Chabot College Student Learning Outcomes and Assessment Committee

Chabot College
Student Learning Outcomes and Assessment Committee
August 31, 2010
10:45 am -12 pm, Room 3521
Applied Tech & Business:
__Catherine Pinkas
___ Steven Small
_X_ Felicia Tripp
Health, PE, & Athletics:
___ Gloria Meads
_X_ Svetlana Korzun
Language Arts:
___Deonne Kunkel
___ Kent Uchiyama
___Arturo Lopez Yanez
Math & Science
_X_ Bruce Mayer
__ Harjot Sawhney
_X_ Robert Yest
School of the Arts:
_X_ Adrian Huang
_X_ Carole Splendore
Social Science:
___Michelle Sherry
Special Services:
__ Ramon Parada
Chair: Carole Splendore
Note Taker: Carole Splendore
The meeting began at 12:10 pm.
Meeting Minutes will be approved through email since that saves our meeting time.
The meeting was concluded at 12:55 pm.
1. Carole asked the new members to submit, by 9.14.10 the following materials for the
SLOAC committee members webpage:
A digital photograph, portrait, head and chest shot
A 1-2 sentence quote about your philosophy regarding teaching or assessment
Examples can be viewed at:
2. Carole Handed out a draft of the SLOAC committee’s agenda for 2010-2011, asking for
help prioritizing and additional suggestions. The goals for the committee this year are:
Research, draft, vet, a “Closing the loop” short narrative document.
Determine if we (and the college) wish to use the two eLumen pages which can document
closing the loop.
Meet with our own discipline units to pilot closing the loop.
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Support disciplines in our divisions to move forward in CLOs, PLOs, and assessment.
Continue to assist in faculty workshops or trainings for eLumen, assessment plans, and
closing the loop.
Begin reviewing documents such as CLOs, rubrics, PLOs, CLO assessment schedules,
assessment plans.
Seek leadership outside the SLOAC, to lead the Qualitative assessment FIG.
CWLG FIGS (which Carolyn has been leading) will continue, this semester for
Communication, the following semester for another.
Host brown bag lunches to support the developing Culture of Learning
3. The group reviewed the 17-page “training packet” that the committee has used to train
adjuncts and new FT faculty on SLOs and assessment. FT faculty this year who have
already done assessment, but are seeking to close the loop, have found this packet helpful
as a review. New additions to it are the articulation of the three different levels of
outcomes at Chabot, examples of analytic rubrics that either measure enhanced skill sets,
or higher levels of cognition, and particularly the pages that can be used in eLumen to
close the loop. Robert had comments on how to improve the convenience of entering
scores in eLumen, which Carole will bring to eLumen founder David Shupe at the
upcoming webinar.
Svetlana asked about the few emails she had seen last year from faculty voicing concerns
over outcomes data in eLumen not being used punitively against faculty. It is the policy
of this administration and the SLOAC committee that results would never be used
punitively. Additionally, the faculty contract specifies what can and can not be used for
faculty evaluation, and assessment data is not on that list.
Felicia was unhappily surprised to hear that in some other colleges and universities across
the country, assessment data has been used punitively.
Carole briefly outlined that the American Government, Business, and the American
people had been frustrated with the levels of undergraduate achievement from the mid
80’s on, and that the regional accreditors were seeking to enforce that the colleges and
universities assist students in their learning and develop measurements for quality. The
hope is that it will be on educators own terms, and that it would not be decided for us, via
large-scale (invalid) testing. It was acknowledged that we doing good work. Bruce
asked how do we avoid becoming forced to teach to and administer and be evaluated on
large-scale mandatory testing like what is happening in K-12. The answer is to beat them
to it, act quickly and teach and assess and improve the learning via outcomes we name on
our own terms.
Bruce asked if any of the writers Carole had been in contact with as she was getting
permission to reprint their materials for the black board discussions, had voiced concerns
regarding faculty being punished. Carole said no. She heard concerns from Peter Ewell
and Trudy Banta that the government would seek conformed benchmarks of achievement
to be applied across institutions, so the American people (as “consumers” of education)
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could determine which colleges rated where. At this point, our goal is to avoid that, and
have disciplines establish their own benchmarks, which we have not yet done. This is
addressed in the new draft CLO assessment plan form that disciplines are piloting this
semester. Everyone now reached for the form on the table!
4. There was no time to look into eLumen, so it was agreed we meet in a computer lab next
meeting to do so.