Chabot College Classified Senate M I N U T E S

Classified Senate
Governing Council
Yvonne Wu Craig
Grant Development Office
Gordon Watt
Vice President
Computer Support
Christie Verarde
Social Science
Rosie Mogle
Administrative Services
Gordon Watt
Immediate Past
Computer Support
Susan Sperling
Chabot College President
Catherine Powell
School of the Arts
Rachael Tupper-Eoff
Chabot College Classified Senate
Thursday July 18th, 2013
12:00 PM – 2:00 PM
Board Room
Attendance: Yvonne Wu Craig, Cheryl Sannebeck, Noell Adams, Stacey
Moore, Katrin Field, Catherine Powell, Steve Stevenson, K Metcalf,
Chasity Whiteside, Nathan M. Moore, Catherine Gentilomo, Debra Kling,
Craig Shira, Gordon Watt, Leticia Reyer, Darrell Dolin, Rachael TupperEoff, Christian V., Lisa Ulibarri, Heather Hernandez, Christie Verarde
1. Welcome/Call to Order
12:00 Yvonne
2. Approval of Minutes
May minutes approved
3. President’s Report
4. Vice President’s Report
5. Secretary/Treasurer’s Report
6. SEIU Report
Learning Connection
Catherine Powell
School of the Arts
Cheryl Sannebeck
Social Sciences
Chasity Whiteside
7. Committee Reports (see page 2)
8. Decision/Discussion Items
Science & Mathematics
Steve Stevenson
Visitors: Dale, Gerald and Susan
Tatiana Diaz
Mail Room
A discussion of jobs, budget and future hiring plans on Campus.
Gregory Correa
Maintenance &
Craig Shira
Print Shop
Katrin Field
Student Life Management is upgrading from classified to high level
classified position
Business Office Clerk is replacing a temporary position
Noell Adams
Admissions & Records
Luis Montañez
Campus Safety
Karen Metcalf
The question was asked “If there was more money coming up, how
would it affect job openings?”There was a discussion of why jobs
were let go, and how there are current specific needs in departments
around the campus. The administration is aware of the needs and
present them to the board routinely.
Lisa Carlsen
Learning Skills
Debra Kling
Language Arts
JoAnn Cerefice
Applied Tech & Business
Michelle Iriarte
Nate Moore
Campus Safety
There was also a discussion on “on-call” positions vs. permanent
There was also a discussion about the allocation model and how that
would affect the campus and our ability to hire in the future.
Dr. Sperling provided the current prioritization list for classified
positions with 2 new positions through the Mentor program that will
be available to classified personnel.
Dr. Sperling spoke about the reorganization. Her ideas of what would
happen, how it would be written and how the mapping of workload
would play out. There were 7 recommendations that the
Reorganization Committee Retreat came up with.
The role of the Dean of Social Science and School of the Arts was
discussed. Should the position be split. They will be taking thoughts
on that from faculty and administration as well as classified.
There was a discussion of the Learning Connection and the library
about whether one or both may be moved to Student Services or
remain under the Language Arts Division.
This, and other decisions (like where should the TV Studio go) will
wait until the Faculty returns.
Dr. Sperling discussed the Grant Writer and how that is morphing
into a new position at the administrative level.
Voting for Senate Representatives:
Catherine Gentiluomo
Yvonne Vanni
Michele Iriarte
Motion passed unanimously
Classified Senate Representative on Staff Development is now Catherine
Gentiluomo. Please give her feedback. Allocated funding now available for
classified professionals.
If Yvonne takes new position we will lose her as Classified President.
Dr. Carlson brought proposal to former president who created Carlson
Award. Yvonne spoke to Susan and Lorenzo Legaspi. Because of different
problems with the district on using funds we are voting on establishing our
own fund. We can’t get a good accounting of our funds. District didn’t
agree with the terms so Dr. Carlson will get the 10,000 check back. What
happens to the award? Can we change the terms? Would new foundation
kick in the difference? We should ask Dr. Carlson “will you change the terms
temporarily?” Can we kick in something or just use the funds instead of just
the interest?
Vote: Do we set up a foundation? NO
Chasity, Cheryl, Catherine, and Lisa will be on the committee (Outstanding
Classified Professional) which Gordon will head.
Plaques can be ordered ahead of time at $10 a piece or $150 for a group.
$200 with engraving.
College Day of Convocation is when we will announce the winner.
Announcement will be made by the previous year’s winner – Yvonne.
Classified Senate Retreat Planning is set for Thursday August 8th in the
afternoon. It will start with Lunch and go from 11:30 to 4:00. We will offer
a combination of salads and soups. Senate will pay for the sandwiches and
the side dishes will be potluck.
On Wednesday the 14th in the afternoon there will be an Ice Cream Social in
the Lunch room of 700 between 2: - 3:30. There will be sugar free and dairy
free options.
Nate: Parking Fees may rise from $2 to $3, and to $30 for a full ticket.
Mission College is at $45. We are one of the lowest in the Bay Area and it is
affecting us. We can’t maintain what we have. We lose Holidays, Saturday
nights and Sundays for the Theater, or Soccer tournaments. If we did 24/7 it
would fill our lost position and help keep it. Also $35 is the lowest for
citation rates. It is $65 at other campuses. We lose the first 3 weeks of
school. Faculty and Staff have their own parking. Even though they get free
parking doesn’t mean they should park in student lots.
Y Wu-Craig: We are now reviewing different terms in Chancellors Council.
Students would agree if Faculty guarantee was secured.
Katrin: If we bring up 24/7 and daily – could we save the increase to student
Nate: Trying to change machines to credit card is a $25,000 cost. We should
raise $1 on daily. If you see Faculty parking where they shouldn’t, write a
note on their car and let them know they are taking a student’s spot away.
Administrative Assistants need to get key requests in.
9. For the Good of the Order
10. Adjournment 2:00
Upcoming Meeting Dates:
October 20, November 15, December 13, January 17, February 21, March
21, April 18, May 16, June 19
Meetings are located in the Board Room in Building 200 (except when
Chabot College Classified Senate
Committee Reports: Tabled until next meeting
1. Academic Policy Council - Edna Danaher
2. Basic Skills Committee - Michelle Iriarte
3. College Budget Committee – Rosie Mogle, Heather Hernandez, & Kari McAllister
4. College Council- Yvonne Wu Craig, Cheryl Sannebeck, & Gordon Watt
5. Committee On Online Learning - Karen Metcalf
6. District Budget Study Group – Yvonne Wu Craig & Gordon Watt
7. Facilities – Gordon Watt & Nate Moore
8. Health & Safety- Nate Moore & Christie Verarde
9. Planning, Review & Budget Council - Yvonne Wu Craig
10. Staff Development - Catherine Gentiluomo & Katrin Field
11. Technology Committee – Gordon Watt
12. Bookstore Committee - Chasity Whiteside & Steve Stephenson
13. College Enrollment Management Committee – Chasity Whiteside