Classified Notes: October 19th, 2012 12:10 Welcome Approval of Minutes

Classified Notes: October 19th, 2012 12:10
Approval of Minutes- tabled until they were completed
President’s Report - Yvonne and Gordon
Chancellor’s Council
a. We are working towards the allocation model. A model was created made of concentric rings. These were:
What do we need to meet accreditation standards, students needs, and to stay financial sound? That was in the core ring. Then
what do we need but we could live without, then what would we like but could live without. The rings were then broken into
“boxes” or “pies” and services and support systems were placed inside. Some services fit in several rings or slices. Yvonne said she
will forward us the first draft.
b. Yvonne will send email of issues that need to go to board
c. Free speech and academic freedom, how do you determine what that is. That will also be in Yvonne’s email
d. Delineation of functions map also from chancellor’s council. They want imput on how accurate this document is. If you want
you can give feedback by marking the document and giving it back to Yvonne by campus mail.
e. District governance chart- Should classified senate be on this paper? Should there be a separate document that reflects our
responsibilities and shared governance? It was stated that the Chancellor’s Council box should list the membership instead of the
function. We would like to change that.
Vice President-Nothing to add
Secretary / Treasurer-Secretary apologizes and promises notes next week
Treasurer- see attached
Yvonne and Gordon will start getting paid for miles when traveling to district and such for meetings.
SEIU report-no report
Academic policy council-They are disbanding it, maybe…
Basic skills – memo will be attached
Budget committee – Dale W. gave scenarios before and after the election (Concerning Proposition 30). The impact of the
election on our college budget if I and 30 pass or don’t pass.
College Council- didn’t meet
Facilities – The State said they are not going out for a Statewide Bond.
In re: to building monies: Because of complaints there will be some landscaping along Hesperian from the new lights to the IOB. It
will include new signage that does not constrict/ vision. A question was asked whether or not we could use any leftover buildings
money to get some new furniture in buildings that have not received a facelift.
Health and Safety- Nate. The Take-A-Phone system is getting an upgrade. 5 new slots in Lot G. We are getting new ticket
dispensers and in Lots G and F we are getting an upgrade with new cameras.
The fire drill took 12 minutes over the last one which was 13 minutes. There was a problem with the alarms. As for Earthquake
drills, are we ready? Would you be able to find a space under your desk or in an open area to keep yourself safe. Think ahead and
be prepared.
The Health Faire will have flu shoots free for students and $10 for Classified.
There was a question about temporary campus maps. They are planned but seem to be forever on hold because of the Marquee
issue. We can email Doug with our suggestions, or email Keith (Campus Safety) because students went through bushes during the
Fire Drill. They don’t know where to exit or enter.
The Security Office is moving from their trailer to building 200. They have been in the trailer for 15 years.
There was a discussion about the fact that Admin Assistants were made building monitors during the fire drill. Some admin assts.
don’t want that responsibility and don’t feel trained. They want to know if there will be training and if they can opt out of that
responsibility. It was also noted that there was no Administrator in 400. The problem is Faculty and Administrators schedules
change and Classified Personnel have a more steady schedule. Nate said Training is coming soon. Keith is working on new training
for emergency procedures and should be ready in the upcoming fall. Folks want to know “What is the level of expectation? Is it
appropriate?” New ear pieces should be used and made available to those who would be responsible for making sure a building is
empty. Alarms are very noisy and hearing protection is important. Another concern for raising the responsibility of Admin Assts. In
an emergency is that if students are sent to large area with many people – staff cannot always control that.
Safety issue with windows blocked. Why is it happening or being allowed to happen? We want to get that standardized. One
person hadn’t heard about that and said they would remove the blockage from their window.
Staff development- tabled
Technology Committee - We will be converting our current Chabot website from Cold Fusion to Microsoft. We will not need to
hire a permanent position for this as it will only take 60 hours of work to convert over. After that point, our current staff will be
able to support the website. Disciplines will be encouraged to take on the responsibility to update their discipline sites as needed,
in order to provide more information for students. There will be 12 hours a month support for new website and for fixing things.
Before Abdullah there were “Content Managers” for each department’s web sites. They were responsible for keeping the content
current and making corrections. No main change.
At Spring Flex Day there will be training on Share Point
Draft from Classified Senate outlining tech training needs should go to tech committee and staff development. It is noted that in
the future the word “Staff” will be changed to “Professionals” when referring to classified personnel.
Bookstore Advisory – Hasn’t met.
Veteran’s Day Celebration –
Veteran’s Committee will have a celebration on November 1st and November 18th. Join their celebration and promote the Mary Lou
Cisneros Scholarship. It wasn’t given out last year. No one applied.
Nov. 1st recruiters will come to mix and mingle. Joining with the committee are 17 recruiters from the alameda county community.
Do you have relatives around that are veterans? Let them be part of the celebration. The Veterans Center has a website. It was
suggested that they put a link to the scholarship on their website. When it’s time to apply please remind faculty so they can
announce it in their classes.
Classified flex day:
We have a sketch of the day. Afternoon is our own program. This is the layout so far.
1. An excel trainer, (intermediate or advanced will be discovered from our survey) will be available. We want a count since we are
paying for it.
2. Second class on benefits and open enrollment
3. Another class is on health and safety- or more specifically, employee’s rights around difficult students. Is there a Student code of
conduct? What are their rights? And if something is not right when is it appropriate to call campus safety. Another topic may be
“How to deescalate a situation.”
4. There will be a fun workshop on digital cameras and how to use them.
5. SEIU – leadership skills training, or maybe training on becoming a shop steward (for the union) in the future.
6. 4:00 SEIU is sponsoring an ice cream social – It’s for classified personnel with others invited too like Wyman and others who
helped by leading workshops.
It was proposed that at a later flex day we offer a first aid and CPR training.
Yvonne passed out our retreat report to the board members. Todd from LPC (their classified president) commented positively on it
and wants a copy.
Promise Neighborhood update. Yvonne shared information on the Jackson triangle. Described the grant briefly and said they
would be having an info faire if anybody had information they might want to share at the faire, such as brochures and stuff.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:46
Discussion items