Chabot College Program Review Report Check one: _X_ SLO Portion of Upcoming ’16-’17 Program Review (Submitted May 2015 in Preparation for Oct 2015) __ Revision to ’15-’16 Program Review (Originally Submitted Oct 2014) ___ Revision to ’14-’15 Program Review (Originally Submitted Oct 2013) Submitted on : 05/19/2015 Contact: Mon Khat 1 Appendix B2: “Closing the Loop” Course-Level Assessment Reflections. Course Semester assessment data gathered Number of sections offered in the semester Number of sections assessed Percentage of sections assessed Semester held “Closing the Loop” discussion Faculty members involved in “Closing the Loop” discussion CAS 54B - Microsoft Excel II Spring 2015 1 1 100% Spring 2015 Khat, Reinosa Form Instructions: Complete a separate Appendix B2 form for each Course-Level assessment reported in this Program Review. These courses should be listed in Appendix B1: Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Reporting Schedule. Part I: CLO Data Reporting. For each CLO, obtain Class Achievement data in aggregate for all sections assessed in eLumen. Part II: CLO Reflections. Based on student success reported in Part I, reflect on the individual CLO. Part III: Course Reflection. In reviewing all the CLOs and your findings, reflect on the course as a whole. PART I: COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOMES – DATA RESULTS CONSIDER THE COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOMES INDIVIDUALLY (THE NUMBER OF CLOS WILL DIFFER BY COURSE) Defined Target Scores* (CLO Goal) (CLO) 1: ABILITY TO EXPORT DATA TO OTHER APPLICATIONS 75% of class score 70% or higher. Actual Scores** (data from eLumen or your own tracking) 69% of class scored a 70% or higher. (CLO) 2: ABLITY TO USE ADVANCED FUNCTIONS SUCH AS LOOK 75% of class score 70% or higher. 69% of class scored a 70% or higher. 75% of class score 70% or higher. 57% of class scored a 70% or higher. UP, WHAT-IF, AND QUICK ANALYSIS (CLO) 3: ABILITY TO CREATE AND MODIFY PIVOT TABLES (CLO) 4: If more CLOs are listed for the course, add another row to the table. * Defined Target Scores: What scores in eLumen from your students would indicate success for this CLO? (Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4) **Actual scores: What is the actual percent of students that meet defined target based on the eLumen (or your own) data collected in this assessment cycle? 2 PART II: COURSE- LEVEL OUTCOME REFLECTIONS A. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 1: 1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Current scores were 6% below target. 2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? Students with stronger math skills tended to do better due to the mathematical nature of spreadsheets. B. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 2: 1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Current scores were 6% below target. 2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? Students with stronger math skills tended to do better due to the mathematical nature of spreadsheets. 3 C. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 3: 1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Current scores were 18% below target. 2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? Students with stronger math skills tended to do better due to the mathematical nature of spreadsheets. D. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 4: 1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? 2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? E. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 5: ADD IF NEEDED. 4 PART III: COURSE REFLECTIONS AND FUTURE PLANS 1. What changes were made to your course based on the previous assessment cycle, the prior Closing the Loop reflections and other faculty discussions? No changes were made. No previous assessment was completed. This is the first assessment in a 3 year cycle. 2. Based on the current assessment and reflections, what course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed? What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections, discussions, and insights? Course will be reviewed for a combination of actions: - Combining course with CAS 54A Microsoft Excel I - Requiring/Strongly recommending a math prerequisite 3. What is the nature of the planned actions (please check all that apply)? Curricular Pedagogical Resource based Change to CLO or rubric Change to assessment methods Other:_________________________________________________________________ 5 Appendix B2: “Closing the Loop” Course-Level Assessment Reflections. Course Semester assessment data gathered Number of sections offered in the semester Number of sections assessed Percentage of sections assessed Semester held “Closing the Loop” discussion Faculty members involved in “Closing the Loop” discussion CAS 55 – Virtual Office Technology Spring 2014 1 1 100% Spring 2015 Khat, Dermody Form Instructions: Complete a separate Appendix B2 form for each Course-Level assessment reported in this Program Review. These courses should be listed in Appendix B1: Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Reporting Schedule. Part I: CLO Data Reporting. For each CLO, obtain Class Achievement data in aggregate for all sections assessed in eLumen. Part II: CLO Reflections. Based on student success reported in Part I, reflect on the individual CLO. Part III: Course Reflection. In reviewing all the CLOs and your findings, reflect on the course as a whole. PART I: COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOMES – DATA RESULTS CONSIDER THE COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOMES INDIVIDUALLY (THE NUMBER OF CLOS WILL DIFFER BY COURSE) Defined Target Scores* (CLO Goal) (CLO) 1: ABILITY TO GET FREE GOOGLE, WINDOWS LIVE ACCOUNT AND SET UP IGOOGLE AND SKYDRIVE FOR INSTANT 75% of class score 70% or higher. Actual Scores** (data from eLumen or your own tracking) 100% of class scored 70% or more 75% of class score 70% or higher. 100% of class scored 70% or more 75% of class score 70% or higher. 100% of class scored 70% or more ACCESS TO DOCUMENTS (CLO) 2: ABILITY TO INTEGRATE WORD, EXCEL, POWERPOINT AND ACCESS AND UTILIZE THE APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY TO PRESENT A FINAL PROJECT (CLO) 3: ABILITY TO USE THE INTERNET FOR RESEARCH AND COMMUNICATION THROUGH EMAIL-SKYPE OR OTHER ONLINE COLLABORATION SOFTWARE 75% of class score 70% or higher. (CLO) 4: If more CLOs are listed for the course, add another row to the table. * Defined Target Scores: What scores in eLumen from your students would indicate success for this CLO? (Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4) **Actual scores: What is the actual percent of students that meet defined target based on the eLumen (or your own) data collected in this assessment cycle? 6 PART II: COURSE- LEVEL OUTCOME REFLECTIONS C. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 1: 3. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Scores exceeded the target by 25%. 4. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? Students were very familiar with cloud based tools, allowing for faster acclamation to the coursework. Non digital native students struggled but were able to catch up. D. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 2: 3. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Scores exceeded target by 25%. 4. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? Students that were familiar using Microsoft Software Applications excelled faster with the material. English language learner students tended to fall behind due to the language barrier and not the technology issues. 7 C. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 3: 3. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Scores exceeded the target by 25%. 4. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? Students were well versed in the mobile application of the collaborative and communication software via smart phones and tablets. Students however were unfamiliar with desktop and laptop applications which tend to be more involved and have greater number of features and options as opposed to single function apps. D. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 4: 3. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? 4. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? E. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 5: ADD IF NEEDED. 8 PART III: COURSE REFLECTIONS AND FUTURE PLANS 4. What changes were made to your course based on the previous assessment cycle, the prior Closing the Loop reflections and other faculty discussions? No changes were made. No previous assessment was completed. This is the first assessment in a 3 year cycle. 5. Based on the current assessment and reflections, what course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed? What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections, discussions, and insights? Course needs to be reviewed for relevance and potential deletion from curriculum. The course is historically low enrolled, below the 50% mark and is an elective in the majors but not a requirement. 6. What is the nature of the planned actions (please check all that apply)? Curricular Pedagogical Resource based Change to CLO or rubric Change to assessment methods Other:_________________________________________________________________ 9 Appendix B2: “Closing the Loop” Course-Level Assessment Reflections. Course Semester assessment data gathered Number of sections offered in the semester Number of sections assessed Percentage of sections assessed Semester held “Closing the Loop” discussion Faculty members involved in “Closing the Loop” discussion CAS 72C – Comp. Keyboarding III Spring 2015 1 1 100% Spring 2015 Khat, Reinosa Form Instructions: Complete a separate Appendix B2 form for each Course-Level assessment reported in this Program Review. These courses should be listed in Appendix B1: Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Reporting Schedule. Part I: CLO Data Reporting. For each CLO, obtain Class Achievement data in aggregate for all sections assessed in eLumen. Part II: CLO Reflections. Based on student success reported in Part I, reflect on the individual CLO. Part III: Course Reflection. In reviewing all the CLOs and your findings, reflect on the course as a whole. PART I: COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOMES – DATA RESULTS CONSIDER THE COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOMES INDIVIDUALLY (THE NUMBER OF CLOS WILL DIFFER BY COURSE) Defined Target Scores* (CLO Goal) (CLO) 1: ABILITY TO DEMONSTRATE CORRECT POSTURE AND FINGERING TECHNIQUES. 75% of class score 70% or higher. 75% of class score 70% or higher. (CLO) 2: ABILITY TO KEYBOARD NUMBERS AND ALPHA CHARACTERS AT A SPEED OF AT LEAST 30 WORDS PER MINUTE ON A 5-MINUTE TIMING. (CLO) 3: ABILITY TO COMPLETING TWO-MINUTE TIMINGS WITH THREE ERRORS OR LESS (CLO) 4: 75% of class score 70% or higher. 75% of class score 70% or higher. Actual Scores** (data from eLumen or your own tracking) 100% of class scored 70% or higher. 80% of the class scored 70% or higher. 80% of the class scored 70% or higher. If more CLOs are listed for the course, add another row to the table. * Defined Target Scores: What scores in eLumen from your students would indicate success for this CLO? (Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4) **Actual scores: What is the actual percent of students that meet defined target based on the eLumen (or your own) data collected in this assessment cycle? 10 PART II: COURSE- LEVEL OUTCOME REFLECTIONS E. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 1: 5. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Scores exceeded target by 25%. 6. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? Many students had correct posturing techniques due to the 3rd semester of keyboarding. Much of the work was to refine the position with the number keys at the top row to refine finger strokes. F. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 2: 5. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Scores exceeded target by 5%. 6. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? Students who had trouble with this outcome were mainly due to a combination use of a shift or alternate key with the numbered keys at the top row. Many mistakes were due to use the same hand trying to hit two keys at once. 11 C. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 3: 5. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Scores exceeded target by 5%. 6. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? Students who had trouble with this outcome were mainly due to a combination use of a shift or alternate key with the numbered keys at the top row. Many mistakes were due to use the same hand trying to hit two keys at once. D. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 4: 5. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? 6. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? E. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 5: ADD IF NEEDED. 12 PART III: COURSE REFLECTIONS AND FUTURE PLANS 7. What changes were made to your course based on the previous assessment cycle, the prior Closing the Loop reflections and other faculty discussions? No changes were made. No previous assessment was completed. This is the first assessment in a 3 year cycle. 8. Based on the current assessment and reflections, what course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed? What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections, discussions, and insights? Course needs to be reviewed for the following: - Combining with CAS 72A & CAS 72B & CAS 72J to create a 3 unit course. This would give greater continuity and allow the student for a quicker time to degree in the program. 9. What is the nature of the planned actions (please check all that apply)? Curricular Pedagogical Resource based Change to CLO or rubric Change to assessment methods Other:_________________________________________________________________ 13 Appendix B2: “Closing the Loop” Course-Level Assessment Reflections. Course Semester assessment data gathered Number of sections offered in the semester Number of sections assessed Percentage of sections assessed Semester held “Closing the Loop” discussion Faculty members involved in “Closing the Loop” discussion CAS 72P – Intro. To Windows Spring 2015 1 1 100% Spring 2015 Khat, Dermody Form Instructions: Complete a separate Appendix B2 form for each Course-Level assessment reported in this Program Review. These courses should be listed in Appendix B1: Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Reporting Schedule. Part I: CLO Data Reporting. For each CLO, obtain Class Achievement data in aggregate for all sections assessed in eLumen. Part II: CLO Reflections. Based on student success reported in Part I, reflect on the individual CLO. Part III: Course Reflection. In reviewing all the CLOs and your findings, reflect on the course as a whole. PART I: COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOMES – DATA RESULTS CONSIDER THE COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOMES INDIVIDUALLY (THE NUMBER OF CLOS WILL DIFFER BY COURSE) Defined Target Scores* (CLO Goal) (CLO) 1: ABILITY TO START WINDOWS; VIEW THE DESKTOP; APPLY START MENU COMMANDS. 75% of class score 70% or higher. Actual Scores** (data from eLumen or your own tracking) 57% of class scored 70% or higher. (CLO) 2: ABILITY TO USE WINDOWS PROGRAMS (E.G. WORDPAD AND PAINT). 75% of class score 70% or higher. 50% of class scored 70% or higher. (CLO) 3: ABILITY TO VIEW, ORGANIZE, AND MANAGE FILES AND FOLDER. 75% of class score 70% or higher. 57% of class scored 70% or higher. (CLO) 4: 75% of class score 70% or higher. If more CLOs are listed for the course, add another row to the table. * Defined Target Scores: What scores in eLumen from your students would indicate success for this CLO? (Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4) **Actual scores: What is the actual percent of students that meet defined target based on the eLumen (or your own) data collected in this assessment cycle? 14 PART II: COURSE- LEVEL OUTCOME REFLECTIONS G. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 1: 7. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Scores fell 23% below target. 8. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? Students who had difficulty meeting this SLO tended to be English language learners or non-digital natives. They had trouble understanding the terms and reading menus, and were unfamiliar with common icon symbols. H. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 2: 7. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Scores fell 25% below target. 8. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? Students who had difficulty meeting this SLO tended to be English language learners or non-digital natives. They had trouble understanding the terms and reading menus, and were unfamiliar with common icon symbols. 15 C. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 3: 7. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Scores fell 13% below target. 8. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? Students who had difficulty meeting this SLO tended to be English language learners or non-digital natives. They had trouble understanding the terms and reading menus, and were unfamiliar with common icon symbols. D. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 4: 7. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? 8. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? E. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 5: ADD IF NEEDED. 16 PART III: COURSE REFLECTIONS AND FUTURE PLANS 10. What changes were made to your course based on the previous assessment cycle, the prior Closing the Loop reflections and other faculty discussions? No changes were made. No previous assessment was completed. This is the first assessment in a 3 year cycle. 11. Based on the current assessment and reflections, what course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed? What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections, discussions, and insights? The course should be reviewed for deletion as many of the topics are covered in CAS 50. If further offerings of this course continue an additional section for non-digital natives should be added, and perhaps an English pre-requisite. 12. What is the nature of the planned actions (please check all that apply)? Curricular Pedagogical Resource based Change to CLO or rubric Change to assessment methods Other:_________________________________________________________________ 17 Appendix B2: “Closing the Loop” Course-Level Assessment Reflections. Course Semester assessment data gathered Number of sections offered in the semester Number of sections assessed Percentage of sections assessed Semester held “Closing the Loop” discussion Faculty members involved in “Closing the Loop” discussion CAS 72Q – Microsoft Outlook Spring 2015 1 1 100% Spring 2015 Khat, Whitehead Form Instructions: Complete a separate Appendix B2 form for each Course-Level assessment reported in this Program Review. These courses should be listed in Appendix B1: Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Reporting Schedule. Part I: CLO Data Reporting. For each CLO, obtain Class Achievement data in aggregate for all sections assessed in eLumen. Part II: CLO Reflections. Based on student success reported in Part I, reflect on the individual CLO. Part III: Course Reflection. In reviewing all the CLOs and your findings, reflect on the course as a whole. PART I: COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOMES – DATA RESULTS CONSIDER THE COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOMES INDIVIDUALLY (THE NUMBER OF CLOS WILL DIFFER BY COURSE) Defined Target Scores* (CLO Goal) (CLO) 1: ABILITY TO ADDRESS, COMPOSE AND SEND A SIMPLE MESSAGE. 75% of class score 70% or higher. Actual Scores** (data from eLumen or your own tracking) 44% of class scored 70% or higher. (CLO) 2: ABILITY TO SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT AND 75% of class score 70% or higher. 27% of class scored 70% or higher. (CLO) 3: ABILITY TO ADD, EDIT AND SORT CONTACTS. 75% of class score 70% or higher. 27% of class scored 70% or higher. (CLO) 4: 75% of class score 70% or higher. SCHEDULE A MEETING. If more CLOs are listed for the course, add another row to the table. * Defined Target Scores: What scores in eLumen from your students would indicate success for this CLO? (Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4) **Actual scores: What is the actual percent of students that meet defined target based on the eLumen (or your own) data collected in this assessment cycle? 18 PART II: COURSE- LEVEL OUTCOME REFLECTIONS I. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 1: 9. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Scores fell 31% below target. 10. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? Many students have used email before but the majority web based. The concept of an email client with an exchange server was new to them. Acclimating to a Personal Information Manager was foreign with the non-digital natives and English language learners. J. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 2: 9. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Scores fell 45% below target. 10. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? Many students have used email before but the majority web based. The concept of an email client with an exchange server was new to them. Acclimating to a Personal Information Manager was foreign with the non-digital natives and English language learners. 19 C. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 3: 9. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Scores fell 45% below target. 10. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? Many students have used email before but the majority web based. The concept of an email client with an exchange server was new to them. Acclimating to a Personal Information Manager was foreign with the non-digital natives and English language learners. D. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 4: 9. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? 10. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? E. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 5: ADD IF NEEDED. 20 PART III: COURSE REFLECTIONS AND FUTURE PLANS 13. What changes were made to your course based on the previous assessment cycle, the prior Closing the Loop reflections and other faculty discussions? No changes were made. No previous assessment was completed. This is the first assessment in a 3 year cycle. 14. Based on the current assessment and reflections, what course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed? What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections, discussions, and insights? The course will be reviewed for deletion since topics and skillset are covered in other courses. If the course does progress forward an English perquisite may be considered. 15. What is the nature of the planned actions (please check all that apply)? Curricular Pedagogical Resource based Change to CLO or rubric Change to assessment methods Other:_________________________________________________________________ 21 Appendix B2: “Closing the Loop” Course-Level Assessment Reflections. Course Semester assessment data gathered Number of sections offered in the semester Number of sections assessed Percentage of sections assessed Semester held “Closing the Loop” discussion Faculty members involved in “Closing the Loop” discussion CAS 88B – Microsoft Word II Spring 2015 1 1 100% Spring 2015 Khat, O’Toole Form Instructions: Complete a separate Appendix B2 form for each Course-Level assessment reported in this Program Review. These courses should be listed in Appendix B1: Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Reporting Schedule. Part I: CLO Data Reporting. For each CLO, obtain Class Achievement data in aggregate for all sections assessed in eLumen. Part II: CLO Reflections. Based on student success reported in Part I, reflect on the individual CLO. Part III: Course Reflection. In reviewing all the CLOs and your findings, reflect on the course as a whole. PART I: COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOMES – DATA RESULTS CONSIDER THE COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOMES INDIVIDUALLY (THE NUMBER OF CLOS WILL DIFFER BY COURSE) Defined Target Scores* (CLO Goal) (CLO) 1: ABILITY TO INSERT FIELDS, EDIT FIELDS, AND CREATE BOOKMARKS. 75% of class score 70% or higher. 75% of class score 70% or higher. Actual Scores** (data from eLumen or your own tracking) 92% of class scored 70% or higher. 92% of class scored 70% or higher. (CLO) 3: ABILITY TO CREATE MAIL MERGE DOCUMENTS, INCLUDING CATALOG DOCUMENTS, AND MAILING LABELS. 75% of class score 70% or higher. 85% of class scored 70% or higher. (CLO) 4: 75% of class score 70% or higher. (CLO) 2: ABILITY TO CREATE, USE, AND EDIT ELECTRONIC FORMS. If more CLOs are listed for the course, add another row to the table. * Defined Target Scores: What scores in eLumen from your students would indicate success for this CLO? (Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4) **Actual scores: What is the actual percent of students that meet defined target based on the eLumen (or your own) data collected in this assessment cycle? 22 PART II: COURSE- LEVEL OUTCOME REFLECTIONS K. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 1: 11. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Scores exceeded target by 22%. 12. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? Many students were well prepared for this class. The additional instruction of specific features were absorbed well when taught in specific steps with multiple reinforcement. L. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 2: 11. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Scores exceeded target by 22%. 12. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? Many students were well prepared for this class. The additional instruction of specific features were absorbed well when taught in specific steps with multiple reinforcement. 23 C. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 3: 11. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Scores exceeded target by 10%. 12. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? Many students were well prepared for this class. The additional instruction of specific features were absorbed well when taught in specific steps with multiple reinforcement. D. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 4: 11. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? 12. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? E. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 5: ADD IF NEEDED. 24 PART III: COURSE REFLECTIONS AND FUTURE PLANS 16. What changes were made to your course based on the previous assessment cycle, the prior Closing the Loop reflections and other faculty discussions? No changes were made. No previous assessment was completed. This is the first assessment in a 3 year cycle. 17. Based on the current assessment and reflections, what course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed? What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections, discussions, and insights? This course will be reviewed for combining with CAS 88A. The technology has changed and new features and functions make many processes easier with the advent of “Wizards” that walk the user through complicated steps. 18. What is the nature of the planned actions (please check all that apply)? Curricular Pedagogical Resource based Change to CLO or rubric Change to assessment methods Other:_________________________________________________________________ 25 Appendix B2: “Closing the Loop” Course-Level Assessment Reflections. Course Semester assessment data gathered Number of sections offered in the semester Number of sections assessed Percentage of sections assessed Semester held “Closing the Loop” discussion Faculty members involved in “Closing the Loop” discussion CAS 50 – Intro. To Comp. App. Sys. Fall 2014 5 5 100% Spring 2015 Khat, Landeros, Wong, Whitehead Form Instructions: Complete a separate Appendix B2 form for each Course-Level assessment reported in this Program Review. These courses should be listed in Appendix B1: Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Reporting Schedule. Part I: CLO Data Reporting. For each CLO, obtain Class Achievement data in aggregate for all sections assessed in eLumen. Part II: CLO Reflections. Based on student success reported in Part I, reflect on the individual CLO. Part III: Course Reflection. In reviewing all the CLOs and your findings, reflect on the course as a whole. PART I: COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOMES – DATA RESULTS CONSIDER THE COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOMES INDIVIDUALLY (THE NUMBER OF CLOS WILL DIFFER BY COURSE) Defined Target Scores* (CLO Goal) 75% of class score 70% or higher. 75% of class score 70% or higher. Actual Scores** (eLumen data) (CLO) 1: 84.7% of students Ability to identify computer hardware components, and scored 70% or have general knowledge of each components function. higher. (Self Calc.) (CLO) 2: 90.4% of students Ability to understand the difference between operating scored 70% or system software, application software, and know what higher. (Self Calc.) each I used for. (CLO) 3: 75% of class 87.1% of students Identify networks, the internet, and data communication score 70% or scored 70% or over the information highway. higher. higher. (Self Calc.) (CLO) 4: 75% of class 78.6% of students Ability to identify and use application software for score 70% or scored 70% or appropriate task: word processing, spreadsheet, database, higher. higher. (Self Calc.) and presentation. If more CLOs are listed for the course, add another row to the table. * Defined Target Scores: What scores in eLumen from your students would indicate success for this CLO? (Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4) **Actual scores: What is the actual percent of students that meet defined target based on the eLumen data collected in this assessment cycle? 26 PART II: COURSE- LEVEL OUTCOME REFLECTIONS M. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 1: 13. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? The current scores exceed the target for student success in this course. 14. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? Students are keenly aware of general technology and have become comfortable with new material that they are unfamiliar with. N. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 2: 13. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? The current scores exceed the target scores. 14. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? Students are exposed to many different types of software via operating systems and applications. Much of this can be attributed that students are using multiple devices with multiple platforms from Apple iOS based to Android, and Windows to MacOS, with each having a differentiation from each other but similarities in the application programs that they all carry. 27 C. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 3: 13. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Scores exceed target. Students are able to associate networks and the internet with their current interaction with the technology and associate it with current communication trends. 14. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? Students interaction and use of the internet through multiple connection modes aids in their learning and understanding of the technology and concepts. D. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 4: 13. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Scores exceed target, and a majority of students can pick out appropriate software for required task. 14. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? Software as a tool has become very prolific in students’ lives through interaction in school and work that they are not scared of the technology. E. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 5: ADD IF NEEDED. 28 PART III: COURSE REFLECTIONS AND FUTURE PLANS 19. What changes were made to your course based on the previous assessment cycle, the prior Closing the Loop reflections and other faculty discussions? No changes were made. No previous assessment was completed. This is the first assessment in a 3 year cycle. 20. Based on the current assessment and reflections, what course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed? What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections, discussions, and insights? The course material is appropriate for the student level when considering the masses. However younger students who are native English speakers could use a more rigorous training material to adequately engage them. However English langague learners are struggling with the material due to terms, context, and usage. May recommend adding an English pre-requisite. 21. What is the nature of the planned actions (please check all that apply)? Curricular Pedagogical Resource based Change to CLO or rubric Change to assessment methods Other:_________________________________________________________________ 29 Appendix B2: “Closing the Loop” Course-Level Assessment Reflections. Course Semester assessment data gathered Number of sections offered in the semester Number of sections assessed Percentage of sections assessed Semester held “Closing the Loop” discussion Faculty members involved in “Closing the Loop” discussion CAS 54A – Excel I Fall 2014 2 2 100% Spring 2015 Khat, Landeros, Reinosa Form Instructions: Complete a separate Appendix B2 form for each Course-Level assessment reported in this Program Review. These courses should be listed in Appendix B1: Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Reporting Schedule. Part I: CLO Data Reporting. For each CLO, obtain Class Achievement data in aggregate for all sections assessed in eLumen. Part II: CLO Reflections. Based on student success reported in Part I, reflect on the individual CLO. Part III: Course Reflection. In reviewing all the CLOs and your findings, reflect on the course as a whole. PART I: COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOMES – DATA RESULTS Defined Target Actual Scores** Scores* (eLumen data) (CLO Goal) (CLO) 1: 75% of class 79.6% of students Identify parts of a spreadsheet application: worksheet, score 70% or scored 70% or menues, ribbons, tabs higher. higher. (Self Calc.) (CLO) 2: 75% of class 75.9% of students Create workbooks, worksheets, charts, and populate data. score 70% or scored 70% or higher. higher. (Self Calc.) (CLO) 3: 75% of class 79.6% of students Perform calculations: sums, averages, ect.. score 70% or scored 70% or higher. higher. (Self Calc.) (CLO) 4: 75% of class 72.2% of students Perform logic functions: IFF Functions, financial payments, score 70% or scored 70% or ect… higher. higher. (Self Calc.) If more CLOs are listed for the course, add another row to the table. * Defined Target Scores: What scores in eLumen from your students would indicate success for this CLO? (Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4) **Actual scores: What is the actual percent of students that meet defined target based on the eLumen data collected in this assessment cycle? CONSIDER THE COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOMES INDIVIDUALLY (THE NUMBER OF CLOS WILL DIFFER BY COURSE) 30 PART II: COURSE- LEVEL OUTCOME REFLECTIONS O. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 1: 15. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? The current scores are in line with the target outcome levels. 16. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? Students who were new to spreadsheet applications had difficulty associating the terminology with the actual item being described. P. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 2: 15. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? The current scores are in line with the target outcome levels. 16. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? Student who were new to working with numbers in large datasets had trouble performing tasks in the beginning of the course. 31 C. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 3: 15. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? The current scores are in line with the target outcome levels. 16. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? Students who were lacking in their basic math skills had difficulty in this course. D. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 4: 15. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? The current scores are in line with the target outcome levels. 16. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? Students who were not as strong in their critical thinking skills, or English language learners had trouble with this learning module. E. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 5: ADD IF NEEDED. 32 PART III: COURSE REFLECTIONS AND FUTURE PLANS 22. What changes were made to your course based on the previous assessment cycle, the prior Closing the Loop reflections and other faculty discussions? No changes were made. No previous assessment was completed. This is the first assessment in a 3 year cycle. 23. Based on the current assessment and reflections, what course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed? What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections, discussions, and insights? Their is a high demand for this skill set, many students in the course were non-traditional students looking to pick up technological skills to help with their career advancement. This is the 1st in the 2 part series course. The courses should be reviewed for possible combining with the second course to allowing for greater continuity during the time the course is offered. 24. What is the nature of the planned actions (please check all that apply)? Curricular Pedagogical Resource based Change to CLO or rubric Change to assessment methods Other:_____ Review for combining with the 2nd series course. ___________________ 33 Appendix B2: “Closing the Loop” Course-Level Assessment Reflections. Course Semester assessment data gathered Number of sections offered in the semester Number of sections assessed Percentage of sections assessed Semester held “Closing the Loop” discussion Faculty members involved in “Closing the Loop” discussion CAS 58 – Into. To MS Access Fall 2014 2 1 50% Spring 2015 Khat, Phillips Form Instructions: Complete a separate Appendix B2 form for each Course-Level assessment reported in this Program Review. These courses should be listed in Appendix B1: Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Reporting Schedule. Part I: CLO Data Reporting. For each CLO, obtain Class Achievement data in aggregate for all sections assessed in eLumen. Part II: CLO Reflections. Based on student success reported in Part I, reflect on the individual CLO. Part III: Course Reflection. In reviewing all the CLOs and your findings, reflect on the course as a whole. PART I: COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOMES – DATA RESULTS Defined Target Actual Scores** Scores* (eLumen data) (CLO Goal) (CLO) 1: 75% of class 85.7% of students Identify basic components of a database: tables, fields, score 70% or scored 70% or primary keys higher. higher. (Self Calc.) (CLO) 2: 75% of class 92.8% of students Create tables, queries, forms & reports score 70% or scored 70% or higher. higher. (Self Calc.) (CLO) 3: 75% of class 78.5% of students Perform calculations based on imputed data. score 70% or scored 70% or higher. higher. (Self Calc.) (CLO) 4: 75% of class 85.7% of students Manipulate the database to provide meaningful business score 70% or scored 70% or information. higher. higher. (Self Calc.) If more CLOs are listed for the course, add another row to the table. * Defined Target Scores: What scores in eLumen from your students would indicate success for this CLO? (Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4) **Actual scores: What is the actual percent of students that meet defined target based on the eLumen data collected in this assessment cycle? CONSIDER THE COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOMES INDIVIDUALLY (THE NUMBER OF CLOS WILL DIFFER BY COURSE) 34 PART II: COURSE- LEVEL OUTCOME REFLECTIONS Q. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 1: 17. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Scores exceeded target. 18. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? Students noticed similarities with spreadsheet software but were thrown off that the parts of the software did not work the same even though they appeared at the surface level to be. Objects must be explained in greater detail without association to other software so that the concepts can stand on their own. R. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 2: 17. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Scores greatly exceeded target. 18. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? Students grasp the concepts associated with gathering information quickly due to their association of performing searches on the internet. 35 C. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 3: 17. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Scores were in line with target. 18. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? Mathematical knowledge and skills proved to be the challenge here. If students were weak in their math, they were unable to formulate the logical calculations. D. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 4: 17. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Scores exceeded target. 18. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? The toughest part for students to grasp with this outcome was to define the criteria for the search narrowly so that precise data could be gathered. E. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 5: ADD IF NEEDED. 36 PART III: COURSE REFLECTIONS AND FUTURE PLANS 25. What changes were made to your course based on the previous assessment cycle, the prior Closing the Loop reflections and other faculty discussions? No changes were made. No previous assessment was completed. This is the first assessment in a 3 year cycle. 26. Based on the current assessment and reflections, what course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed? What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections, discussions, and insights? The simulations lab software in this course proved very valuable. Databases are new to most students. Association with filing and storage proved helpful for many students who had trouble grasping concepts of data organization. 27. What is the nature of the planned actions (please check all that apply)? Curricular Pedagogical Resource based Change to CLO or rubric Change to assessment methods Other:_________________________________________________________________ 37 Appendix B2: “Closing the Loop” Course-Level Assessment Reflections. Course Semester assessment data gathered Number of sections offered in the semester Number of sections assessed Percentage of sections assessed Semester held “Closing the Loop” discussion Faculty members involved in “Closing the Loop” discussion CAS 72A – Elem. Keyboarding I Fall 2014 2 1 50% Spring 2015 Khat, Cline, Reinosa Form Instructions: Complete a separate Appendix B2 form for each Course-Level assessment reported in this Program Review. These courses should be listed in Appendix B1: Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Reporting Schedule. Part I: CLO Data Reporting. For each CLO, obtain Class Achievement data in aggregate for all sections assessed in eLumen. Part II: CLO Reflections. Based on student success reported in Part I, reflect on the individual CLO. Part III: Course Reflection. In reviewing all the CLOs and your findings, reflect on the course as a whole. PART I: COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOMES – DATA RESULTS Defined Target Actual Scores** Scores* (eLumen data) (CLO Goal) (CLO) 1: 75% of class 100% of students Demonstrate correct fingering techniques when typing score 70% or scored 70% or alphanumeric characters. higher. higher. (Self Calc.) (CLO) 2: 75% of class 100% of students Demonstrate correct posture while keyboarding. score 70% or scored 70% or higher. higher. (Self Calc.) (CLO) 3: 75% of class 100% of students Describe the basic parts and function of the computer score 70% or scored 70% or keyboard. higher. higher. (Self Calc.) (CLO) 4: 75% of class 100% of students Keyboard two-minute timings at a speed of at least 20 score 70% or scored 70% or wpm with fewer than 5 errors. higher. higher. (Self Calc.) If more CLOs are listed for the course, add another row to the table. * Defined Target Scores: What scores in eLumen from your students would indicate success for this CLO? (Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4) **Actual scores: What is the actual percent of students that meet defined target based on the eLumen data collected in this assessment cycle? CONSIDER THE COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOMES INDIVIDUALLY (THE NUMBER OF CLOS WILL DIFFER BY COURSE) 38 PART II: COURSE- LEVEL OUTCOME REFLECTIONS S. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 1: 19. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Scores exceeded target. 20. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? Students were able to grasp the concepts well of placing the correct fingers on the home keys. Few had trouble, mainly returning the fingers to the correct keys after making a stroke off on a separate key line. T. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 2: 19. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Students exceeded target. 20. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? Students who had incorrect posture felt wrist soreness and straining. This was the main reason for fatigue amongst the students. 39 C. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 3: 19. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Scores exceeded target. 20. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? Student were easily able to describe basic keyboard function and alternating and shifting keys. The items that threw students off the most were the F keys which are not typically used outside of special controls. D. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 4: 19. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Students exceeded target. 20. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? Student biggest challenge were keystrokes that involved reaching above to the number line and shift key functions in combinations with other keys. These issues can be solved with time and practice. E. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 5: ADD IF NEEDED. 40 PART III: COURSE REFLECTIONS AND FUTURE PLANS 28. What changes were made to your course based on the previous assessment cycle, the prior Closing the Loop reflections and other faculty discussions? No changes were made. No previous assessment was completed. This is the first assessment in a 3 year cycle. 29. Based on the current assessment and reflections, what course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed? What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections, discussions, and insights? The course should be combine with the other 2 keyboarding and ten-key course. Students can have greater exposure and a more advanced study and practice of keyboarding getting them ready for career workforce placement in a shorter time frame. 30. What is the nature of the planned actions (please check all that apply)? Curricular Pedagogical Resource based Change to CLO or rubric Change to assessment methods Other:___Review this course for deletion, and create new course. ___________ 41 Appendix B2: “Closing the Loop” Course-Level Assessment Reflections. Course Semester assessment data gathered Number of sections offered in the semester Number of sections assessed Percentage of sections assessed Semester held “Closing the Loop” discussion Faculty members involved in “Closing the Loop” discussion CAS 72B – Elem. Keyboarding II Fall 2014 2 1 50% Spring 2015 Khat, Landeros, Wong Form Instructions: Complete a separate Appendix B2 form for each Course-Level assessment reported in this Program Review. These courses should be listed in Appendix B1: Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Reporting Schedule. Part I: CLO Data Reporting. For each CLO, obtain Class Achievement data in aggregate for all sections assessed in eLumen. Part II: CLO Reflections. Based on student success reported in Part I, reflect on the individual CLO. Part III: Course Reflection. In reviewing all the CLOs and your findings, reflect on the course as a whole. PART I: COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOMES – DATA RESULTS Defined Target Actual Scores** Scores* (eLumen data) (CLO Goal) (CLO) 1: 75% of class 58.5% of students Demonstrate correct fingering techniques when typing score 70% or scored 70% or alphanumeric characters. higher. higher. (Self Calc.) (CLO) 2: 75% of class 58.5% of students Demonstrate correct posture while keyboarding. score 70% or scored 70% or higher. higher. (Self Calc.) (CLO) 3: 75% of class 56% of students Describe the basic parts and function of the computer score 70% or scored 70% or keyboard. higher. higher. (Self Calc.) (CLO) 4: 75% of class 56% of students Keyboard two-minute timings at a speed of at least 25 score 70% or scored 70% or wpm with fewer than 5 errors. higher. higher. (Self Calc.) If more CLOs are listed for the course, add another row to the table. * Defined Target Scores: What scores in eLumen from your students would indicate success for this CLO? (Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4) **Actual scores: What is the actual percent of students that meet defined target based on the eLumen data collected in this assessment cycle? CONSIDER THE COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOMES INDIVIDUALLY (THE NUMBER OF CLOS WILL DIFFER BY COURSE) 42 PART II: COURSE- LEVEL OUTCOME REFLECTIONS U. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 1: 21. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Scores exceeded target. 22. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? Students were able to grasp the concepts well of placing the correct fingers on the home keys. Few had trouble, mainly returning the fingers to the correct keys after making a stroke off on a separate key line. V. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 2: 21. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Scores exceeded target. 22. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? Students who had incorrect posture felt wrist soreness and straining. This was the main reason for fatigue amongst the students. 43 C. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 3: 21. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Scores exceeded target. 22. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? Student were easily able to describe basic keyboard function and alternating and shifting keys. The items that threw students off the most were the F keys which are not typically used outside of special controls. D. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 4: 21. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Scores exceeded target. 22. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? Student biggest challenge were keystrokes that involved reaching above to the number line and shift key functions in combinations with other keys. These issues can be solved with time and practice. E. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 5: ADD IF NEEDED. 44 PART III: COURSE REFLECTIONS AND FUTURE PLANS 31. What changes were made to your course based on the previous assessment cycle, the prior Closing the Loop reflections and other faculty discussions? No changes were made. No previous assessment was completed. This is the first assessment in a 3 year cycle. 32. Based on the current assessment and reflections, what course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed? What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections, discussions, and insights? The course should be combine with the other 2 keyboarding and ten-key course. Students can have greater exposure and a more advanced study and practice of keyboarding getting them ready for career workforce placement in a shorter time frame. 33. What is the nature of the planned actions (please check all that apply)? Curricular Pedagogical Resource based Change to CLO or rubric Change to assessment methods Other:______ Review this course for deletion, and create new course. _____________ 45 Appendix B2: “Closing the Loop” Course-Level Assessment Reflections. Course Semester assessment data gathered Number of sections offered in the semester Number of sections assessed Percentage of sections assessed Semester held “Closing the Loop” discussion Faculty members involved in “Closing the Loop” discussion CAS 72D – Intro. To MS Word Fall 2014 2 1 50% Spring 2015 Khat, Reinosa, Whitehead Form Instructions: Complete a separate Appendix B2 form for each Course-Level assessment reported in this Program Review. These courses should be listed in Appendix B1: Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Reporting Schedule. Part I: CLO Data Reporting. For each CLO, obtain Class Achievement data in aggregate for all sections assessed in eLumen. Part II: CLO Reflections. Based on student success reported in Part I, reflect on the individual CLO. Part III: Course Reflection. In reviewing all the CLOs and your findings, reflect on the course as a whole. PART I: COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOMES – DATA RESULTS Defined Target Actual Scores** Scores* (eLumen data) (CLO Goal) (CLO) 1: 75% of class 66.6% of students Identify and use Microsoft Word menus and toolbars. score 70% or scored 70% or higher. higher. (Self Calc.) (CLO) 2: 75% of class 58.3% of students Demonstrate use of Word writing tools. score 70% or scored 70% or higher. higher. (Self Calc.) (CLO) 3: 75% of class 41.6% of students Insert graphics in a document. score 70% or scored 70% or higher. higher. (Self Calc.) (CLO) 4: 75% of class 41.6% of students Edit, Spell check, and format document. score 70% or scored 70% or higher. higher. (Self Calc.) If more CLOs are listed for the course, add another row to the table. * Defined Target Scores: What scores in eLumen from your students would indicate success for this CLO? (Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4) **Actual scores: What is the actual percent of students that meet defined target based on the eLumen data collected in this assessment cycle? CONSIDER THE COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOMES INDIVIDUALLY (THE NUMBER OF CLOS WILL DIFFER BY COURSE) 46 PART II: COURSE- LEVEL OUTCOME REFLECTIONS W. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 1: 23. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Scores did not meet target goals. 24. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? This course is offered as a one unit online course. Word 2013 has added multiple additional menu items that look similar. For example font color pallets are located in multiple places but only affect a particular object, hence has become confusing to students. X. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 2: 23. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Scores did not meet target. 24. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? This course is offered as a one unit online course. Word 2013 has added multiple additional menu items that look similar. For example features such as themes and styles each have elements that are similar to one another but control difference facets of the writing tools inside the program. Students were unable to find formatting features that added communication value to the documents. 47 C. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 3: 23. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Scores did not meet expected targets. 24. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? This course is offered as a one unit online course. Word 2013 has added multiple additional menu items that look similar. Many students were using an older version of word at home, or did not update their file to current editions allowing for graphic insertion and manipulation. Software editions will need to be addressed. D. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 4: 23. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Scores did not meet expected targets. 24. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? The majority of the student that did not pass this section were due to the issues with document formatting. Students had trouble with page layout along with paragraph E. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 5: ADD IF NEEDED. 48 PART III: COURSE REFLECTIONS AND FUTURE PLANS 34. What changes were made to your course based on the previous assessment cycle, the prior Closing the Loop reflections and other faculty discussions? No changes were made. No previous assessment was completed. This is the first assessment in a 3 year cycle. 35. Based on the current assessment and reflections, what course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed? What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections, discussions, and insights? Careful review of the course suggest that there is not enough material covered in the survey course in a relatively short period of time. Additionally other more robust courses that are offered may serve the students better. 36. What is the nature of the planned actions (please check all that apply)? Curricular Pedagogical Resource based Change to CLO or rubric Change to assessment methods Other:___Review for deletion of course. _____________________________________ 49 Appendix B2: “Closing the Loop” Course-Level Assessment Reflections. Course Semester assessment data gathered Number of sections offered in the semester Number of sections assessed Percentage of sections assessed Semester held “Closing the Loop” discussion Faculty members involved in “Closing the Loop” discussion CAS 72E – Intro. To MS Excel Fall 2014 2 2 100% Spring 2015 Khat, Cline, O’Tool Form Instructions: Complete a separate Appendix B2 form for each Course-Level assessment reported in this Program Review. These courses should be listed in Appendix B1: Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Reporting Schedule. Part I: CLO Data Reporting. For each CLO, obtain Class Achievement data in aggregate for all sections assessed in eLumen. Part II: CLO Reflections. Based on student success reported in Part I, reflect on the individual CLO. Part III: Course Reflection. In reviewing all the CLOs and your findings, reflect on the course as a whole. PART I: COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOMES – DATA RESULTS Defined Target Actual Scores** Scores* (eLumen data) (CLO Goal) (CLO) 1: 75% of class 53.8% of students Open, save, print, and close Microsoft Excel files. score 70% or scored 70% or higher. higher. (Self Calc.) (CLO) 2: 75% of class 56% of students Identify and use the Microsoft Excel menus and toolbars. score 70% or scored 70% or higher. higher. (Self Calc.) (CLO) 3: 75% of class 51.2% of students Design a worksheet, enter labels, and values, enter score 70% or scored 70% or formulas, edit cells. higher. higher. (Self Calc.) (CLO) 4: 75% of class 51.2% of students Create column, line, and pie charts. score 70% or scored 70% or higher. higher. (Self Calc.) If more CLOs are listed for the course, add another row to the table. * Defined Target Scores: What scores in eLumen from your students would indicate success for this CLO? (Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4) **Actual scores: What is the actual percent of students that meet defined target based on the eLumen data collected in this assessment cycle? CONSIDER THE COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOMES INDIVIDUALLY (THE NUMBER OF CLOS WILL DIFFER BY COURSE) 50 PART II: COURSE- LEVEL OUTCOME REFLECTIONS Y. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 1: 25. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Scores did not meet target. 26. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? This is a one unit online course. Many students had trouble with the extraction of files and saving the documents in the appropriate location. Z. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 2: 25. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Scores did not meet target. 26. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? Students seem to have trouble identifying menu items. With the update of Microsoft Office Suite 2013 many menu items moved to a icon format which many students were unfamiliar with. 51 C. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 3: 25. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Scores did not meet target. 26. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? Students who were underprepared mathematically had a difficult time formulating calculations on the spreadsheet. Additional math preparedness is required to be successful in the course. D. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 4: 25. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Scores did not meet target. 26. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? Math played a vital role in this SLO as well. Students who were underprepared mathematically could not input calculations that produced the information used to create pie charts and graphs. E. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 5: ADD IF NEEDED. 52 PART III: COURSE REFLECTIONS AND FUTURE PLANS 37. What changes were made to your course based on the previous assessment cycle, the prior Closing the Loop reflections and other faculty discussions? No changes were made. No previous assessment was completed. This is the first assessment in a 3 year cycle. 38. Based on the current assessment and reflections, what course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed? What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections, discussions, and insights? In order to have better success rates in this course students will have to improve their math readiness. Additionally more time may be needed in the course to acclimate to the process of performing calculations on a spreadsheet. Course needs to be reviewed for deletion, alternative 3 unit course is available. 39. What is the nature of the planned actions (please check all that apply)? Curricular Pedagogical Resource based Change to CLO or rubric Change to assessment methods Other: ________Reviewed for deletion _______________________________________ 53 Appendix B2: “Closing the Loop” Course-Level Assessment Reflections. Course Semester assessment data gathered Number of sections offered in the semester Number of sections assessed Percentage of sections assessed Semester held “Closing the Loop” discussion Faculty members involved in “Closing the Loop” discussion CAS 72F – Intro. To MS PowerPoint Fall 2014 1 1 100% Spring 2015 Khat, Whitehead Form Instructions: Complete a separate Appendix B2 form for each Course-Level assessment reported in this Program Review. These courses should be listed in Appendix B1: Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Reporting Schedule. Part I: CLO Data Reporting. For each CLO, obtain Class Achievement data in aggregate for all sections assessed in eLumen. Part II: CLO Reflections. Based on student success reported in Part I, reflect on the individual CLO. Part III: Course Reflection. In reviewing all the CLOs and your findings, reflect on the course as a whole. PART I: COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOMES – DATA RESULTS Defined Target Actual Scores** Scores* (eLumen data) (CLO Goal) (CLO) 1: 75% of class 76% of students Open, save, print, and close Microsoft PowerPoint files. score 70% or scored 70% or higher. higher. (Self Calc.) (CLO) 2: 75% of class 70.5% of students Identify and use the Microsoft PowerPoint menus and score 70% or scored 70% or toolbars. higher. higher. (Self Calc.) (CLO) 3: 75% of class 70.5% of students Design and format PowerPoint presentations. score 70% or scored 70% or higher. higher. (Self Calc.) (CLO) 4: 75% of class 70.5% of students Insert graphics in a presentation. score 70% or scored 70% or higher. higher. (Self Calc.) If more CLOs are listed for the course, add another row to the table. * Defined Target Scores: What scores in eLumen from your students would indicate success for this CLO? (Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4) **Actual scores: What is the actual percent of students that meet defined target based on the eLumen data collected in this assessment cycle? CONSIDER THE COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOMES INDIVIDUALLY (THE NUMBER OF CLOS WILL DIFFER BY COURSE) 54 PART II: COURSE- LEVEL OUTCOME REFLECTIONS AA. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 1: 27. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Scores meet the target. 28. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? Students were familiar with the process due to familiarity and similar features as Microsoft word. BB. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 2: 27. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Scores missed target by 5%. 28. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? Students were familiar with the process due to familiarity and similar features as Microsoft word. 55 C. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 3: 27. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Scores missed target by 5%. 28. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? Students were familiar with Microsoft Paint and MS Word, so the graphic and alphanumeric features were easier to pick up. D. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 4: 27. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Scores missed target by 5%. 28. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? Students were familiar with the process due to the similar controls and functions with Microsoft Word. E. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 5: ADD IF NEEDED. 56 PART III: COURSE REFLECTIONS AND FUTURE PLANS 40. What changes were made to your course based on the previous assessment cycle, the prior Closing the Loop reflections and other faculty discussions? No changes were made. No previous assessment was completed. This is the first assessment in a 3 year cycle. 41. Based on the current assessment and reflections, what course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed? What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections, discussions, and insights? Course will be reviewed for deletion due to similar material is covered in other courses. 42. What is the nature of the planned actions (please check all that apply)? Curricular Pedagogical Resource based Change to CLO or rubric Change to assessment methods Other: _________Reviewed for deletion_____________________________________ 57 Appendix B2: “Closing the Loop” Course-Level Assessment Reflections. Course Semester assessment data gathered Number of sections offered in the semester Number of sections assessed Percentage of sections assessed Semester held “Closing the Loop” discussion Faculty members involved in “Closing the Loop” discussion CAS 72G – Intro To MS. Access Fall 2014 1 1 100% Spring 2015 Khat, Wong Form Instructions: Complete a separate Appendix B2 form for each Course-Level assessment reported in this Program Review. These courses should be listed in Appendix B1: Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Reporting Schedule. Part I: CLO Data Reporting. For each CLO, obtain Class Achievement data in aggregate for all sections assessed in eLumen. Part II: CLO Reflections. Based on student success reported in Part I, reflect on the individual CLO. Part III: Course Reflection. In reviewing all the CLOs and your findings, reflect on the course as a whole. PART I: COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOMES – DATA RESULTS Defined Target Actual Scores** Scores* (eLumen data) (CLO Goal) (CLO) 1: 75% of class 33.3% of students Open, save, print, and close Microsoft Access Files. score 70% or scored 70% or higher. higher. (Self Calc.) (CLO) 2: 75% of class 33.3% of students Identify and use the Microsoft Access views, menus and score 70% or scored 70% or toolbars. higher. higher. (Self Calc.) (CLO) 3: 75% of class 33.3% of students Create queries. score 70% or scored 70% or higher. higher. (Self Calc.) (CLO) 4: 75% of class 33.3% of students Create and print reports. score 70% or scored 70% or higher. higher. (Self Calc.) If more CLOs are listed for the course, add another row to the table. * Defined Target Scores: What scores in eLumen from your students would indicate success for this CLO? (Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4) **Actual scores: What is the actual percent of students that meet defined target based on the eLumen data collected in this assessment cycle? CONSIDER THE COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOMES INDIVIDUALLY (THE NUMBER OF CLOS WILL DIFFER BY COURSE) 58 PART II: COURSE- LEVEL OUTCOME REFLECTIONS CC. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 1: 29. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Scores did not meet the target. 30. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? Students were not familiar with Microsoft’s new backstage presentation of the data, along with the particular methods in saving a live database. The concepts proved to be a litter harder to grasp in a short time frame in a 1 unit course. DD. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 2: 29. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Scores missed the target. 30. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? Changing views of the same material proved to be confusing for students who had to design the database in design view, populate in datasheet view, and perform layout functions is layout view and operate with other objects in a multitude of other views. 59 C. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 3: 29. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Scores missed the target. 30. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? Student’s concept of queries as questions being asked from tables and fields caused confusion because criteria is selected to limit data. Students need a better concept of filters and more time to digest the information. D. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 4: 29. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Scores did not meet target. 30. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? Student had trouble creating reports thus could not print them. Report creation was confusing due to object selection and placement. E. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 5: ADD IF NEEDED. 60 PART III: COURSE REFLECTIONS AND FUTURE PLANS 43. What changes were made to your course based on the previous assessment cycle, the prior Closing the Loop reflections and other faculty discussions? No changes were made. No previous assessment was completed. This is the first assessment in a 3 year cycle. 44. Based on the current assessment and reflections, what course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed? What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections, discussions, and insights? The concepts were in a large amount to great to cover in a 1 unit course that moved quicker. A 3 unit course that goes into more depth with additional time is available. This current course needs to be reviewed for deletion. 45. What is the nature of the planned actions (please check all that apply)? Curricular Pedagogical Resource based Change to CLO or rubric Change to assessment methods Other: ________Course will be evaluated for deletion. _________________________ 61 Appendix B2: “Closing the Loop” Course-Level Assessment Reflections. Course Semester assessment data gathered Number of sections offered in the semester Number of sections assessed Percentage of sections assessed Semester held “Closing the Loop” discussion Faculty members involved in “Closing the Loop” discussion CAS 72J – 10-Key Fall 2014 1 1 100% Spring 2015 Khat, Brichacek Form Instructions: Complete a separate Appendix B2 form for each Course-Level assessment reported in this Program Review. These courses should be listed in Appendix B1: Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Reporting Schedule. Part I: CLO Data Reporting. For each CLO, obtain Class Achievement data in aggregate for all sections assessed in eLumen. Part II: CLO Reflections. Based on student success reported in Part I, reflect on the individual CLO. Part III: Course Reflection. In reviewing all the CLOs and your findings, reflect on the course as a whole. PART I: COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOMES – DATA RESULTS CONSIDER THE COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOMES INDIVIDUALLY (THE NUMBER OF CLOS WILL DIFFER BY COURSE) (CLO) 1: Use correct fingering on the computer numeric keypad. (CLO) 2: Key numeric data using the ten-key pad at a minimum rate of 100 key strokes per minute; (CLO) 3: Key number data using the ten-key pad with 95 percent accuracy. (CLO) 4: Defined Target Scores* (CLO Goal) 75% of class score 70% or higher. 75% of class score 70% or higher. 75% of class score 70% or higher. Actual Scores** (eLumen data) 91.6% of students scored 70% or higher. (Self Calc.) 91.6% of students scored 70% or higher. (Self Calc.) 91.6% of students scored 70% or higher. (Self Calc.) If more CLOs are listed for the course, add another row to the table. * Defined Target Scores: What scores in eLumen from your students would indicate success for this CLO? (Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4) **Actual scores: What is the actual percent of students that meet defined target based on the eLumen data collected in this assessment cycle? 62 PART II: COURSE- LEVEL OUTCOME REFLECTIONS EE. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 1: 31. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Scores greatly exceeded target. 32. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? Students were able to grasp the concept quickly due to familiarity of the numeric keypad from previous use. FF. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 2: 31. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Scores greatly exceeded the target. 32. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? Repeated practice on finger placement and keystrokes allowed for students to be successful in the SLO. 63 C. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 3: 31. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Scores greatly exceeded the target. 32. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? Tiered exercises allowed for increasing accuracy while building speed. D. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 4: 31. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? 32. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? E. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 5: ADD IF NEEDED. 64 PART III: COURSE REFLECTIONS AND FUTURE PLANS 46. What changes were made to your course based on the previous assessment cycle, the prior Closing the Loop reflections and other faculty discussions? No changes were made. No previous assessment was completed. This is the first assessment in a 3 year cycle. 47. Based on the current assessment and reflections, what course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed? What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections, discussions, and insights? Course has a highly successful rate and will be reviewed to be combined with other keyboarding courses to allow for students to cover a greater amount of material in a quicker time frame. 48. What is the nature of the planned actions (please check all that apply)? Curricular Pedagogical Resource based Change to CLO or rubric Change to assessment methods Other:____Review for deletion and combination with other courses. ____________ 65 Appendix B2: “Closing the Loop” Course-Level Assessment Reflections. Course Semester assessment data gathered Number of sections offered in the semester Number of sections assessed Percentage of sections assessed Semester held “Closing the Loop” discussion Faculty members involved in “Closing the Loop” discussion CAS 72K – Bus. English Skills I Fall 2014 1 1 100% Spring 2015 Khat, Brichacek Form Instructions: Complete a separate Appendix B2 form for each Course-Level assessment reported in this Program Review. These courses should be listed in Appendix B1: Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Reporting Schedule. Part I: CLO Data Reporting. For each CLO, obtain Class Achievement data in aggregate for all sections assessed in eLumen. Part II: CLO Reflections. Based on student success reported in Part I, reflect on the individual CLO. Part III: Course Reflection. In reviewing all the CLOs and your findings, reflect on the course as a whole. PART I: COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOMES – DATA RESULTS Defined Target Actual Scores** Scores* (eLumen data) (CLO Goal) (CLO) 1: 75% of class 77.7% of students Identify grammar resources and references. score 70% or scored 70% or higher. higher. (Self Calc.) (CLO) 2: 75% of class 100% of students Identify the parts of speech. score 70% or scored 70% or higher. higher. (Self Calc.) (CLO) 3: 75% of class 100% of students Identify simple, complex, and compound sentences. score 70% or scored 70% or higher. higher. (Self Calc.) (CLO) 4: 75% of class 66.6% of students Describe noun functions, plurals, cases. score 70% or scored 70% or higher. higher. (Self Calc.) If more CLOs are listed for the course, add another row to the table. * Defined Target Scores: What scores in eLumen from your students would indicate success for this CLO? (Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4) **Actual scores: What is the actual percent of students that meet defined target based on the eLumen data collected in this assessment cycle? CONSIDER THE COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOMES INDIVIDUALLY (THE NUMBER OF CLOS WILL DIFFER BY COURSE) 66 PART II: COURSE- LEVEL OUTCOME REFLECTIONS GG. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 1: 33. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Scores meet target. 34. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? English language learner students had difficulty with the grammar. HH. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 2: 33. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Scores greatly exceeded the target. 34. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? Students were able identify parts of speech regularly based on common language and business language being very familiar. 67 C. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 3: 33. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Scores greatly exceeded target. 34. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? Students were able to pick up on the concepts based with additional diagram learning materials. D. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 4: 33. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Scores did not meet target scores. 34. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? Students had difficulty with tenses. Additional material and learning modality needs to be E. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 5: ADD IF NEEDED. 68 PART III: COURSE REFLECTIONS AND FUTURE PLANS 49. What changes were made to your course based on the previous assessment cycle, the prior Closing the Loop reflections and other faculty discussions? No changes were made. No previous assessment was completed. This is the first assessment in a 3 year cycle. 50. Based on the current assessment and reflections, what course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed? What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections, discussions, and insights? Additional language usage on euphemisms is needed to account for business jargon. Course is the 1st in a 2 part series that overlaps with similar courses in other areas. Course will be evaluated for deletion. 51. What is the nature of the planned actions (please check all that apply)? Curricular Pedagogical Resource based Change to CLO or rubric Change to assessment methods Other:_________ Review course for deletion. _______________________________ 69 Appendix B2: “Closing the Loop” Course-Level Assessment Reflections. Course Semester assessment data gathered Number of sections offered in the semester Number of sections assessed Percentage of sections assessed Semester held “Closing the Loop” discussion Faculty members involved in “Closing the Loop” discussion CAS 72L – Bus. English Skills II Fall 2014 1 1 100% Spring 2015 Khat, Brichacek Form Instructions: Complete a separate Appendix B2 form for each Course-Level assessment reported in this Program Review. These courses should be listed in Appendix B1: Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Reporting Schedule. Part I: CLO Data Reporting. For each CLO, obtain Class Achievement data in aggregate for all sections assessed in eLumen. Part II: CLO Reflections. Based on student success reported in Part I, reflect on the individual CLO. Part III: Course Reflection. In reviewing all the CLOs and your findings, reflect on the course as a whole. PART I: COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOMES – DATA RESULTS Defined Target Actual Scores** Scores* (eLumen data) (CLO Goal) (CLO) 1: 75% of class 100% of students Describe verb types and parts. score 70% or scored 70% or higher. higher. (Self Calc.) (CLO) 2: 75% of class 100% of students Describe verb tense, voice, and mood. score 70% or scored 70% or higher. higher. (Self Calc.) (CLO) 3: 75% of class 100% of students Identify and properly use adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, score 70% or scored 70% or and conjunctions. higher. higher. (Self Calc.) (CLO) 4: 75% of class 100% of students Describe punctuation and number use. score 70% or scored 70% or higher. higher. (Self Calc.) If more CLOs are listed for the course, add another row to the table. * Defined Target Scores: What scores in eLumen from your students would indicate success for this CLO? (Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4) **Actual scores: What is the actual percent of students that meet defined target based on the eLumen data collected in this assessment cycle? CONSIDER THE COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOMES INDIVIDUALLY (THE NUMBER OF CLOS WILL DIFFER BY COURSE) 70 PART II: COURSE- LEVEL OUTCOME REFLECTIONS II. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 1: 35. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Scores greatly exceeded target. 36. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? As the second course in a 2 part series students were more adept and ready for the material being taught. Relating parts of speech with context proved valuable in student success. JJ. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 2: 35. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Scores greatly exceeded target. 36. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? As the second course in a 2 part series students were more adept and ready for the material being taught. Relating parts of speech with context proved valuable in student success. 71 C. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 3: 35. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Scores greatly exceeded target. 36. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? As the second course in a 2 part series students were more adept and ready for the material being taught. Relating parts of speech with context proved valuable in student success. D. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 4: 35. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Scores greatly exceeded target. 36. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? As the second course in a 2 part series students were more adept and ready for the material being taught. Relating parts of speech with context proved valuable in student success. E. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 5: ADD IF NEEDED. 72 PART III: COURSE REFLECTIONS AND FUTURE PLANS 52. What changes were made to your course based on the previous assessment cycle, the prior Closing the Loop reflections and other faculty discussions? No changes were made. No previous assessment was completed. This is the first assessment in a 3 year cycle. 53. Based on the current assessment and reflections, what course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed? What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections, discussions, and insights? Additional language usage on euphemisms is needed to account for business jargon. Course is the 2nd in a 2 part series that overlaps with similar courses in other areas. Course will be evaluated for deletion. 54. What is the nature of the planned actions (please check all that apply)? Curricular Pedagogical Resource based Change to CLO or rubric Change to assessment methods Other:____ Review course for deletion. ____________________________________ 73 Appendix B2: “Closing the Loop” Course-Level Assessment Reflections. Course Semester assessment data gathered Number of sections offered in the semester Number of sections assessed Percentage of sections assessed Semester held “Closing the Loop” discussion Faculty members involved in “Closing the Loop” discussion CAS 88A – MS Word I Fall 2014 2 1 50% Spring 2015 Khat, O’Tool Form Instructions: Complete a separate Appendix B2 form for each Course-Level assessment reported in this Program Review. These courses should be listed in Appendix B1: Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Reporting Schedule. Part I: CLO Data Reporting. For each CLO, obtain Class Achievement data in aggregate for all sections assessed in eLumen. Part II: CLO Reflections. Based on student success reported in Part I, reflect on the individual CLO. Part III: Course Reflection. In reviewing all the CLOs and your findings, reflect on the course as a whole. PART I: COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOMES – DATA RESULTS Defined Target Actual Scores** Scores* (eLumen data) (CLO Goal) (CLO) 1: 75% of class 46.6% of students Create, revise, save and print documents. score 70% or scored 70% or higher. higher. (Self Calc.) (CLO) 2: 75% of class 53.3% of students Apply paragraph formatting, margins, and tabs to score 70% or scored 70% or documents. higher. higher. (Self Calc.) (CLO) 3: 75% of class 53.3% of students Create tables and columns and insert columns. score 70% or scored 70% or higher. higher. (Self Calc.) (CLO) 4: 75% of class 33.3% of students Perform a mail merge function. score 70% or scored 70% or higher. higher. (Self Calc.) If more CLOs are listed for the course, add another row to the table. * Defined Target Scores: What scores in eLumen from your students would indicate success for this CLO? (Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4) **Actual scores: What is the actual percent of students that meet defined target based on the eLumen data collected in this assessment cycle? CONSIDER THE COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOMES INDIVIDUALLY (THE NUMBER OF CLOS WILL DIFFER BY COURSE) 74 PART II: COURSE- LEVEL OUTCOME REFLECTIONS KK. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 1: 37. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Scores did not meet target. 38. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? Student had difficulty with operational software function which is the underlying foundation of this skill. Student should be better advised with taking a basic computer course as a prerequisite. LL. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 2: 37. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Scores did not meet target. 38. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? Many students had difficulty associating technological terms and identifying tools due to lack of association with symbols. MS Word 2013 removed the menu and gravitated towards an icon based ribbon. 75 C. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 3: 37. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Scores did not meet target. 38. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? Many students had difficulty associating technological terms and identifying tools due to lack of association with symbols. MS Word 2013 removed the menu and gravitated towards an icon based ribbon. D. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 4: 37. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course level outcome? Scores did not meet target. 38. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have? Students had trouble creating a source file and linking it to Word. Additional lectures on excel and access should be woven into the curriculum to support this function. E. COURSE-LEVEL OUTCOME (CLO) 5: ADD IF NEEDED. 76 PART III: COURSE REFLECTIONS AND FUTURE PLANS 55. What changes were made to your course based on the previous assessment cycle, the prior Closing the Loop reflections and other faculty discussions? No changes were made. No previous assessment was completed. This is the first assessment in a 3 year cycle. 56. Based on the current assessment and reflections, what course-level and programmatic strengths have the assessment reflections revealed? What actions has your discipline determined might be taken as a result of your reflections, discussions, and insights? This is the 1st in the 2 part series course. The courses should be reviewed for possible combining with the second course to allowing for greater continuity during the time the course is offered. 57. What is the nature of the planned actions (please check all that apply)? Curricular Pedagogical Resource based Change to CLO or rubric Change to assessment methods Other:____ Review for combining with second course in the series. _______________ 77 Appendix C: Program Learning Outcomes Considering your feedback, findings, and/or information that has arisen from the course level discussions, please reflect on each of your Program Level Outcomes. Program: CAS Administrative Assistant (AS) PLO #1: Demonstrate knowledge of office application software and be able to apply the appropriate software to solve problems. PLO #2: Students are able to organize, communicate and function in a business and office environment, using appropriate terminology and English skills. PLO #3: Proficiency in Microsoft Office Applications PLO #4: Proficiency in keyboarding skills. What questions or investigations arose as a result of these reflections or discussions? Upon review of the program for the Administrative Assistant degree, a complete assessment of the degree program needs to be done. Courses need to be evaluated and reassessed along with software training packaged being used. Currently Pearson’s MyITLab and Cengage’s SAM software is used throughout the program and student’s deeper cognitive skills in the course work need to be assessed. What program-level strengths have the assessment reflections revealed? Looking at the software packages being used for training in the program, it is clear that for some students it adds to their knowledge, understanding, and proficiency in the field. For others there is a clear assessment that there is no value added, and for some there is a grey area. What actions has your discipline determined might be taken to enhance the learning of students completing your program? A complete reassessment must be done of the program, the courses used to fulfill the program requirements, and the outcomes must be aligned with industry standards, and constantly updated so that there is relevancy in the education for the student. 78 Program: CAS Administrative Assistant Certificate PLO #1: Demonstrate knowledge of office application software and be able to apply the appropriate software applications to solve problems. PLO #2: Students are able to organize, communicate and function in a business and office environment. PLO #3: Proficiency in keyboarding PLO #4: Use appropriate terminology and English skills. What questions or investigations arose as a result of these reflections or discussions? Upon review of the program for the Administrative Assistant degree, a complete assessment of the degree program needs to be done. Courses need to be evaluated and reassessed along with software training packaged being used. Currently Pearson’s MyITLab and Cengage’s SAM software is used throughout the program and student’s deeper cognitive skills in the course work need to be assessed. What program-level strengths have the assessment reflections revealed? Looking at the software packages being used for training in the program, it is clear that for some students it adds to their knowledge, understanding, and proficiency in the field. For others there is a clear assessment that there is no value added, and for some there is a grey area. What actions has your discipline determined might be taken to enhance the learning of students completing your program? A complete reassessment must be done of the program, the courses used to fulfill the program requirements, and the outcomes must be aligned with industry standards, and constantly updated so that there is relevancy in the education for the student. 79 Program: CAS Business Graphics PLO #1: Demonstrate skill and comprehension in respective subject areas as indicated by course outcomes. PLO #2: Demonstrate the ability to think critically and apply knowledge of business graphics skills. PLO #3: Develop knowledge of business graphics and web page design. PLO #4: Develop knowledge of technological changes and select a current solution for a given problem. What questions or investigations arose as a result of these reflections or discussions? Upon review of the program for Business Graphics program, courses required for program completion have not been offered on a regular cycle and certificates have not been awarded. What program-level strengths have the assessment reflections revealed? No assessment can be made at the moment due to lack of data. What actions has your discipline determined might be taken to enhance the learning of students completing your program? A complete reassessment must be done of the program, the courses used to fulfill the program requirements, and the outcomes must be aligned with industry standards, and constantly updated so that there is relevancy in the education for the student. 80 Program: CAS Office Technology Certificate of Achievement PLO #1: Recognize and apply appropriate information and hardware technology to achieve organizational goals. PLO #2: Demonstrate the ability to think critically and analyze problems. PLO #3: Demonstrate the ability to choose appropriate hardware and software and apply information and technology to achieve organizational goals. Demonstrate the ability to keyboard proficiently. PLO #4: Demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively in an office environment. What questions or investigations arose as a result of these reflections or discussions? Upon review of the program for the Administrative Assistant degree, a complete assessment of the degree program needs to be done. Courses need to be evaluated and reassessed along with software training packaged being used. Currently Pearson’s MyITLab and Cengage’s SAM software is used throughout the program and student’s deeper cognitive skills in the course work need to be assessed. What program-level strengths have the assessment reflections revealed? Looking at the software packages being used for training in the program, it is clear that for some students it adds to their knowledge, understanding, and proficiency in the field. For others there is a clear assessment that there is no value added, and for some there is a grey area. What actions has your discipline determined might be taken to enhance the learning of students completing your program? A complete reassessment must be done of the program, the courses used to fulfill the program requirements, and the outcomes must be aligned with industry standards, and constantly updated so that there is relevancy in the education for the student. 81 Program: CAS Office Tech (Proficiency) PLO #1: Recognize and apply appropriate information and hardware technology to achieve organizational goals. PLO #2: Students are able to organize, communicate and function in a business and office environment. Demonstrate the ability to think critically and analyze problems. PLO #3: Proficiency in Microsoft Office Applications. PLO #4: What questions or investigations arose as a result of these reflections or discussions? Upon review of the program for the Administrative Assistant degree, a complete assessment of the degree program needs to be done. Courses need to be evaluated and reassessed along with software training packaged being used. Currently Pearson’s MyITLab and Cengage’s SAM software is used throughout the program and student’s deeper cognitive skills in the course work need to be assessed. What program-level strengths have the assessment reflections revealed? Looking at the software packages being used for training in the program, it is clear that for some students it adds to their knowledge, understanding, and proficiency in the field. For others there is a clear assessment that there is no value added, and for some there is a grey area. What actions has your discipline determined might be taken to enhance the learning of students completing your program? A complete reassessment must be done of the program, the courses used to fulfill the program requirements, and the outcomes must be aligned with industry standards, and constantly updated so that there is relevancy in the education for the student. 82 Program: CAS Software Specialist (AS) PLO #1: Recognize and apply appropriate information and hardware technology to achieve organizational goals. PLO #2: Demonstrate and apply appropriate software applications to achieve organizational goals. PLO #3: Understand basic hardware and software functions of a computer. Develop knowledge of technology applicable to the field, and proficiency in appropriate software. PLO #4: Demonstrate knowledge of technology applicable to the field, and proficiency in appropriate software. What questions or investigations arose as a result of these reflections or discussions? Upon review of the program for the Administrative Assistant degree, a complete assessment of the degree program needs to be done. Courses need to be evaluated and reassessed along with software training packaged being used. Currently Pearson’s MyITLab and Cengage’s SAM software is used throughout the program and student’s deeper cognitive skills in the course work need to be assessed. What program-level strengths have the assessment reflections revealed? Looking at the software packages being used for training in the program, it is clear that for some students it adds to their knowledge, understanding, and proficiency in the field. For others there is a clear assessment that there is no value added, and for some there is a grey area. What actions has your discipline determined might be taken to enhance the learning of students completing your program? A complete reassessment must be done of the program, the courses used to fulfill the program requirements, and the outcomes must be aligned with industry standards, and constantly updated so that there is relevancy in the education for the student. 83 Program: CAS Software Specialist Certificate PLO #1: Recognize and apply appropriate information and hardware technology to achieve organizational goals. PLO #2: Demonstrate and apply appropriate software applications to achieve organizational goals. PLO #3: Understand basic hardware and software functions of a computer. Develop knowledge of technology applicable to the field, and proficiency in appropriate software. PLO #4: Demonstrate knowledge of technology applicable to the field, and proficiency in appropriate software. What questions or investigations arose as a result of these reflections or discussions? Upon review of the program for the Administrative Assistant degree, a complete assessment of the degree program needs to be done. Courses need to be evaluated and reassessed along with software training packaged being used. Currently Pearson’s MyITLab and Cengage’s SAM software is used throughout the program and student’s deeper cognitive skills in the course work need to be assessed. What program-level strengths have the assessment reflections revealed? Looking at the software packages being used for training in the program, it is clear that for some students it adds to their knowledge, understanding, and proficiency in the field. For others there is a clear assessment that there is no value added, and for some there is a grey area. What actions has your discipline determined might be taken to enhance the learning of students completing your program? A complete reassessment must be done of the program, the courses used to fulfill the program requirements, and the outcomes must be aligned with industry standards, and constantly updated so that there is relevancy in the education for the student. 84