SLOAC Minutes, September 1, 2009

SLOAC Minutes, September 1, 2009
Attendees: Gloria Meads, Bruce Mayer, Michelle Sherry, Patricia Shannon, Carolyn
Arnold, Adrian Huang, Deonne Kuncle, Carole Splendore
Chair: Carole Splendore
Note taker: Carolyn Arnold
The meeting started with introductions all around and a warm welcome to our new
Coordinator, Carole Splendore.
1. Website
Carole presented the work she had done on the SLOAC website. It is much
improved, and very organized for us and for the Accreditation visit. She asked
everyone on the committee to provide a picture and a quote if they had not
already done so, so the whole committee is represented.
The first thing that faculty see is the List of Course SLOs, which are all the SLOs
in eLumen now. She has asked the Deans at this week’s Division meetings to ask
the faculty to review this list and make sure that the SLOs they submitted to
SLOAC last year are included in that list, and to tell us what has been left out.
This is the simplest way of cleaning up any omissions in the eLumen program
This list does not include rubrics, so this does not solve the problem of rubrics
that were submitted and not recorded in eLumen, or done incorrectly.
However, Curriculum Committee deadlines and expirations of many course
outlines are driving a large amount of new and revised course submittals to
them, particularly from Social Science. Each new and revised course requires an
SLO with a rubric, so all of these can be entered into eLumen, and every year,
more will be cleaned up.
Carolyn pointed out that since most course SLOs are using a 0 to 4 scale rubric,
then it is fine to use “A general rubric” in eLumen as a placeholder, which is what
was done for many SLOs in eLumen. The important thing is that faculty know
what their rubric scales mean to them. Their rubric descriptions do not need to
be entered into eLumen for the faculty to know how to use the scales. Bruce
stated, and Carolyn and everyone agreed that rubric descriptions should be
written for each SLO, so it is just a matter of whether we want/can enter them all
in eLumen.
2. Fall 09 SLOAC meetings
Since one of our meeting dates, Oct 6th, is taken over for Fall Flex Day, it was
decided to use the 5th Tuesday in September, Sept 29, as a substitute for that
meeting. So we will only have one meeting in October: Tuesday, October 20th.
3. Goals and objectives of the SLOAC this year
a. Timeline of SLOAC goals for Chabot – past and future. [part of website
discussion, but it ended up going here I think] Carole is updating our past
and future timeline for the website and for discussion at the next meeting.
Then we can determine how we will get to the 2012 deadline for
assessing course, program, and college-wide SLOs.
b. Program Level outcomes – this is the top priority, because we have not
progressed on this. In order to jumpstart this endeavor, a team from this
committee will attend the WASC Level 1 retreat on Sept 24th and 25th, in
order to get expert advice about starting program level outcomes.
Attending will be Carole, George Railey, the new VP of Academic Services,
and Jan Novak, who is chair of the Business SLO FIG, and who has
expressed interest in writing program level outcomes for Business.
c. Evaluating where we are on the WASC rubric. As part of our timelinesetting goal, we will be reviewing this rubric at the next meeting or so, so
we can make sure we are at the top of this rubric by 2012.
d. Course-Level SLO/Assessment status and Goals handout. Carole passed
out a summary, produced from eLumen data, about the percentage of
courses with SLOs, and the percentage of courses with assessed SLOs.
Gloria and others were very pleased about how many courses had
recorded SLOs by now.
Carolyn pointed out that the count of courses assessed was really the
number of sections assessed, and so far only about one or two sections
per course had been assessed. She asked what our intention was – to
have every section assessed, or just one section from each course, or
what? We started to discuss, and then realized that we needed a longer
time to discuss this thoroughly, and this will be included in upcoming
e. Assignment:
Carole passed out a list of model CCCs with a variety of assessment of SLO
plans and activities. She asked each person to pick a college and report
on whether any of these colleges had any aspects of SLO practices as
recorded on their websites, that we should consider including in our
Chabot plan/website. This is due Tuesday Sept 8th.
The meeting ended at 12:50 pm with lots of nods and smiles and feelings that we
were off to a good start with a great leader!