Senate Meeting: January 18 , 2013

Senate Meeting: January 18th, 2013
Attendees: Cheryl Sannebeck, Lois Montanez, Yvonne Wu Craig, Christie Verarde, JoAnne Cerefice,
Catherine Gentilomo, Rosie Mogle, Michelle Iriarte, Gordon Watt, Catherine Powell, Lisa Carlsen, Debra
Kling, Nathan M. Moore, Betty Castano, Chasity Whiteside, and Katrin Field.
Meeting was opened at 10:37 by Yvonne
Minutes will go out to all. Moved to accept the minutes – Christie, Seconded by Cheryl with 14 aye’s, 0
nay’s, and 0 Abstentions.
PRBC – Jan 25th they have a retreat to talk and they will plan for flex day and strategic plan goals.
President’s Report: Yvonne
10 + 1 will go through the Faculty Senate. (That is 10.1 legislation by the State that governs Community
Colleges. Shared Governance Legislation delineates anything under the prevue of faculty – such as
curriculum. Updating all policies – we won’t have input on items dealing with faculty in 10 + 1 but in all
others we will.
The Luncheon was a great event. It helps moral. We hope it’s an annual or semester event. Hiring our
President from within the college is wonderful so it really felt like a family.
Vice President’s Report: Gordon
Committee’s for the Carlson Award Officers are up for election as well as Classified Senate Senators.
Treasurer’s Report – Rosie
In the co-curricular account we have $3,078.53. The general fund we have $128 in Supply account and
$221.16 in Travel account for a total amount of $349.16. Deductions from payroll to co-curricular
account are $100.00 per month.
Voting is Feb 8 to 18th and on March 8th the count will happen.
Building 1800 – On the 27th they will be ready (which someone noted is good because there are classes
scheduled in there).
The Security Office move is coming along. 205 was painted. Jan 28th the furniture will go in and on the
31st or the 1st the move will happen. Security will be located next to the printshop in Building 200. After
February, send anyone who needs help to the new building. Women’s locker room may move to the
trailer. Men’s locker room 1200 is getting finished though it is a month behind. The Plaza area fences
are down. Marque – In February or March bids will have started. Also Bids for 3400 and 1700 are out.
1300 is having the outside painted. 2600 is back in order. 2700 is next to go offline. 2900 is still under
construction, and 2800 is pretty much down. Other things pressing are Landscaping at the IOB on the
outside by Hesperian. More camaras, talk-a-phones, and a Marque. Lot H – Handicap spaces and a talka-phone added. Staff can park in staff lot used for contractors. A Lot is for staff only, even where not
noted. There is no grace period for students. Signs will say “Parking Enforced Daily”.
A question was asked whether the contractor paid the cost of replacing the oil line in the IOB elevator
repair and the answer came back “We don’t know yet. It is being discussed.”
Maintenance is looking into safety around the IOB and 700 building in front of the buildings and the
walkway between them.
Stacey Moore resigned and she fulfilled over half her term. Michelle Iriarte will replace her in Classified
Senate. She was appointed by Yvonne. Cheryl moved that Michelle be accepted as the new senator
filling the vacated seat. Rosie seconded. Vote taken was 15 yes, 0 no, and no abstentions.
There is a Chancellor Search. Senate has an appointment as Yvonne volunteered. There will be 4
Administrators, 3 Classified personnel, 3 Faculty member (consisting of one from LPC, one from Chabot
and one from the District). Should we have Mark our union rep? or a district employee? Is there a
written policy about appointing committee members? There is no written policy.
They will have a call out until the week Spring Break ends. Then paper screening will begin. After Spring
break there will be interviews, finalists, and a candidate forum. Yvonne will send out information.
There will be a candidate forum here at Chabot and one at LPC. District personnel interested in
attending can come to either the Chabot or LPC forum. Then there will be further interviews and the
Board will make their decision. July 1st the new Chancellor is scheduled to start.
Carlson Award
The Foundation is making progress in starting up again. When it is up they will take over the Carlson
Award funds. Dr. Clyde Allan said that the money Classified paid for the Carlson Award last year will not
be paid back. It was paid out of District Foundation. Yvonne volunteered to pay it back.
Feb. 19th is a 6:00 Board Meeting.
Lisa = Fundraising
Dunk Tank, would Associated Students want to partner with us again? David said maybe we could do it
with them making it a bigger event this year. Nate Moore volunteered to be “dunked” again this year.
Maybe in May, before finals week, would be a good time to do it. Moving it to the courtyard would help
it keep warmer.
A 50/50 raffle in March was proposed. March 17th would be the date and we could call it the “Pot of
Gold”. Also our Valentine’s Baskets are coming along nicely. We will have them available on Flex Day.
Not selling to student’s though as we will have Wine Bottles in them. If someone under 21 wins them
the wine will be replaced with Martinelli’s Sparkling Cider. Donations are now open until the 31st. They
go to Lisa in room 4525 or Yvonne’s office in 727F.
The next meeting of Classified Senate will be Feb. 22nd from 11:00 – 1:00. Note The District office is
moving President’s weekend. They may have telephone issues.
Catherine – PRBC will fine tune April flex day and Feb Flex day. If you want to help plan let Catherine
Powell know.
Nate – Badges go inactive. Remind Faculty to see Security to get them reactivated.
Adjourned at 12:23