 1. To include two periods would give the return at t 2 both a direct effect and an indirect effect, and this is not theoretically reasonable. Second, using two periods complicates the model considerably by making it a polynomial in the lags. Thus, parsimony suggests using only one lag. Third, when a second lag is included and the model is estimated, the coefficient on the first lag is unchanged and the coefficient on the second lag is non-significant. Thus, theoretically and empirically, it does not seem that a second lag is needed. Therefore, we consider only one lag. Finally, in addition to the current private signal and the prior period’s observed return, we define a weighting term a that measures the relative weight the decision maker places on these two variables. Each agent’s private valuation of the technology becomes fi,t = f(si,t, Rt1,a), where f is increasing in both si,t and Rt1. This indicates that errors in the market-clearing return of the prior initiative would tend to continue into the current period. Thus, if for some reason the market overvalued (undervalued) a technology in the earlier period, it would tend to stay overvalued (undervalued) in the current period. Without loss of generality, we can normalize such that 0 6 a 6 1, where a = 1 ) f = f(si,t) and a = 0 ) f = f(Rt1). The optimal (i.e., variance minimizing) value of a will depend upon the relative information contained in s and Rt1, or, in other words, on the inverse of the relative standard error of s and pt1. Define rs and rp as the standard error of s and pt1, respectively. The weighting term can be defined as a = a(rs, rp), where a is decreasing in rs and increasing in rp. Thus, as the variance of the current period’s private signal increases, the weight assigned to the current period’s private signal decreases, and as the variance of the prior period’s return increases, the weight assigned to the current period’s private signal increases. To make the example concrete, assume that f(si,t, Rt1, a) is a convex combination of si,t and Rt1. Thus, agents are rational in the sense that they update their beliefs in a Bayesian manner. Then each agent’s valuation of the technology is OO are willing to pay to own the stock in question. The individuals then rapidly buy and sell until the price reaches a new equilibrium. The difference between the old price and the new price represents the return to the electronic commerce initiative. Thus, we are able to observe the consensus opinion about the information content of an event, which is backed by investors’ real money and represents the potential for real gain or loss. This is unique because investors must commit resources to the point of equilibrium. Thus, they are motivated to make use of all the information available to them, even if it is sparse. To operationalize the theory, assume there is a market of x risk-neutral agents. Each agent i receives a private signal about the value of a technology initiative at time t of the form RR E 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 E. Walden, G.J. Browne / Electronic Commerce Research and Applications xxx (2006) xxx–xxx PR 4 No. of Pages 11, Model 5+ ARTICLE IN PRESS The model above assumes that agents ignore the information contained in the realized market-clearing return of prior initiatives. In general, for well-behaved distributions on e, the market-clearing return will have lower variance than the individual private signals and thus be quite informative. From a human psychology perspective, most people know they do not know everything and realize that a group of independent decision makers can make better 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 f ðsi;t ; Rt1 Þ ¼ asi;t þ ð1 aÞRt1 ¼ av þ ð1 aÞRt1 þ aei;t ; ð3Þ 378 where 0 6 a 6 1. 379 To form a measure for estimation, it is necessary to 380 determine the overall market return, which is observable. 381 Please cite this article in press as: E. Walden, G.J. Browne, Rational fads in investor reactions to electronic ..., Electron. Comm. Res. Appl. (2006), doi:10.1016/j.elerap.2006.09.001 ELERAP 219 No. of Pages 11, Model 5+ ARTICLE IN PRESS 27 October 2006 Disk Used E. Walden, G.J. Browne / Electronic Commerce Research and Applications xxx (2006) xxx–xxx The reader will recognize Eq. (5) as the standard form of an autoregressive process. Such a process can be estimated by ordinary least squares. Note that the model uses only one lag because the latest estimate of value is contained solely in that lag. There is, however, carryover from earlier lags because the value estimate in any period t 1 is a function of the value in period t 2. Thus, the behavior of prior periods is accounted for in the model although we only estimate the direct impact of one lag. This discussion leads to a new definition of an information cascade for the continuous version of the theory presented here. 403 404 405 406 407 Information Cascade: An information cascade occurs, under the preceding assumptions, when a market’s valuation of the current period’s adoption decision is significantly dependent upon the market’s valuation of the prior period’s adoption decision. 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 Thus, to test for the presence of an information cascade, b1 from Eq. (5) is estimated. An information cascade indicates that individual market participants are not simply applying their own private signals about the value of a technology, but are also applying public information about other participants’ valuations as inferred from the emergent market return in prior periods. Thus, a positive coefficient for b1 indicates information cascade behavior. ED 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 v ¼ vðtÞ ¼ k 2 þ k2 t; UN CO We have assumed that the true underlying value, v, of the technology is constant. However, this may not be the case. As noted above, in e-commerce research network externalities [5,7,8,23,24] have been invoked to help explain adoption of e-commerce technologies. For example, the more users on the Internet, the more value to any potential adopter because more users leads to a greater potential range of information available to additional users. However, while the Internet as a communication medium is certainly characterized by network externalities, it does not necessarily follow that the Internet as a business environment is characterized by those same externalities. This is an empirical question, and one that must be addressed given the operationalization of our model of information cascades. To incorporate the possibility of network externalities, we redefine v as v(n), to recognize that value is a function of the number of participants in the network. This model will occur when 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 ð7Þ 462 where k2 is the value of the technology at the beginning of the sample time frame, t is the time since the beginning of the sample period, and k2 is a constant to be estimated. Again, this assumes that the change over time is linear. Lastly, it is possible that both effects occur simultaneously, so that v is a function, v(n, t), of both time and the number of other participants in the market. It is defined as CT RR E 417 3.2. Including the possibility of changing technology value 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 F ð5Þ where k1 is some inherent value of being on the network, n is the number of other firms on the network, and d is a constant to be estimated. As a proxy for n we use the cumulative number of adoptions in our data set at each point in time. This implicitly assumes that our observation of the level of adoption is proportional to the actual level of adoption. It also assumes that the rate of change of value is linear. Research in rational expectations supports this proxy. The notion is that ‘‘. . . due to network externalities, it is in the best interest of each firm within a sub-group sharing similar characteristics and/or serving similar markets to adopt simultaneously’’ [25, p. 5]. Thus, it does not necessarily matter whether the participants are using the network to communicate with one another. Even if the firms are only building a network that others will use, they should still adopt together. Another possibility is that the value does not depend on the number of adopters but still changes over time. For example, if technology improves over time, it is reasonable to assume that the value of adopting that technology will increase. This leads to a reformulation of value as a function of time. This model is defined when OO 387 This can be rewritten as 388 390 Rt ¼ b0 þ b1 Rt1 þ nt : ð6Þ 438 vðnÞ ¼ k 1 þ d1 n; PR 382 The market realization is the median of all individual 383 valuations, 384 386 Rt ¼ av þ ð1 aÞRt1 þ medianðaei;t Þ: ð4Þ 5 v ¼ vðn; tÞ ¼ k 3 þ d3 n þ k3 t: 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 ð8Þ 473 Given these models, Eq. (4) becomes Rt ¼ aðk þ dn þ ktÞ þ ð1 aÞRt1 þ medianðaei;t Þ: This can be rewritten as Rt ¼ c0 þ c1 Rt1 þ c2 n þ c3 t þ nt ; 474 ð9Þ 476 477 478 ð10Þ 480 where c2 = 0 if j = 2 and c3 = 0 if j = 1. 481 3.3. Including the possibility of changes in the relative weighting 482 483 As discussed above, the optimal weighting is a function of the noise in the private signal and the noise in the prior period’s return so that a ¼ aðr2s ; r2Rt1 Þ. While it is conceptually difficult to measure the noise in the private signal for the same reasons it is difficult to measure the private signal itself, it is possible to estimate the noise in the prior period’s return. The estimate of the noise in the prior period’s return is given by 2 ^2Rt1 ¼ ^nt1 ; r ð11Þ 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 Please cite this article in press as: E. Walden, G.J. Browne, Rational fads in investor reactions to electronic ..., Electron. Comm. Res. Appl. (2006), doi:10.1016/j.elerap.2006.09.001 493 ELERAP 219 27 October 2006 Disk Used E. Walden, G.J. Browne / Electronic Commerce Research and Applications xxx (2006) xxx–xxx 516 This can, in turn, be rewritten as 517 2 2 Rt ¼ u0 þ u1 ½^ nt1 þ u2 Rt1 þ u3 ½^ nt1 Rt1 þ nt : 519 The secondary hypothesis of interest concerns the relative weighting of private information and information contained in the prior period’s return. This is captured by the coefficient x6. The weight investors apply to the prior period’s return should decrease as the prior period’s return becomes noisier. Thus, x7 should be negative and significant if investors are placing less weight on the prior period’s return as the variance of the prior period’s return increases. This leads to our second hypothesis: RR E 522 3.4. Combining all models CO 523 To derive the fullest estimate we can combine Eqs. (8) 524 and (13) as h i 2 Rt ¼ a1 þ a2 ½^ nt1 ½k 3 þ d3 n þ k3 t h i 2 ^ þ 1 a þ a ½ n ð15Þ Rt1 þ nt : 1 2 t1 526 UN 527 This can be rewritten as 528 2 2 Rt ¼ x0 þ x1 n þ x2 t þ x3 ½^ nt1 þ x4 n ½^ nt1 2 2 ^ ^ t ½ n R þ x ½ n þ x þ x Rt1 þ nt : 5 t1 6 t1 7 t1 530 ð16Þ We can now propose hypotheses based on this equation. The first hypothesis is simply that investors rely on the information contained in prior realizations of electronic commerce returns when formulating their current evaluation of an electronic commerce return. This suggests that 2 For our particular data, when at is defined in this manner, it ranges from 0.243 to 0.756 and thus satisfies the assumption that it be between zero and one. However, for other data the estimation might not proceed so conveniently and it may be necessary to constrain the function to the zero to one interval. A logistic or sigmoidal transformation would accomplish this. We thank an anonymous reviewer for this useful suggestion. 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 Hypothesis 2 (Relative Weighting hypothesis): Increas- 552 ing the variance of the prior period’s return decreases 553 the effect of prior returns on the current return. 554 We also include network externalities and time as control variables. We offer no hypotheses about these variables, but they both provide alternative explanations of the market’s behavior that could, in the absence of control, generate similar behavior. For example, if the value of an electronic commerce initiative increases as the number of adopters increases, then we will see value increasing consistently over time. Each new electronic commerce initiative will increase the value of future electronic commerce events. If we do not provide this control, then even in the absence of the process we described there will be a significant effect of prior period returns on current period returns. Similarly, if the return to electronic commerce were simply rising over time due to a wealth effect of investors or improving technology or some other factor, we would expect prior returns to predict current returns. Thus, we control for the number of prior adoptions and a linear time trend. 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 4. Data 572 The data for this study come from firms’ adoptions of electronic commerce technologies. This is a particularly good environment for consideration because e-commerce is characterized by both high uncertainty and poor observability of private signals. Each data point is a firm’s public announcement of an e-commerce initiative in the media. We collected the data from a full text search of company announcements related to e-commerce in the period between January 1, 1999 and December 31, 2000, using two leading news sources: PR Newswire and Business Wire. Following prior literature [26,27], we searched Lexis/Nexis for announcements containing the words launch or announce within the same sentence as the words online or commerce and .com and NYSE, NASDAQ, or AMEX. The search yielded 4744 potential announcements – 2170 in 1999 and 2574 in 2000. 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 CT ð14Þ 520 Given the specification of the model, we would expect 521 /2 > 0 and /3 < 0. 531 532 533 534 535 538 Hypothesis 1 (Information Cascades hypothesis): The 539 effect of prior returns on the current return is positive 540 and significant. 541 ED 511 This allows at to be a linear function of [nt1]2.2 Eq. (4) can 512 then be rewritten as 513 h i 2 Rt ¼ a1 þ a2 ½^ nt1 v h i 2 ^ þ a ½ n ð13Þ þ 1 a Rt1 þ nt : 1 2 t1 515 the coefficient on return should be positive and significant. 536 Thus, our first hypothesis is: 537 F where nt1 is the error term from the prior period, and the Ù indicates an estimate. Thus, the prior period’s estimated variance depends on the distance from the predicted value to the last period’s return. This implies that the weighting scheme changes over time in response to the noise in the market so that at = a([nt1]2) and a is increasing in [nt1]2. This means that, as suggested earlier, the weight applied to the private signal increases as the noise in the prior period’s return increases and that the weight applied to the prior period’s return decreases as the noise in the prior period’s return increases. At a high level, this means that investors rely less on the prior period’s return when it is further away from its expected value. To operationalize this, let ^ 2 ð12Þ 510 at ¼ a1 þ a2 ½nt1 : OO 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 PR 6 No. of Pages 11, Model 5+ ARTICLE IN PRESS Please cite this article in press as: E. Walden, G.J. Browne, Rational fads in investor reactions to electronic ..., Electron. Comm. Res. Appl. (2006), doi:10.1016/j.elerap.2006.09.001 ELERAP 219 No. of Pages 11, Model 5+ ARTICLE IN PRESS 27 October 2006 Disk Used E. Walden, G.J. Browne / Electronic Commerce Research and Applications xxx (2006) xxx–xxx Table 2 Independent variables Variable Description Rt Average abnormal return on electronic commerce initiatives on day t The number of days since December 31, 1998 The cumulative number of electronic commerce events The square of the estimated error of R in time t 1, that is, (actual Rt1 predicted Rt1)2 F Time N r2t1 635 636 637 638 639 5. Results 640 PR OO the data are presented in Table 1, where price and volume are the average price and volume of the stock over the twoyear period. We use four variables in our estimation. These are described in Table 2. To correct for overall market movements, it is necessary 641 to calculate an abnormal return according to the following 642 formula. 643 AR ¼ Rs;t ðds þ cs Rm;t Þ: ð17Þ 645 ED We use Subramani and Walden’s definition of an event: ‘‘The criteria we used to identify an announcement as an event was that the news item be an announcement of a new electronic commerce-related initiative or the extension or expansion of an existing initiative. Miscellaneous announcements such as estimates of expected earnings, news about personnel changes, and site traffic volumes, etc. were discarded’’ [27, p. 141]. Electronic commerce is an activity related to the trading of goods and services facilitated by Internet technologies. To insure the consistency and accuracy of the coding, two coders – one of the authors and a graduate student unfamiliar with the hypotheses of the study – worked independently. Each coder performed his own analysis of the data. The data were then matched, and one of the coders reconsidered any disagreements. In this phase, the coder could change his and only his original coding if on the second examination he agreed with the other coder. If the coder did not agree, he wrote his own comments as to why he believed his original coding was correct. The data were then given to the other coder, who had a chance to change his original coding based on the first coder’s comments. Any disagreements that could not be resolved by this two-step process were then decided in a face-to-face meeting between the two coders. To focus attention on the task at hand, we excluded several different types of announcements from the coding. Coders excluded marketing announcements or news of customer acquisition and minor, temporary promotions such as Christmas or Super Bowl specials. Coders also removed earnings announcements and management changes by firms. Coders eliminated announcements of minor Web Site redesign, unless the redesign developed new capabilities. Coders also dropped announcements pertaining to mergers and acquisitions. To eliminate the bias introduced by thinly-traded stocks that might be illiquid and low-value stocks that are not representative of the broad market, we removed firms with an average share price of less than one dollar and firms with an average trading volume of less than 50,000 shares per day. This procedure is consistent with prior literature [27]. Of the 4744 potential announcements, 2097 were coded as announcements of e-commerce initiatives and 1273 contained enough data to estimate abnormal returns. When there were multiple announcements in a single trading day the average return was used, resulting in a total of 402 data points. The demographics of The term in parentheses is the expected return on the stock, where d and c are estimates from day 251 to day 2 before the announcement (see [28] for detailed description of the technique). The R terms are returns, with the subscript t denoting time, the subscript s referring to a specific stock, and the subscript m referring to the market return, in this case the return on the S&P 500. Finally, to allow for announcements that occurred before the market opened or after the market closed, the three-day cumulative abnormal return was used. This return measure is the summation of abnormal returns starting on the day before the event and ending on the day after the event [29,30]. The models in Eqs. (10), (14) and (16) were then estimated using the cumulative abnormal return data. The results are shown in detail in Table 3. As the table shows, the empirical testing supported the information cascade hypothesis in all specifications. In fact, in all specifications, the t-statistic for the effect of the prior period’s return was the greatest. Moreover, the coefficient was not sensitive to the inclusion of the cumulative number of adoptions or the time of adoption. The Relative Weighting hypothesis (H2) was supported in the absence of a control for time and network effects. While it has the correct sign in the full model, it fails to achieve significance. Thus, support is mixed for the hypothesis that investors reduce their reliance on prior period returns when those returns are more extreme. When the information content of the prior period was included in the form of the estimated standard error from the prior period, the influence of the prior period increased, as suggested by information cascade theory. The coefficient on the interaction between prior period return and prior period information content was negative, as predicted, and this coefficient was significantly negative in the CT RR E CO Table 1 Data demographics Price Volume Average cumulative abnormal return by day UN 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 7 Mean Median SE Min Max $29.96 3,021,852 0.06% $24.56 591,744 0.05% $23.79 6,412,472 8.62% $1.02 50,256 35.48% $158.57 33,475,710 65.47% Please cite this article in press as: E. Walden, G.J. Browne, Rational fads in investor reactions to electronic ..., Electron. Comm. Res. Appl. (2006), doi:10.1016/j.elerap.2006.09.001 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 8 Intercept Rt1 AR(1) Time RR AR(1) + time 0.01 1.42 0.13*** 2.61 3.00E 5 1.56 EC D Rt1*r2t1 Time* r2t1 r2t1 R2 Adjusted R2 White’s heteroskedasticity test (p value) * ** *** At the 0.10 level. At the 0.05 level, and. Indicates significance at the 0.01 level. 0.018 0.016 0.458 0.024 0.020 0.003*** 0.023 0.018 0.007*** AR(1) + variance interaction 0.04** 2.31 0.12** 2.43 3.60E 4** 1.99 1.70E 4* 1.82 TE r2t1 N AR(1) + time + N 8.89E 3 1.17 0.13*** 2.65 1.00E 5 1.34 N * AR(1) + N 0.032 0.025 0.003*** 0.01 0.34 1.27*** 2.12 PR Full model 0.04** 2.47 0.24 3.64 3.90E 4** 2.03 1.82E 4* 1.84 .28 0.40 1.18 1.21 1.80E 4 0.02 3.11E 4 0.07 0.069 0.053 0.241 2.03E 3 0.45 0.26 4.25 0.052 0.045 0.861 OO No. of Pages 11, Model 5+ F ARTICLE IN PRESS 4.88E 4 0.11 0.14*** 2.76 ELERAP 219 Parameter 27 October 2006 Disk Used CO Table 3 Autoregressive results (t-statistics on bottom) E. Walden, G.J. Browne / Electronic Commerce Research and Applications xxx (2006) xxx–xxx Please cite this article in press as: E. Walden, G.J. Browne, Rational fads in investor reactions to electronic ..., Electron. Comm. Res. Appl. (2006), doi:10.1016/j.elerap.2006.09.001 UN ELERAP 219 No. of Pages 11, Model 5+ ARTICLE IN PRESS 27 October 2006 Disk Used E. Walden, G.J. Browne / Electronic Commerce Research and Applications xxx (2006) xxx–xxx 6.2. Limitations 763 As with any research effort, there are certain limitations to the work performed in this paper. A central limitation of the study is the period examined. Undoubtedly, the time period under consideration was not a typical period in stock market history. We chose it specifically to examine behavior in fad-like conditions. Therefore, it is not clear that we can generalize the results to other periods. On the other hand, information cascade theory suggests that some fads are rational specifically because relying on the behavior of others improves one’s chance of making a good decision. In fact, information cascade theory shows that people will, on average, do better by relying on the signals of others. The theory mainly focuses on what happens when things go awry because that is more interesting, but following the model we suggest does in fact result in better estimates over time than relying on personal information alone. Thus, the results may be generalizable, with this period simply representing an extreme outcome. There are also several statistical limitations that are worth noting. First, on many days there were multiple announcements, and we used the average abnormal return to all announcements on a day. However, this is only one way to deal with the problem that many firms may pursue a particular course of action on a given day. We chose to look at day-to-day changes rather than event-to-event 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 PR OO F 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 CT 713 6. Conclusion 714 6.1. Contribution CO We have proposed a theoretical explanation of the DotCom fad of 1999–2000. Specifically, we posited that the willingness of investors to commit capital to successive electronic commerce initiatives stemmed from the lack of information in the environment. To supplement their own limited information investors used the pooled information present in the market’s previous reactions to e-commerce initiatives. Each successive positive market reaction modified investor perceptions of electronic commerce in a positive manner, and each successive negative reaction modified investor perceptions in a negative manner, thus creating reinforcing effects that caused a rapid rise, then fall, in perceptions of electronic commerce value. The primary implication of this research is that IT will continue to be characterized by fads. IT is complex and requires complementary organizational changes to realize value. This means that the real benefits of IT are not known when firms have to make decisions about them. One mechanism rational individuals can use to help them value novel IT is UN 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 to observe how others value the same IT. While this helps each decision maker individually, it leads to fads. These fads can move in both directions, with adopters overvaluing IT or undervaluing IT. Therefore, both researchers and organizations must be careful in evaluating new IT. This means that decision makers should collect as much private information about the value of IT as possible before incorporating the behaviors of others. However, the behavior of others should be incorporated because it does lead to better decisions, but it should be discounted appropriately. An important implication for practitioners is that theory should be used when valuing IT. Theory that bases its arguments on well-tested logic can facilitate realistic valuations of IT. For example, while a common perception at the time of the DotCom bubble in the popular press was that the Internet was a new economy with new rules, and that firms like eToys and Pets.com would replace firms like Toys R Us and Petsmart, researchers used the resourcebased view of the firm to argue, ‘‘. . .the initial disadvantages of non-net firms from being on the learning curve with respect to Internet technologies and the novel e-commerce context are likely to be largely offset by the considerable advantages derived from the migration of existing firm competencies to e-commerce operations’’ [33, p. 195]. Use of theory provides a foundation for decision making, which can lead to the avoidance of irrational fads. This is particularly important in domains such as IT, in which the artifacts being evaluated change frequently. ED return-only model. Introducing network externalities (as measured by cumulative adoption) and time did not affect the coefficient of prior period return, but did render the interaction coefficient non-significant. This pattern is indicative of information cascades. The models above are robust to autocorrelation because autocorrelation is captured by the model; however, three of the models show signs of heteroskedasticity. Re-estimating the models using White’s heteroskedasticity consistent covariance matrix changes the significance of the effect on the lagged variable slightly, dropping the t-statistics from 2.61, 2.65, and 2.43 to 1.73, 1.75, and 1.62, respectively. This reduces the significance levels to 0.085, 0.081, and 0.106. However, this does not change the overall pattern of the results. Lagged values are still the most important determinant of current values across all models. Moreover, the full model does not have heteroskedasticity problems, nor does the lagged-value-only model, which suggests that the impact of lagged values is robust. Another point to note is that the R2 for each model is lower than we usually see. This is typical of event analysis because the variance of returns is very high. R2 measures the ratio of explanation to noise, and the stock market is very noisy. Every day millions of things occur that move stock prices. As can be seen from Table 1, the mean return in this study was 0.06%, while the standard error was 8.62%, which is more that 100 times larger. The return on an electronic commerce initiative depends on a huge number of variables, including factors about the initiative, who is undertaking the initiative, and the environment in which it occurs. There are certainly other systematic effects that we have not captured, but our goal is to explain the causal mechanisms of one effect that has significant impact. RR E 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 9 Please cite this article in press as: E. Walden, G.J. Browne, Rational fads in investor reactions to electronic ..., Electron. Comm. Res. Appl. (2006), doi:10.1016/j.elerap.2006.09.001 ELERAP 219 27 October 2006 Disk Used References 858 [1] E. Abrahamson, Managerial fads and fashions: the diffusion and rejection of innovations, Academy of Management Review 16 (3(July)) (1991) 586–612. [2] R.G. Fichman, The diffusion and assimilation of information technology innovations, in: R.W. Zmud (Ed.), Framing the Domains of IT Management: Projecting the Future. . .Through the Past, Pinnaflex Educational Resources, Cincinnati, OH, 2000, pp. 105–128. [3] R.J. Kauffman, X. Li. 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Similarly, content provider investors may react more strongly to the information contained in the market’s reaction to initiatives by online retailers than to the information contained in market reactions to business-to-business exchanges. Elucidating theory about who receives information from whom about the value of IT initiatives has great potential value. Another area for future research is the decision processes of the electronic commerce firms themselves. In this case, our unit of analysis was investors, but firm behavior is likely to be dependent upon investor perceptions and upon other firms’ behavior. However, the dependencies are likely to be different, largely because firms have a great deal of time and resources to devote to their decisions, whereas individual investors in modern markets must often react very quickly to information without access to such resources. Moreover, firm decisions are much more complicated than simply deciding on a price. Of course, firms exercise direct control over the execution of the decision and can choose to modify their decisions in complicated ways over time. Taken together, the firm decision is likely to be different than the decisions of investors. In sum, this research offers a promising new direction for research on technological fads. Our results indicate that investors put significant weight on prior market sentiment UN 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 ED 809 6.3. Future research about the value of technology when they make their own decisions about the value of similar technology. We propose that this occurs because the market is a means of aggregating the scarce information available about the potential benefits of new technologies. Thus, we follow Surowiecki in suggesting that people make use of the wisdom of crowds [22]. Moreover, people should make use of such wisdom, as it often leads to better individual decisions. However, it can also lead to pathological outcomes, such as electronic commerce bubbles and busts, for the system as a whole. Thus, further investigations into the behavior of individuals in valuing technological innovations in contexts involving potential information cascades are warranted. F changes. Also, we do not allow for information decay. That is, we only count periods as days that electronic commerce initiatives were announced. Several days may actually elapse between periods, particularly on weekends. It is not clear whether it makes sense to discount the effects of a Friday event on a Monday return more than the effects of a Tuesday event on a Wednesday return. Finally, it is important to note that not all events are created equal. Some electronic commerce announcements may be profound while others may be trivial. We do not classify events into different types. In general, this would tend to increase the error of measure, and thus reduce the power of the tests, so the fact that the tests are significant is even more surprising. However, it is possible that our theory holds for some subsets of electronic commerce initiatives and not others. In particular, it seems reasonable to argue that those for which there is a great deal of information would be less susceptible to the behavior of others, while those that are particularly novel would be more susceptible to the processes we describe. OO 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 E. Walden, G.J. Browne / Electronic Commerce Research and Applications xxx (2006) xxx–xxx PR 10 No. of Pages 11, Model 5+ ARTICLE IN PRESS Please cite this article in press as: E. Walden, G.J. Browne, Rational fads in investor reactions to electronic ..., Electron. Comm. Res. Appl. 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