Chabot College Student Learning Outcomes and Assessment Committee

Chabot College
Student Learning Outcomes and Assessment Committee
May 17, 2011
12 pm -1 pm, Room 3521
Applied Tech & Business:
__Catherine Pinkas
_X_Steven Small
__ Felicia Tripp
Health, PE, & Athletics:
___ Gloria Meads
Language Arts:
___Deonne Kunkel
___ Kent Uchiyama
___Arturo Lopez Yanez
Math & Science
_X__ Bruce Mayer
___ Harjot Sawhney
_X__Robert Yest
School of the Arts:
___ Adrian Huang
_X_ Carole Splendore
_X__ Trish Shannon
Social Science:
___Susan Tong
_X_ Mireille Givanola
Special Services:
__ Ramon Parada
__ George Railey
Institutional Research and Grant:
___ Carolyn Arnold
Jennifer Lange
Chair: Carole Splendore
Note Taker: Carole Splendore
The meeting began at 12:05 pm.
Meeting Minutes will be approved through email since that saves our meeting time.
The meeting was concluded at 12:55 pm.
1. Carole arranged about 10 books on assessment which are housed at the LAC office,
453C, which pertain to assessment. There were no borrowers at this time.
2. Review of 2010-2011 academic year SLOAC committee agenda items:
The group reviewed which of our agenda items were:
In progress:
meet with our own disciplines to pilot closing the loop
closing the loop process/form determined and in use
faculty workshops for eLumen, assessment plans, and closing the loop
seek leadership outside the SLOAC to lead the Qualitative assessment FIG
CWLG FIG for Communication
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host brown bag lunches to support the culture of learning
Not yet began:
support disciplines in our divisions to move forward in CLOs, rubrics, PLOs,
CLO assessment schedules, assessment plans
begin reviewing documents (CLOs, rubrics, PLOs CLO assessment schedules,
assessment plans) for quality and feedback
3. Review of College SLOAC progress graph and agenda setting for next year:
The group looked at the progress graphs for CLOs, PLOs, and ILOs, to determine what
were the areas to focus on next year.
The dip in our % of courses with CLOs could be caused by courses being newly
taught, missing CLOs. Trish took and an action item to go back to the curriculum
committee that the newly approved courses should have the CLOs documented on
the new online clo and rubric form, as opposed to the old word doc form. We
would have knowledge of the outcomes and can have them put in eLumen.
The final two CWLG should have pilots in Fall ’11 and Spring ’12 respectively.
Some ideas were floated for them.
o Civic Responsibility:
Could be led by faculty in Environmental Sciences, History 7 &8, and Poli
Sci. Also Poli Sci and Administration of Justice are collaborating on a
capstone projects for CR. They will invite speakers on CR.
o Development of the Whole Person:
Could be led by faculty in Humanities and Health
A question; who closes the loop in SLO FIGS? The FIG leader.
We need to get folks to use the closing the loop form. Explain why it is
important, how it is different from Program review. A full Flex day on closing
the loop won’t work.
Jennifer: the Staff Development Committee has scheduled two Flex days next
year. After morning workshops, disciplines are invited to use the afternoon
worktime as they wish as dictated by their submitted activity plans.
Bruce: would like to continue the personal approach as opposed to the global
Perhaps 1 CAH or some pay would be available to SLOAC reps to assist other
disciplines within their division to do assessment work. We will continue the
model of meeting people where they are at and assisting them to do what they
want to do. Can’t be just one person now.
Steve: and SLO report card can be generated. By admin support, then given to
SLOAC reps. The SLO report card will go out with the SD Flex activity proposal
form, to remind units needing so to attend to SLOAC work. We will be locating
three groups:
o courses missing assessment
o courses having assessment but missing closing the loop
o folks missing other stuff
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Last time we gave eLumen reports and records of assessment to the Deans, this
worked in some divisions and not in others. This time it will go out to the
SLOAC reps who will then reach out to the disciplines.
The Recommendation One committee will have to be formed and meet to
document SLO progress. Carole explained the binder of our results and gave it to
Mireille says meeting with her own discipline individually and feeding them
Robert says agreeing on a thread through a sequence helped. Math rewrote their
outcomes, developmental classes agreed to all have an outcome on fractions, an
area of difficulty. Upper level courses will share the thread of simplifications.
Faculty are seeing that outcomes can address these relevant and tricky areas.
Who is taking the SERP. We will miss a few from our committee. Carole to send
Trish her understanding of who is on the committee and the previous letter to the
deans for recruitment sent off in Aug. ’10. Trish to redo for August ‘11